Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2170 Persecution

Song Zhi was very excited: "Thank you, thank you."

As he said that, he took out a jade slip and said: "After the little brother finishes studying, destroy the jade slip.

Logically speaking, the basic skills of our Wuji Sect cannot be passed on to others.

But with such a elixir, who can resist it.

I just hope that the little brother will not spread the holy law of Wuji to the outside world. "


Lu Chen cupped his hands and solemnly promised.

At the same time as he took the jade slip, he memorized the holy law of Wuji with a sweep of his mental power.

But he didn't destroy the jade slips, but put them away.

Because he promised Bei Xiyuan that he would also show him the Holy Law of Wuji.

After Bei Xiyuan memorized it, he destroyed the jade slip.

Anyway, the holy law of Wuji in the jade slips is not the complete holy law of Wuji.

At least, not the top-notch Sacred Law of Promise.

Only after you have perfected it with the little jade figure, that is the real Wuji holy law!

"Little brother, as long as I, Song Zhi, can help me in the future, it is absolutely incumbent on me!"

Song Zhi solemnly cupped his hands, and then said: "I'll go to retreat for a while to see if I can break through the realm."

"Well, remember to hide your cultivation after breaking through."

Lu Chen kindly reminded me.

Song Zhi nodded: "Understood!"

Although he is the captain of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, he is a peak powerhouse in the first level of the Sifang Realm.

However, if he broke through to the second level of the Sifang Realm for no reason.

That is definitely a big deal.

So it has to be low key.

This time I went to retreat to take Sifang Dan, and I had to leave the imperial city and go to another place, pretending to get it from an adventure.

"Princess Yiyi, I will take my leave first."

Song Zhi went to Shi Yiyi's side, bowed his hands respectfully, and then left.

He also didn't say whether to change the Promise Sacred Law.

After he left, Lu Chen also came over and said, "Let's go."

Bei Xiyuan asked suspiciously: "Have you got the Promise Sacred Law?"

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's not that easy, I underestimated that person. Who knows that he is round, so I can't say anything."

"I'll just say it!"

Bei Xiyuan laughed loudly: "What good things can you come up with, how can you exchange them for the Promise Sacred Law so easily.

That is the basic technique of the Wuji Sect, and it cannot be passed on to others.

If it is given to you casually, what is the principle of that person? "

"You're right, the lesson is, I remember it."

Lu Chen was obedient.

Bei Xiyuan frowned, and said, "You must be called Master Bei!"

"Yes, Master Bei."

Lu Chen said respectfully.

"I'm disturbing the two sons."

The man cupped his hands.

It turned out to be a guard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Two sons, wait a moment."

Shi Yiyi bowed her body, then quickly walked aside with the guards, and said, "What's wrong?"

The guard said: "Those people are here again. Among them are Zang Jiuming and Xu Yifeng.

The meaning of the city lord is to let you take these two young masters and go out to avoid them.

These two sons are newcomers, and they are not the ones in the examination hall.

He probably hasn't learned how presumptuous those people are.

You just need to tell them to go out to see the night view of the imperial city, and they probably won't refuse. "

Shi Yiyi's face turned pale.

Zang Jiuming and Xu Yifeng are shameless people who have only appeared in the examination hall in the past few months.

It seems to be the grandson of two elders in the examination hall.

Be shameless and act recklessly.

It was these two people who were aggressive again and again, testing the endurance of themselves and their father.

But it happened to be tested by them.

That is my father and myself, we can only accept it, and never resisted.

Also powerless to resist.

In other words, it was these two people who pushed themselves to the point where they rushed to the doctor.

If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have seen Bai Xiyuan, so I leaned forward and asked him to take me away.

Not to mention that after being rejected by Xiaochen's followers several times, he would still put on a shy face over and over again.

I am not a shameless woman.

It's just that I was forced to put down my face.

Unexpectedly, before they could reach an agreement with Bei Xiyuan and Xiaochen's entourage, Zang Jiuming and Xu Yifeng came again.

Damn, damn it!

How long are they going to bully themselves?

Do you really want Shi Yiyi to die?

"Princess Yiyi, go and convince those two young masters, and then go from the other side, don't run into Zang Jiuming and them."

The guard urged nervously.

Shi Yiyi came back to her senses, nodded, and said, "I see."

After all, he walked to Lu Chen and Bai Xiyuan.

Although she tried her best to restore her smiling face, the grievance in her heart made her smile a little awkwardly.

"Master Bei, Master Chen, you just came to the imperial city, you haven't seen the night in our imperial city yet, let me, Shi Yiyi, take you out for a walk."

Shi Yiyi slowly recovered her smile.

But Rao, who is as simple as Bei Xiyuan, could see that something was wrong with her, and asked with concern: "Is there any trouble, do you want us to help?

I, Bessie, like helping people solve problems the most.

If you don’t believe me, if you ask him, he became my follower just because he was grateful for my help. "


Lu Chen didn't want to speak, so he nodded.

He actually doesn't care about the night view of the imperial city now, nor does he want to watch beautiful girls singing and dancing.

He just wanted to quickly find a place to retreat, and then start to comprehend the holy law of Wuji.

When Shi Yiyi heard Bei Xiyuan's words, she couldn't help but feel a little moved, and her nose felt a little sore.

Although the other party may be pretending.

But for so many years, there has never been any outsider who is willing to tell himself that he wants to help him.

Even if you lie to yourself, no one will lie to you.

Right now, there is such a person who cares about her softly, making her want to cry from the bottom of her heart.

Holding back her tears secretly, Shi Yiyi smiled again: "Master Bei, Master Chen, are you going outside to see the night scene?"

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Seeing Shi Yiyi's expression, Bei Xiyuan wanted to ask her what happened.

