It can be seen that in Bing Xinzong, his mother's status is not high.

At least there was pressure from all sides to make his mother obey the pedantic rules.

This Bei Xiyuan is said to be the young suzerain of the Bingxin Sect, but his status is probably not as good as that of Elder Du Qiuhong.

Maybe even worse than his little girlfriend Jiang Yunmeng.

Therefore, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

Shi Yiyi felt sorry for Bei Xiyuan's situation, but at the same time she felt happy.

Because, she knew that her chance had come!

This basil looks innocent and honest.

He tried a random sentence, but he couldn't even tell a lie.

Such an honest person, why don't I pursue him?

As long as he let him take him to the Ice Heart Sect, he can get rid of the rubbish in the examination hall.

Ever since I developed my temperament, I have become the after-dinner entertainment of those people.

Such days lasted for five full years.

There isn't a day she doesn't want to get rid of!

She even wanted to disfigure herself, or break her own legs, or cut off her own tongue.

Make yourself unable to sing and dance.

But to do so is clearly silent resistance.

Those people must have felt utterly outraged that they had been humiliated.

I'm afraid they will take their anger out on their father and even destroy their City Lord's Mansion.

That can never be undone.

Therefore, Shi Yiyi has been enduring her all the time.

Endure until today.

Finally, God sent her a wealthy son-in-law.

Although this Bai Xiyuan is not very good-looking, he is not as good-looking as the person next to him.

However, Shi Yiyi has lost interest in men in this world

Now I just want someone to help me out of the sea of ​​suffering.

What is good-looking and ugly is not within the scope of my consideration.

Allow yourself to enter Zhongzhou, and have a backer.

Then this person is the best man in the world.

"Young Master Bei."

Shi Yiyi looked at Bei Xiyuan winkingly, and said, "I want to dance for you, is that okay?"

With that said, he flicked the sleeve robe, and it was about to start.

Bei Xiyuan quickly waved his hands, covered his eyes, and said, "No, no, no.

I suddenly felt that I couldn't be sorry for my little dream.

You are so pretty, if I watch you dance, I'm afraid I'll be addicted to it.

If you make a mistake, it's over.

So, I don't watch it.

You have to jump to show him. "

After all, leave quickly.

Shi Yiyi froze for a moment, looking at his back in astonishment.

Then she looked at Chase Lu.

Lu Chen also looked at her.

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Shi Yiyi cleared up her expression, regained her elegance, and said, "Master, are you the young master of any sect in Zhongzhou?"


Lu Chen was stunned by the sudden question.

How could the young suzerain come out so easily.

Not bad for a basil.

He said honestly, "I am Master Bei's follower."


Shi Yiyi was extremely disappointed, and let out a dumbfounded cry.

I thought it was God who sent the golden tortoise son-in-law, but it turns out that he has his own heart.

For the sake of the little dream in his mouth, he can actually ignore his own charm.

He didn't even watch or listen to his own singing and dancing.

That girl named Xiaomeng is really happy.

However, it also shows that I did not misread Bai Xiyuan.

This silly big man is really an honest man.

Unfortunately, this honest man does not belong to me.

But Shi Yiyi didn't give up.

What a rare opportunity to finally meet a man who doesn't watch her singing and dancing.

If you want to ask for help from a strong man in Zhongzhou.

So this one is obviously a good fit.

Because he is different from those wretched and dirty men!

So, she began to inquire from Lu Chen, and said, "Who is the little dream girl that you young master Bei is talking about?"

Lu Chen secretly smiled.

This girl who is as graceful as a fairy actually cares so much about Bei Xiyuan.

It's not because people don't watch the singing and dancing that she is proud of, she feels that this man is different, so she falls in love with him.

Just don't be too bloody.

But he was not responsible for protecting Bei Xiyuan's privacy, but said truthfully: "Miss Xiaomeng is a genius disciple of Bing Xinzong."

"Does your young master like her very much?"

Shi Yiyi asked.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Of course I like it. I like it to the bottom of my heart. They should get married soon."


Shi Yiyi exclaimed.

It feels like my hopes are being dashed.

But she still wanted to try one last time, and said: "Can you call your young master for me, I want to have a few words with him."

"Okay. But I want to ask, I heard that the Promise Sect is in the Southern Region, where exactly is it?"

Lu Chen took the opportunity to ask.

Shi Yiyi said: "I didn't know about it. But there seems to be a disciple of Wuji Sect among the guards of our City Lord's Mansion. I can ask for you."

"That's great."

Lu Chen was overjoyed: "Where is the disciple of the Wuji Sect, can you let me meet him?"

Shi Yiyi nodded: "Yes. After I talk to your young master, I will have someone bring him here."

"Thank you."

Lu Chen cupped his hands and ran in the direction of Bei Xiyuan.

This guy didn't run very far.

Just wait behind a tree.

When he saw Lu Chen coming, he waved and said, "Xiaochen, Xiaochen."

Lu Chen came over and said, "If you don't look at it, don't look at it. Why are you running? You're still shy."

Bei Xiyuan sighed: "You didn't see her eyes, you can't wait to hook me in.

She must like me and seduce me.

Alas, for an attractive man like me, Yingyingyanyan's pursuit is always unavoidable.

It's a pity that I am loyal and honest, and only love Xiaomeng.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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In the midst of thousands of flowers, the leaves do not stick to the body.

I'm talking about an outstanding and dedicated man like me.

