This shows that everyone works together as the mainstay of our Kaishan Sect!

But I still have some things, so I can't accompany you.

But with my sect guarding sword formation, you don't have to worry about being bullied.

To tell you the truth, this sword formation can kill the emperors of the Sifang Realm! "

"Long live senior, long live senior!"

All the disciples cheered.

It's a pity that they don't know Lu Chen's name, so they can only be called seniors.

After a while, everyone quieted down. Lu Chen said with a smile: "This sword array has another function, which can be used to comprehend Kaishan swordsmanship. I hope everyone can rely on my sword array and carry forward our Kaishan sect!"

"Long live the senior!"

All the disciples bowed down in unison.

Lu Shan said rightly: "Senior, we don't know your surname Gao."

Lu Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's just a small name, it's not worth mentioning. Goodbye everyone, I hope I come here again in the future, and I can see the prestige of Kaishan Sect."

After all, he walked against the wind.

In the blink of an eye, he left Kaishan Sect, leaving only the disciples feeling lost.

Lu Chen didn't care about everyone's feelings.

He ran from the Northwest Territory to the natural moat of the Northern Territory.

As long as you pass the moat, you can return to the Northern Territory!

Because he is about to return to his hometown, Lu Chen is eager to return home.

However, he did not use the flying boat to speed up, but used the spirit stone to stimulate the cloud riding method.

Just to increase the true qi in your body.

When he won the Black Cloud Mountain Range, he had to break through to the Ninth Layer Peak of the Triangle Realm.

A few days later, he came to Tianzhu.

Because of the experience of the previous few natural moats.

So as soon as he entered the natural moat, he used the six-fit method and ran wildly.

In less than five days, they successfully crossed the moat.


In the last step, he shuttled past.

Officially set foot in the North Territory!


Just stepped into the Northern Territory, Lu Chen suddenly felt his heart beat suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the mental power also began to throb.

In addition, the five emperors' martial arts also began to operate independently.

To be precise, it is actually the Pure Yang Heart Sutra among the five martial arts, which has started to run crazily.

"what happened?"

Lu Chen was amazed.

Quickly followed the induction, urged the cloud riding method, and ran at the fastest speed.

A few days later, he came to a fiery tree land.

Entering Shulu, Chase Lu didn't see any flames at all, but he just felt hot.

If it wasn't for his Pure Yang Heart Sutra, which can refine heat, and possess high-level flames such as the Burning Spiritual Fire.

I'm afraid I can't stay here at all.

too hot.

Hot air evaporates from the ground.


With a move in Lu Chen's heart, he turned on the secret code of opening the mountain and rushed to the ground.

I don't know how long I rushed, and I don't know how deep I went.

Finally, a fiery sword with steaming flames appeared in front of him.

"Emperor Sword Chunyang?"

Lu Chen's heart jumped, and he was dumbfounded in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jian Chunyang was actually in the Northern Territory.

Pity I never knew.

If he had known earlier that he possessed the emperor sword Chunyang, which symbolizes destruction of the fire element, his combat power would be soaring.

Although I have the Emperor Sword Aoki at present.

But Emperor Sword Aoki's attack power is too weak.

Neither does defense.

It can only be used to assist or to heal injuries.

But Emperor Jian Chunyang is different.

It is completely the main killer.

This is really a big profit!

Never thought that Emperor Jian Chunyang was so close to him.

Lu Chen was filled with emotion.

Immediately run the Pure Yang Heart Sutra and start refining the Emperor Sword Pure Yang.

This is a grind.

It's a pity that the emperor sword Chunyang couldn't be brought into the small world before it was refined.

Therefore, it can only spend a lot of time to start refining underground.

And in such a depressing refinement, Lu Chen's cultivation base is also slowly improving.

But he didn't know that one day, a group of people suddenly came outside.

Immediately after, different people rushed over.

Apparently, the strange phenomenon in this piece of tree land has attracted the attention of the powerhouses around the world.

"Brother, it was extremely hot here before, but recently it has become a bit cooler. I am afraid that some treasure has been born."

A middle-aged man with a dignified appearance said.

The person in front whispered: "Although we are close, our strength is too weak. Just hang at the back. Don't be too aggressive."

If Chase Lu came out, he would find out.

The person who spoke was actually his father, Lu Tianming!

And the middle-aged man next to him was his second uncle Lu Tianyang.

Besides Lu Tianyang, third uncle Lu Tianhai was also among them.

Obviously, they all came for the changes in Senlu.

Lu Chen didn't know that the forest land he came from was near their Lu city.

Back then, when he, Lu Tianxing, Liao Zihua, Wang Chi, and Meng Leshan rushed from Jiangfeng City to Lu Yuncheng together.

I saw flames streaking across the sky.

This vision is called a daytime meteor.

In fact, it was Emperor Jian Chunyang falling from the sky.

It's a pity that they didn't understand it at the beginning, and they didn't comprehend the Chunyang Heart Sutra to the present level.

So, I foolishly missed this opportunity.

It's not just that they missed out.

At the beginning, Taoist nun Ruizheng, the ninth-level powerhouse of the Triangle Realm, also saw the vision when she captured Meng Xiaoman.

As a result, they came to this land of forest and found nothing.

It can be seen that not everyone can get the Emperor Sword Chunyang.

It takes opportunity and time.

The fact that Lu Chen can come here at this time means that the time has come and the opportunity has come.

But this is his chance, not someone else's.

Others didn't understand, they only thought that the hot place became cooler, which meant that treasures were born here.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Little did they know that it was not the treasure that was born, but that the treasure was about to be taken away.

