Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2169 The plot is not small

Of course people are not happy.

In this case, we can only draw it slowly.

Continue to receive them in the Santo's Mansion until they are satisfied.

Then take the opportunity to talk to this Xiaochen follower alone, and earnestly ask him.

Even if you have to pay something, it's okay.

Because Shi Yiyi felt that the people in the examination hall had become more and more presumptuous.

If he continued to suffer, he would probably be taken away by the unscrupulous them in the end.

So, instead of being insulted passively.

It is better to take the initiative and seek an opportunity.

Right now, Xiaochen's follower is her chance to conquer the fortress.

Don't let him slip away!

"Young Master Chen, let me take you to meet the disciples of the Wuji Sect."

Shi Yiyi no longer continued the topic just now, but smiled lightly at Lu Chen and said.

She knew that she was a little anxious before, which was disgusting.

So began to prepare to build a good impression.

Sure enough, Chase Lu calmed down immediately.

Although he could see what Shi Yiyi meant, he still felt a little harsh on the girl.

After all, everyone wants to go to Zhongzhou.

It's normal for a girl to see this opportunity and want to grab it.

It is absolutely impossible to just want to stay in the southern region.

Sacrifice yourself to help others.

Lu Chen is not so noble yet.

Unless the other party is Jiang Xinyue, or her parents or relatives.

Otherwise, don't try to make yourself a saint.

"Thank you Princess Yiyi."

Lu Chen cupped his hands.

When he couldn't fulfill his wish, Yiyi went to Zhongzhou, so he could only give her some pills as compensation.

After all, Shi Yiyi helped herself a lot by bringing her to meet the disciples of the Wuji Sect.

The elixir is compensation and a thank you to her.

Shi Yiyi smiled sweetly: "Young Master Chen is being polite, it is also my blessing to be able to help Young Master Chen."

Bei Xiyuan asked suspiciously: "What are you talking about? Why do you want to meet the disciples of the Promise Sect?"

Shi Yiyi looked at Lu Chen without saying a word.

She was also very curious, wondering what this Xiaochen follower was doing when he saw the disciple of the Wuji Sect.

Before, he thought it was Bai Xiyuan who wanted to see him, but the attendant was just asking.

But he didn't expect that the follower wanted to see him.

From this point of view, this follower does not seem to be simple.

The pride and willfulness shown just now also made people feel that he was not like a follower.

It felt like he wasn't very respectful of Basil.

Absolutely no sense of inferiority.

Just stood there quietly.

Without talking, you think he is a follower.

As soon as he spoke, he revealed his secrets.

That kind of temperament is different.

So who is he?

If it's some kind of hidden sect young master, then pursuing him by yourself is an excellent choice!

Shi Yiyi's heart kept moving.

What the heart thinks, so brooding, unable to calm down.

Seeing Bei Xiyuan's eyes full of doubt and surprise, Lu Chen knew what Bei Xiyuan was thinking.

Bei Xiyuan is the young master of the Bingxin Sect.

Ice Heart Sect is one of the Five Emperor Sects, he must know about it.

The Five Emperors Sect includes the Wuji Sect, so he must also know about it.

So he must be very strange why he was looking for a disciple of the Wuji Sect.

Lu Chen didn't bother to think about any lies.

First of all, the lies that I have spent so much time thinking about will be easily exposed.

Secondly, I am not afraid of Bai Xiyuan.

Let him know, let him know, what can he do with himself?

So, he said lightly: "I am very interested in the Wuji Sacred Law of the Wuji Sect, so I want to ask to see if I can learn it."

"The Holy Law of Promise!"

Bai Xiyuan's expression was serious.

The basic exercises of the Wuji Sect are of the same level as their Ice Heart Sect's Bing Xin Jue.

This kind of exercise, people will give you casually?

Even if the Wuji Sect is in decline now, it has not entered Zhongzhou to develop.

But it is also impossible for you to ask casually, and just give it to you.

"Are you kidding?"

Bei Xiyuan said speechlessly: "If you ask someone, they will give it to you. Who do you think you are?"

Lu Chen said with a smile: "If you give it to me, how will you know if you don't try it."

Bei Xiyuan laughed: "If it is really given to you, you will also show me the holy law of Wuji."

"then you"

Lu Chen originally wanted to say, if you want to see the holy law of Wuji, then what good will you do me.

But now in front of Shi Yiyi, he is still playing the role of Bai Xiyuan's follower.

If you speak so arrogantly, I'm afraid it will make Shi Yiyi suspicious.

In fact, he knows that he already has many flaws, but he still doesn't volunteer to add another flaw.

Even if everyone knows some things, don't say them out loud.

So he smiled and said, "Yes."

As for the benefits, he didn't intend to take them either, he just wanted to make a joke.

Bei Xiyuan brought himself here, it was a favor.

And there are so many good things about me, why do you still care about the benefits he gives?

Shi Yiyi watched the conversation between the two with a smile, and became more and more sure of her guess.

So when she led the way, consciously or unconsciously, she let Bei Xiyuan walk in the front.

He secretly walked half a step behind, on the same level as Lu Chen.

"Young Master Chen, you have a very special temperament, are you also a swordsman?"

Shi Yiyi opened the topic to chat.

Lu Chen was surprised.

She even hid the swordsman's sharp temperament on her body, how could Shi Yiyi see it.

It seems that when Shi Yiyi refused before, she unconsciously showed her flaws.

Lu Chen thought to himself.

Now that he was seen through, he had nothing to hide.

So he smiled and said, "Yes, I also practice swords.

At the beginning, because I had a good understanding of kendo, I danced swords all day long.

My neighbor's little girl likes me.

We were childhood sweethearts, and then I married her back home. "

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Shi Yiyi was taken aback when she heard that, she almost wanted to vomit blood.