If Xiaomeng knew, she would be moved to tears. "


Lu Chen was speechless, and poured cold water on him: "People are interested in your status as the young suzerain of the Bingxin Sect, what do you think, don't be sentimental.

By the way, Shi Yiyi said that she wanted to talk to you a few words, so you can go there. "

"What, she still doesn't give up. If I don't go, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on."

Bessie kept shaking his head.

Lu Chen sneered: "I can't control this, I will go to Bingxinzong and tell Jiang Yunmeng about your wretched side."


Bei Xiyuan was taken aback, and said helplessly: "Then I will reject Shi Yiyi severely, to express my determination to never betray Xiaomeng."

After all, Dayi walked out awe-inspiringly and faced Shi Yiyi directly.

Shi Yiyi still showed affectionate eyes.

But this time it was more straightforward, and said: "Mr. Bei, every man has three wives and four concubines.

The little girl does not seek to be your wife, nor does she need a title.

As long as I can be your concubine, I am very satisfied.

Can you take me to Ice Heart Sect? "

Bai Xiyuan was stunned by the bold words at first.

Then suddenly realized, said: "Oh! I understand.

In fact, what Xiaochen said is correct, you just took a fancy to my identity as the young suzerain of the Bingxin Sect.

You just want me to take you to the Ice Heart Sect.

It's okay, okay, if you really like me, I don't know how to refuse. "

Shi Yiyi quickly said: "Actually, Yiyi also respects Mr. Bei very much. Because Mr. Bei is loyal to your fiancée, he is really the best man in the world."

"That is."

Bei Xiyuan was overjoyed by being praised, and immediately became proud again.

Shi Yiyi strikes while the iron is hot: "Master Bei, you take me to the Bing Xinzong, I also want to meet the woman who makes Mr. Bei fall in love, how wonderful she is."

Bai Xiyuan laughed and said, "Yes."

Shi Yiyi's heart skipped a beat.

So simple?

I just made a verbal request, and I don't even need to pay for it, so I can get Bai Xiyuan's help?

Is this guy really the best man in the world?

If he really brought him back to Bingxinzong, he would definitely worship him.

Shi Yiyi secretly swears in her heart.

However, things are not that simple.

Bai Xiyuan just said casually.

At this moment, when he realized it, he waved his hand and said: "It is possible, but it needs Xiaochen's consent."

Shi Yiyi exclaimed in surprise: "Why do you need his consent, isn't he your follower?"

She was very puzzled.

What does the master think, shouldn't the follower obey unconditionally?

Why do you have to ask for his consent.

Simply inexplicable.

Bei Xiyuan said: "Don't get excited, I will explain to you.

Because Xiaochen came with me, and I can only bring one follower when I go in and out of Zhongzhou.

If I take you back to Zhongzhou, Xiaochen has to stay here.

So, I'm going to ask his permission.

If he doesn't want to stay here, there's nothing I can do. "


Shi Yiyi's expression immediately became ugly.

The surprise just born was immediately chilled by a basin of ice water.

But on second thought, it is not without any hope.

As long as you seek the consent of the entourage, isn't it all right?

But how to convince that entourage to let him stay in the southern region willingly.

Just as she was thinking, Shi Yiyi saw Bei Xiyuan calling Lu Chen over.

I heard Bei Xiyuan say: "Xiaochen, it's like this, Princess Yiyi wants me to take her to the Ice Heart Sect.

But if you take her, you can't take you back to Zhongzhou.

Do you think you want to stay in Southland? "

Shi Yiyi looked at Lu Chen nervously, with a request in her eyes.

Lu Chen said, "I don't want to."

Shi Yiyi was instantly lost.

Although he knew that he couldn't be so stupid as to agree so easily, it was still hard to hide the sadness in his eyes.

But Chase Lu didn't sympathize with her.

She felt that this woman was too naive.

With just a word, I want someone to take you back to Zhongzhou.

What good do you do to others?

Not to mention a dance, or sleeping with someone will satisfy you.

Neither of us are wretched bachelors.

All are men with wives or fiancées.

Bringing you back, how will Bei Xiyuan explain to his fiancée Jiang Yunmeng?

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to take you back.

Don't look at Bai Xiyuan's simplicity, but he is not a fool.

It's just that it's not good to reject you directly, so just call me over and let me be a villain.

Then I, Lu Chen, can only be a villain.

I don't want to be a villain, so let me stay in the Southern Region?

Only a fool would choose not to return to Zhongzhou and stay in this strange place of Southern Region.

"Young Master Chen, can I have a few words with you alone."

Shi Yiyi suddenly saluted Lu Chen, with a request in his eyes.

Lu Chen sneered in his heart.

This woman is too ridiculous.

Call yourself, this little follower, Mr. Dust.

And put on such an endearing appearance.

Pretending too much is annoying.

So Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't need to speak alone, just say what you want to say now."

Seeing this, Shi Yiyi was startled.

She never expected that she would be rejected so harshly even though she was so delicate and pitiful.

Is this guy really a follower?

I feel that he is more proud than Mr. Bei Xi Yuan Bei.

It seems that she doesn't bother to talk to herself anymore, so she rejects herself so viciously.

Was it his repeated requests that made him feel disgusted with him?

Shi Yiyi sighed secretly.

His actions just now were indeed a little too anxious.

Such a blatant request would also cut off the interests of the entourage itself.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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