It's poor that his father, Lu Tianming, didn't understand, so he rushed over like everyone else.

"You guys, go ahead and open the way."

A strong man in the straight line shouted sharply.

The three brothers Lu Tianming, Lu Tianyang, and Lu Tianhai, as well as the children of the Lu family who followed behind, all changed their colors.

The strongest of them here is Lu Tianming, who is in the original force realm.

But compared with the straight-line environment, it is too far behind.

He is not a genius who can leapfrog challenges. .

Being slapped by someone can slap him to death.

Therefore, Lu Tianming didn't even have the idea of ​​resistance.

I just secretly regretted why I was so greedy.

Although this forest is very close to their Lu City, there is no need for him to come to his death.

And he not only sent himself to die, but also brought his brothers and children.

What a family sinner!

"Why, don't you want to?"

The strong man in the straight line said coldly.

There are several strong men with the same cultivation level beside him, all watching coldly.

It is natural for the inferior people to do things that involve personal danger.

They are straight to the sky, straight to the sky, high above, so naturally they can't go down in person.

After they have checked out the danger, they will go down to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Poorly, including Lu Tianming and others, all warriors with a cultivation level below the original force realm were confiscated as coolies.

"Hey, Yun Yanpei."

Lu Tianming suddenly saw an acquaintance.

It was actually Yun Feiyang's father, Yun Yanpei who had fought with him in Lu Yuncheng for most of his life.

This guy didn't move far away, but was nearby.

As soon as I found out that there was a treasure here, I came here too, looking for opportunities.

Who knew that the unlucky ones, like himself, have become the coolies of others who are strong in the straight line.

"Lu Tianming."

Yun Yanpei yelled, and said sarcastically, "You kicked me out, and I haven't seen how easy your life is."

Lu Tianming shook his head and sighed: "Who says no? We shouldn't come to this muddy water. Our strength is still too weak. By the way, did your son write you a letter?"

Yun Yanpei shook his head: "It's been a long time, it's said that they went to the imperial city."

As he said that, he suddenly smiled sarcastically: "Your Chen Lu is such a genius, have you gone to the Imperial City yet? Let me tell you, the number of places in the Imperial City is limited, not everyone can do it"

"Of course I went."

Lu Tianming interrupted him, proudly said: "And he is now the suzerain of Yanyue Academy."

The sarcasm on Yun Yanpei's face froze instantly.

I wanted to hit Lu Tianming, but I was hit.

How can this Lu Chen be so good? How old is he, how can he be the acting suzerain of Yanyue Academy?

Is the suzerain of Yanyue Academy blind?

Or, did the suzerain look at Lu Chen?

Have a habit of breaking sleeves?

Yun Yanpei thought viciously in his heart, cursing Lu Chen secretly.

It's hard to hide the envy and jealousy.

But he still sneered: "Hmph, it's just the Seven Star Sect, so what if you become the acting suzerain?"

Lu Tianming smiled, not angry at his repeated ridicule.

He wasn't the type to hold grudges.

This Yun Yanpei is not qualified to be revenged by himself.

He has fallen into such a state of desperation, and he is no better than himself than his son.

Why bother with him?

Let him play tricks on his mouth, and he will also have a hair of his own.

Let him go.

But when it comes to their son, both of them are full of emotion.

The world is so big that the sons all went to the imperial city.

I don't know where the imperial city is, I only know that it is far away.

I hope the boys don't have any accidents.

Both of them are fathers, and there is no difference in their care for their son.

So there are many topics.


Suddenly, a whip lashed Yun Yanpei's back fiercely.

The whip shadow took advantage of the situation and slapped Lu Tianming on the back.

Both of them rushed out before being beaten, and spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

The burning pain in the back made the two of them look at each other with incomparable anger.

But I heard a strong man in the straight line say coldly: "It's very fun to chat, let you go in quickly, don't you understand?"

It turned out that while the two were chatting, the other coolies who had been ordered in front walked quickly into the deep land.

Only the Lu family, Yun Yanpei and others were a step behind.

The strong man in the straight line didn't beat the lower level disciples behind him, but took the lead in whipping them.

Obviously know that Lu Tianming and Yun Yanpei are the leaders.

Don't beat them, these guys don't know what their last name is.

"You dare to hit me!"

Yun Yanpei roared angrily, "Do you know who I am?"

"who are you."

The straight-line young man asked curiously.

How dare he yell so loudly in front of him, there must be some reason behind it.

Yun Yanpei shouted: "My son is Yun Feiyang, a disciple of the Ten Star Sect's Cold Moon Palace. If you dare to touch me, my son will kill you!"

"A cold moon palace disciple?"

The straight-line young man was taken aback.

With a whip in his hand, he actually hit the father of the cold moon palace disciple.

This is really scary.

But Cold Moon Palace is so far away, how could Cold Moon Palace come here to accept disciples.

Total nonsense!

Thinking of this, the young man was furious, feeling that his IQ had been insulted, and scolded: "How dare you lie to me!

The Cold Moon Palace is thousands of miles away, will you come here to accept disciples?

And how honorable is the Ten Star Sect to accept you as a trash son from the Origin Realm?

Mouth full of nonsense, looking for a fight! "

clap clap.

Several whip shadows slammed on Yun Yanpei's back.

Because Lu Tianming was by his side, he was unfortunately hit by Whip Shadow's Yu Jin.

He helplessly yelled: "Stop beating, my son is Lu Chen, the acting suzerain of Yanyue Academy of the Seven Star Sect. You can beat him if you want, but don't beat me."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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