Lu Chen immediately said: "Well, we want to see the night scene."

"thank you all."

Shi Yiyi owed her body gratefully.

Then he took the two of them to the side door of the City Lord's Mansion.

On the way, Bei Xiyuan still asked curiously: "What's the matter? Is this the way we came here?"

Lu Chen said: "Let's go to see the night scene, and then find a place to practice.

You see how worried your mother has been because you have not been able to break through the Sifang Realm.

I have some elixirs here, which may allow you to break through the Sifang Realm. "

In order to stop Bei Xiyuan's mouth and seduce him to retreat together, Lu Chen tried his best.

Bei Xiyuan said disdainfully: "What can you have that can allow me to break through the Sifang Realm?"

Shi Yiyi's eyes lit up, and she said: "Master Chen, can you really make people break through the Sifang Realm? I am willing to retreat and practice together with you."


When Lu Chen was planning to leave, he gave Shi Yiyi some Sifang Pills as a reward for helping her find a disciple of the Wuji Sect.

Right now she wants to retreat together, so when she is in retreat, she will be given the Sifang Pill to let her break through the Sifang Realm.

"Thank you, Mr. Dust!"

Shi Yiyi was extremely surprised.

For some reason, she felt that what Mr. Chen said was not a lie.

A person who tells lies must deliberately exaggerate.

But Mr. Chen is so calm and possesses incomparable self-confidence.

Just like he said before that he would exchange for Wuji Sacred Law from Song Zhi, it was such confidence.

It is certain that Young Master Chen has the holy law of Wuji in his hands.

So I believe he is right.

This son of dust is far more mysterious and powerful than Bei Xiyuan, the young lord of the Bing Xin Sect.

However, it didn't take long for Yiyi to be happy.

Her face suddenly changed, and she was extremely pale.

"what happened?"

When Bei Xiyuan noticed, Yiyi stopped walking, and made a sound in doubt.


In front, there was a loud laugh: "I heard that the young master of the Bingxin Sect came to the Southern Region today, and he probably came here for our Princess Yiyi.

Sure enough, I guessed it right.

Princess Yiyi, are you going to leave us today to accompany the young master of Bingxin Sect alone?

That was so sad.

Ever since I watched Princess Yiyi's Shenyin Xianwu, I don't know the taste of meat in March, and I dream of Princess Yiyi every night.

It's hard to find time to come here today, Princess Yiyi can't treat one more than another.

That's right, the master of Bingxinzong Beixiyuan.

Good stuff, let's appreciate it together. "

The person who came was a man with peach blossom eyes, quite handsome.

Wearing white clothes, holding a white fan, there are landscape paintings of mountains and rivers in the letter.

Dressed in an elegant Confucian style.

In contrast, Bei Xiyuan's appearance of rough hair and big bones, holding a fan, seemed so out of place.

Shi Yiyi's body trembled slightly.

She lowered her head involuntarily, and said, "I'm sorry, you two, I can't accompany you to see the night scene. Master Xu Yifeng needs me to accompany you to the banquet."

"Haha, that's right!"

Xu Yifeng laughed, grabbed Shi Yiyi's hand, and said, "Let's go. The you tonight still belong to us all. Don't sneak away."


When Bei Xiyuan saw it, Yiyi trembled and left with them, and immediately yelled, very annoyed.

It was clear that Shi Yiyi was being coerced, and anyone could see it.

Bei Xiyuan himself is a warm-hearted person, and after getting along with Shi Yiyi for such a period of time, he has a good impression of her.

He saw the girl trembling as she walked, and he seemed to feel her fear.

Immediately furious, said: "Are you bullying a girl like this?"

"Bullying? Which eye of yours saw us bullying?

It is Princess Yiyi who is willing to add luster to our night banquet and make us no longer lonely.

What, do you want to meddle in your own business?

She's just the young suzerain of the Ice Heart Sect, but don't forget what her last name is.

If you really have the ability, you are not the young suzerain living at the foot of the mountain.

Get out, this place is not for you. "

Xu Yifeng waved his fan, and said lightly, it seemed to be a kind persuasion, but it was actually a warning.

Warn Bei Xiyuan, you empty shell young suzerain who can't even get up to the Ice Heart Sect, just get out of here.

This place is not something you can afford.

Allowing you to enter the Southern Region has already given you face.

Still want to meddle?



Bessie was furious, but that was all he could say.

When the other party came, there were many people.

Secondly, they are all strong in the first level of the Sifang Realm.

And he is only the peak of the ninth level of the Triangle Realm.

To put it nicely, there is only a thin line between me and the Sifang Realm.

But all fools know how difficult it is to cross this line.

In other words, with your own strength, don't complain about injustice.

And people also said very clearly that his identity is also very embarrassing.

To put it more simply and clearly: he can't afford this muddy water!

"Hahaha, Master Bei, if you are interested, you can come and enjoy Princess Yiyi's divine music and fairy dance, and I will keep you entertained forever."

Seeing that Bei Xiyuan only dared to call "you" but did not dare to act recklessly, Xu Yifeng laughed even more triumphantly.

Bessie's face turned red.

But I also knew that these people couldn't be provoked by myself, so I had to say to Lu Chen, "These people have no manners, and you will be indifferent when insulting them?"

"I can't afford to offend you. It's useless to be angry. You should hurry up and go to retreat to practice."

Lu Chen said.

He himself had the opportunity to enter the Southern Territory only by relying on Bei Xiyuan's identity card.

Moreover, he is a fleeing ghost who feigned death and escaped from Danyu, so how dare he meddle in other people's business.

Seeing that although Xu Yifeng was going too far, he just held Shi Yiyi's hand.

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