She felt that Xiaochen's follower was completely intentional.

What a little girl from the neighbor's house, a childhood sweetheart.

It was to reject myself, to block my own mouth, so I probably said that.

There are so many childhood sweethearts.

Why didn't I, Shi Yiyi, meet my childhood sweetheart who can dance swords?

Although she cursed Lu Chen secretly a hundred times in her heart, she still said politely: "It turns out that Mr. Chen already has a wife."

Bei Xiyuan also looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

This kid looks younger than himself, is he married?


This kid is a clever ghost, full of cannonballs, who knows what he is talking about.

Can't listen to him.

Huh, not right.

This kid just said that he also practices swords?

A sword practicer ran to our Bingxin Sect and inserted his younger sister, Shi Yu'er, into it.

Now he has traveled thousands of miles and deliberately ran to the southern region.

I lied to myself before, saying that I wanted to see the scenery of the southern region.

After the result came, he didn't show any interest in the scenery of the southern region at all.

I didn't see this kid interested in the beauties and singing and dancing in the Southern Region.

Even for Princess Yiyi, who is so stunning, he kept making side remarks all the time to prevent others from showing favor to him.

This is also called wanting to see the scenery of the southern region?

So, this kid came all the way for the sake of the Wuji Sacred Law of the Wuji Sect!

Suddenly, I felt that this kid had a lot of schemes.

Motivation is not simple!

Bei Xiyuan was secretly interested, planning to find an opportunity to learn Lu Chen's sword skills.

Although he did not practice the sword techniques of several other sects.

But the five emperors' swordsmanship, they Bing Xinzong have some simple introductions.

If this kid is using one of the sword techniques, it is enough to prove that this kid's purpose is to use the various sword techniques of the Five Emperors Sect!

Good boy, you almost fooled me, Bessie.

Bei Xiyuan was secretly proud.

Forgive how smart Shi Chen'er is, I still saw through your secret.

Lu Chen didn't know Bei Xiyuan's pride.

His gaze had already set on a middle-aged man over there.

"This is the disciple of the Promise Sect, Song Zhi."

Seeing that Lu Chen had noticed this person, Shi Yiyi introduced him.

Then he said to the other side: "Uncle Song Zhi, a disciple of Bing Xinzong is looking for you."

"Princess Yiyi."

Song Zhi immediately bowed his hands respectfully.

Then his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Lu Chen and Bei Xiyuan: "A disciple of Ice Heart Sect?"

As the elder of the Wuji Sect who was able to walk all the way to the imperial city and served as the guard of the city lord's mansion.

Song Zhi also knew something about the Five Emperors School.

So when he heard about Bing Xinzong, he couldn't help becoming vigilant.

Bei Xiyuan looked at it with his arms folded, waiting for Chase Lu's answer.

Lu Chen got straight to the point: "I want to see your Wuji Sect's Wuji Sacred Law."


The three of them were all stunned.

You were so straightforward the moment you opened your mouth, without any foreshadowing.

what the hell.

Just like this, I also want to get the holy law of Wuji from others, it's just a dream.

Bei Xiyuan felt that Shi Chen'er was so clever, how could he not be so clever all of a sudden.

On the contrary, it was terribly stupid.

Shi Yiyi also didn't understand.

Is this the attitude of asking people to discuss the exercises?

Song Zhi laughed outright, and said sarcastically, "I want to see your kung fu, can you let me see it?"

Lu Chen didn't answer his question, but said: "I have something, if you want to see it in front of everyone, you should go aside and see it yourself."

Song Zhi frowned.

He feels that this thing should not be simple, but it is worth a lot.

Otherwise, this kid wouldn't be so confident.

"Let's go aside and talk."

Song Zhi said, and then bowed his hands to Shi Yiyi and Bei Xiyuan, meaning to forgive.

Shi Yiyi and Bei Xiyuan didn't have too many emotions, but were a little curious.

I don't know if what Lu Chen took out can be exchanged for Song Zhi's Wuji holy law.

Lu Chen and Song Zhi walked aside, took out a small porcelain bottle, and said, "Look, if you want, you can exchange it with Wuji Sacred Law."

Song Zhi took the small porcelain bottle suspiciously.

Then he opened it and smelled it, his expression suddenly changed.

His hands trembled faintly, and his mental power was immediately swept into the small porcelain bottle.


He immediately closed the small porcelain bottle, with disbelief in his eyes: "Are you really willing to exchange this for Wuji Sacred Law?"


Lu Chen nodded.

For Song Zhi's reaction, he had expected it, not surprised.

That was a whole bottle of fifteen premium square pills.

To him, this thing is worthless, but to others, it is all resources for cultivation.

An ordinary Sifang Pill can give the Triangle Realm Ninth Layer peak powerhouse in the outer domain a chance to step into the Sifang Realm.

And now there are fifteen special grades.

Even though Song Zhi had broken through to Sifang Realm, he had no resistance to Sifang Pill.

Because he still wants to use this elixir to break through the second level of the Sifang Realm, or even break through the third level.

You must know that in Outland, whether it is in the Northern Territory or the Southern Territory, Sifang Dan is a rare treasure.

Using their Wuji Sect's basic skills, the Wuji Sacred Method, can be exchanged for fifteen special-grade Sifang Pills.

This business is so worth it!

Because of the surprise, Song Zhi felt like he was dreaming.

He couldn't help but be sure again, and said: "Are you really willing to exchange it for Wuji Sacred Law?

I want to tell you that the holy law of Wuji is just an ordinary basic exercise of our Wuji sect.

I am not practicing the Promise Sacred Method now, but other higher-level exercises.

If you change like this, I'm afraid it will be "

"Uncle Song is an honest person. It's better to be able to exchange the holy law of Wuji from Uncle Song than others."

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

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