This kind of formation has been rare since ancient times, and was cast aside by people, and it is almost extinct today.

But now it was discovered by the Heavenly Demons and turned into a tool to destroy the human race.

"This is the Heavenly Evil Formation! A formation left over from the ancient times, but it looks like a broken formation."

Immortal Tianjun saw the formation at a glance, and was surprised that the Heavenly Demons still had such a hole card,

In the north of the city, Gui Yao'er, Ming Jingsi, Li Jing, Yu Ya and others slaughtered all directions, and the powerful demon clan continued to fall.

"Those people seem to be Lu Chen's wives." Someone from the Demon Clan recognized Gui Yao'er and the others.

"Lu Chen's people! Everyone deserves to die." The person who spoke was Mu Qiaoqiao, and his words were very vicious. Even as an ancestor god, he was not as calm as an ancestor god should be.

She was able to be promoted to the ancestor god so quickly because Tianyuan space and his party brought her great benefits, without the time accumulation of ordinary ancestor gods.

When the words fall, the body moves.

"You are all Lu Chen's people? If you beg me, maybe I can let you live."

Mu Qiaoqiao didn't do anything immediately, and it wouldn't be too difficult for her to kill them all based on their cultivation, so she didn't rush.

"Impossible, I have seen you, you are my husband's mortal enemy, even if you are very powerful, I will still kill you." Mu Qiaoqiao's undisguised ancestral prestige filled the air, forming an invisible sense of oppression , but Ming Jingsi has no fear.

Under the ancestor gods, they are all humble dogs.

"Stubborn, I'll give you a chance, don't you want it." Mu Qiaoqiao said angrily, with a slight pause, "Then you all go to die."

She originally wanted to tease these women with beautiful skins, but she didn't expect that Gui Yao'er didn't know how to play.


In front of the mirror, Lu Chen's heart was clenched together, and he suddenly forgot how to breathe.

He could only watch helplessly as Xuankong Zhan was thrown from Mu Qiaoqiao's hand, and slashed towards Gui Yao'er and the others.

The most powerful among them is Gui Yao'er. Facing Mu Qiaoqiao with the strength of the ancestor god, how ridiculous and vulnerable is the strength of this ancestor god.

The blow was so fast that the few of them had no chance to escape.

"No!" Lu Chen roared in his heart, and his mouth made a sound like a cicada.

The world that was originally a white light seemed to be completely dark in Lu Chen's consciousness at this moment, as if a black mat wrapped Lu Chen, the sour taste welled up in his heart, suppressed, and a layer of mist clouded his eye sockets. Tears never fall down.

Ming Jingsi rushed towards Mu Qiaoqiao angrily, everyone saw what Ming Jingsi wanted to do.

She wanted to choose to blew herself up, and she had already made a decision during the conversation just now.

"Husband, I will accompany you, and we will be husband and wife in the next life." Ming Jingsi said with a smile.


Dazzling rays of light pierced Ming Jingsi's body, and exploded with a "boom" not far from Mu Qiaoqiao.

The violent energy washed over the entire space, the dust, the earth was smashed to pieces by that force.

Mu Qiaoqiao's reaction was also quick. She cultivated the power of space, and this level of self-destruction would hardly hurt her.

Almost at the same time, the light flickered, and Mu Qiaoqiao unfolded her space power, condensing a space shield.

These shields are actually layers of space, countless pieces were shattered by that berserk ability, but in the end there was not enough energy left to hurt Mu Qiaoqiao.

And the Xuan Kong Zhan that flew out was cut off by a white sword blade.

"Sorry, I'm late." Li Taibai appeared and rescued several people.

"Senior Taibai, please kill this girl for us and avenge sister Jingsi." Gui Yaoer said.

"The ancestor god of the human race, hum." Mu Qiaoqiao snorted coldly, and said, "Finally a big fish came, and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Taibai didn't talk nonsense, raised his hand with a sword, protected Gui Yao'er and the others, and ran towards the city.

The outside of the city was full of people from the Heavenly Demon tribe, but Li Taibai rescued a few people but was surrounded by a group of Heavenly Demon tribe with their fleshy bodies.

A sword fell, and a path of blood appeared.

Suddenly, ten soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Race fell down and stood up again. The aura of the Heavenly Demon Race soldiers suddenly increased, and they rose to an unbelievable height - the realm of the ancestor gods!

This is a secret technique. The function of this secret technique is to hide a drop of the blood of a great person in the body of the dead man. After the dead man falls, the secret method will automatically activate, allowing the dead man to have unparalleled fighting power in an instant.

Ten ancestor gods!

He also added Mu Qiaoqiao, a rising star with great attainments in space.

There is almost no possibility of escape.

But Li Taibai behaved very calmly, closed his eyes, his expression was cold, a Taibai sword bloomed with mysterious brilliance in his hand.

"You can't escape! The ancestor god of the human race."


Suddenly, Li Taibai, who had closed his eyes, opened them instantly, and stood up abruptly.

The eyes of the ten demon monks in the realm of ancestor gods stared straight at the sky.

"what is that?"

"This breath of destruction!"

In the clouds and mist, the distance is unknown, but the ten strong demons and Mu Qiaoqiao can vaguely feel the aura that destroys everything.

Their faces changed drastically and became heavy.

However, at the next moment, an extremely dazzling sword light tore through the void, came from the clouds in an instant, and slashed down directly.

The power of this sword goes straight to the sky, this is no longer an ordinary sword, but a law, the highest law of swordsmanship.


A large area of ​​the Heavenly Demons was swept away by the sword light without any hindrance. In front of Li Taibai, the dense crowd of Heavenly Demons instantly turned into a vacuum.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Because the ten ancestor gods do not have too much consciousness, they only have simple combat capabilities. Although they have the power of the ancestor gods, they only have combat consciousness. This is also the disadvantage of this secret method.

They didn't escape, and when the sword light swept down, they rushed forward, and with a "shua", they were chopped off by Qi Qi.

Mu Qiaoqiao, who was aware of the danger, was slightly stopped by Gui Yaoer at the moment when she was about to escape.

This blow almost killed Mu Qiaoqiao, one of Mu Qiaoqiao's arms was cut off, and the moment she was cut off, she passed through the space and escaped.

If Mu Qiaoqiao hadn't been a practitioner of the power of space, it's probably not just an arm that was cut off now.

The power of the Supreme Ancestral God, like a torrent, constantly impacted the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race.

They trembled like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Senior Taibai is actually the supreme ancestor god." Gui Yaoer was surprised.

Li Taibai nodded, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, hurry back to the city."

"Ah! Traitor!"

On the other side, in the southwest of the holy city, there was a voice of grief and indignation.

Nie Chuang is the emperor of the Wuji Dynasty.

A white-haired old man with the strength of an ancestor was pierced through the chest by Nie Chuang's sword when he was not paying attention.He and Nie Chuan have been friends for many years, and he never thought that Nie Chuang would betray at this time.

Nie Chuang said: "Hmph! Old Wu, don't blame me, I can only blame you for being too stupid. I have already reminded you after years of friendship that there is no hope for the human race. You are going to die if you are still obsessed with obsession. If you are going to die, I will send you there now."

"No, traitor!" The old man was about to burst into tears, wanting to blow himself up, desperately trying to drag Nie Chuang to be buried with him.

But Nie Chuang had seen through it earlier, and the sword energy surged, and he split the old man in half with one sword.

He said coldly: "The extermination of the human race is now a fact and cannot be undone, but I have made a great contribution to the human race. I have reached a consensus with the Tianmozu. As long as the city gate is opened, they will let us live , for the continuation of the human race."

Nie Chuang and the old man who died held the power in the southwest area of ​​the Holy City. The old man was beheaded, and it was obvious that Nie Chuang became the person with the most right to speak.

"Nie Chuang, you traitor, you actually betrayed the race, and you want to become a lackey of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Everyone, kill this traitor with me!" Come to kill Nie Chuang.


The middle-aged man with wide-eyed eyes suddenly stopped shouting and killing.

I saw that the position of his heart was pierced by a sword from behind, and the blow was fatal.

The middle-aged man saw clearly the face of his killer before he died.

He is the young prince of the Wuji Dynasty, Nie Yang, the youngest son of Nie Chuang.

"Father is concerned with the roots of the race. Not only do you not know how to thank you, but you dare to assassinate my father. This crime is unforgivable. Nie Yang drew out his long sword and scanned everyone.

Nie Chuang at this moment is very different from the Nie Chuan Lu Chen saw, with a more calm and ruthless temperament than before.

This shot is also to scare the chickens and monkeys, so that everyone present can clearly know who is the most powerful person here.

The air became quiet, and Nie Chuang said: "Since this is the case, I think everyone has no objections? If you are willing to listen to me, follow me. I swear in the name of the Wuji Dynasty that I will definitely protect your lives. Those who don't want to stay It’s okay here, I won’t embarrass you, after all, we are all of the same race, but you don’t know if the Heavenly Demons will embarrass you.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a way of life was ahead, and some people were already moved.

Maybe everyone didn't have it before, but under the guidance of Nie Chuang, the instinctive desire to survive became active again.

Before everyone thought about it, Nie Chuang said loudly: "What are you waiting for? Open the city gate quickly and let the Heavenly Demons enter the city. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"It doesn't matter, I want to live."

Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and was the first to jump out.

This person is in control of a corner of the formation, which was abandoned and destroyed by him at this time.

Afterwards, more and more people abandoned the holy city and chose to live with it and surrender.

In the end, the southwest region lost control and the city gate was broken.

When Immortal Tianjun heard the news, he led Sakyamuni to arrive at the first time, but found that it was too late.

The city gate was wide open, the formation was broken, and a large number of Heavenly Demon soldiers poured in from this opening.

"Hell is the home of the demons."

Sakyamuni's appearance was majestic, and a vajra shook all directions, causing a large number of demon soldiers to fall.


There was a loud noise, like knocking on a world-shaking Buddha bell.

Sakyamuni met his opponent, who was also a Buddha. He was holding a big clock, and the halo on the back of his head shone with hot light, which made people dizzy.

It seemed that no one could see his true face.

"You are!" Sakyamuni's face changed drastically. He never expected that this person would actually exist.

Rumor has it that Sakyamuni enlightened himself in front of the bodhi tree many years ago, shed the karma of the world of mortals, proved the way and became a Buddha.

Sakyamuni knows that the cause and effect of the world is the great evil of time. If it is not dealt with in time, it will cause great disaster in the future.

Therefore, he turned the karma of the world into a relic of the sky, planted it under the bodhi tree, and was saved by the bodhi tree all day long.

Surprisingly, Tianzhu relics were not saved by the Bodhi tree, but, like Sakyamuni, proved the Tao under the Bodhi tree, became a genuine Buddha, and finally walked out of Bodhi.

As I said before, he is the incarnation of all the evil karma of Sakyamuni, and he is the great evil of time. Once he grows up and is not saved, he will become the greatest evil in the world.

Cause and effect can be eliminated, so who will be responsible for the cause and effect of cause and effect?

He is well aware of the karma with Sakyamuni, which is a memory buried in his bones, which cannot be deprived or saved.He wanted to end it, and finally waited countless years to find such an opportunity.

"I am you, Sakyamuni, don't come here unharmed."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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