Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1838 Change

Lu Chen knew it would be this answer, but he didn't force it, "Come and be safe." Then Lu Chen's eyes lit up and he asked:

"I want to ask you a few more questions, but I don't know if you can answer them."

"At your current stage, there is nothing I can't answer, it's just whether I can answer your question."

"Since you know me so well, you must know that I am not from this world. I want to ask if the demons in the lower world have attacked the human race. How are the human races? Are my old friends still there?" Lu Chen said repeatedly He asked the question that he had always wanted to ask in his heart, and looked at the old Taoist priest with anticipation and hope.

"You really want to know? The result may be cruel." The old man looked at Chase Lu seriously.

When Lu Chen heard this, his heart trembled suddenly, as if his heart was pinched by someone's hand, he said hoarsely: "I, I want to know the answer."

The old man in white robe closed his eyes and stopped looking at Chase Lu. Without opening his mouth, he let out a dull voice: "When you know all this, all the memories of the lower realm will be sealed, and you will open a new memory. Are you still willing?"

The answer may be important, even if you know the answer, but sacrificed precious memories, then what is the use of the answer?

But this will eventually become Lu Chen's demon.

"I am willing."

"Are you willing?" The old man was a little surprised, and a rare look of surprise appeared on his calm face.

Cultivation is the only purpose of Chase Lu in this world. Above this purpose is the longing for the lower realm. All the motivation of Chase Lu's cultivation comes from the longing for the lower realm.

Lu Chen looked at the old man in white robe with firm eyes and said, "Yes."

The old man pondered: "Then let me ask you a question."

"What do you think is true and what is false?"

"True or false? Are you talking about my past? I don't think it's false, and I don't believe it's true now. Maybe it's just a dream now? When I wake up, that's the real beginning."

At this moment, Chase Lu's thoughts have changed.

Everything in the lower realm is a shackle, a shackle that firmly binds Lu Chen. If you want to become stronger in this realm, you must break free from this shackle and truly integrate into this realm.

The white-robed old man brushed the dust for a while, and a mirror appeared in the space, as if a door to the void had been opened.

"Fate is like reincarnation." The old man bowed his head and murmured, before disappearing without a trace in an instant, like a ghost.

Lu Chen stared at the mirror of the void.

There was nothing in the mirror but white light.

After a while, there were bursts of weird voices from the mirror, as if they were coming from far away.

"Boom, cuckoo."

It's very messy, and you can't hear anything at all.

As soon as the picture changed, on a vast land, there was smoke everywhere, all the buildings became dilapidated, there were broken limbs everywhere, and blood flowed like a river.

The ground was torn apart, and some serious places even created spatial turbulence.

This is the Fairy Continent!

Countless black holes of different sizes appeared in the distant sky, and dense black spots emerged from the black holes. If you look carefully, each one is a human figure!

They flowed continuously, and each of them carried fierce killing intent. When gathered together, that killing intent soared into the sky, as if in substance.

This group of black shadows is like locusts crossing the border, no grass grows wherever they go, and they wipe out all the villages, cities, and sects like a broken bamboo.Almost nothing can stop its pace.

The howls and roars shook the sky, creating a tragic scene.

"The Heavenly Demons have already started attacking the Human Race!"

"The human race is trash, rubbish, die to me!"

Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and he saw clearly the person from the Sky Demon Race, it was Mu Qiaoqiao.

The porcelain doll-like face carried infinite hostility. At this time, she was already an ancestor god, and she had an earth-shaking instinct to raise her hand.

Mu Qiaoqiao's eyes were cold, and a palm fell, and a solid city was directly sunk.

In the entire city, no one survived.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen's heart was bleeding. The woman was Lu Chen's mortal enemy, and she was slaughtering his fellow clansmen at the moment, which made Lu Chen feel like a knife was piercing his heart. cut off.

This time, the Heavenly Demons came out in full force, descending from every corner of the Fairy Spirit Continent, gradually approaching the center.

And in the center, there is an extremely vast building, which cannot be called a city. There is no such a big city. This is a continent, a continent that has been transformed into a defense base.

All the rest of the Fairy Continent are here.

This is the only place in the Fairy Continent that has not been affected by the Heavenly Demons.

Strong men were constantly sent out from the city, but most of them never returned, but no one was willing to surrender.

Rather Stick to your guns!

"Open the city gate quickly, I'm back!"

"Hurry up, it's Honghe Patriarch who is back."

Under the city gate, the ancestor of Honghe shouted loudly that he was covered in blood like a blood man, but most of them belonged to the demon clan, and he held a head in his hand.

This is a strong man of the Heavenly Demon Race, in the realm of the ancestor gods, who was beheaded by the ancestor of Honghe.

inside the gate.

Every big boss of the human race is there, and almost everyone has scars on their bodies, even Sakyamuni and Immortal Heavenly Lord.

"Okay! Patriarch Honghe's move is great for our clan's morale."

Immortal Tianjun applauded loudly, this is something to be thankful for, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

At this moment, there is nothing more satisfying than beheading an ancestor god of the Heavenly Demon Race.

"I think my human race has persisted for so long under the covetousness of the Heavenly Demon Race. This time, I'm afraid I can't stop it. Hey!" Sakyamuni shook his head and sighed.

"No matter what, the human race will not give in. The holy city is the last stronghold of our family. If the demons dare to step into the holy city, even if our family is completely wiped out, they will bite off a piece of its flesh."

The Immortal Heavenly Monarch, who is normally calm, also became fierce at this time.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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at this time.

"Report, the demon god is back!"


The arrival of the Heavenly Demon Clan nearly wiped out the already withered demon clan. The demon gods had no intention of escaping, and had already turned to the human race.

"Demon God, how is the situation in the south? Are there any survivors?"

The demon god shook his head, "No one survived."

Everyone's expressions were dim, and the demon god continued: "And the Heavenly Demons are approaching the holy city, and it is estimated that they will descend in the next few days."

Hearing the words, Bumei's face changed, "I didn't expect it to come so soon! Let everyone get ready for the final battle."

Immortality issued an order: "Start the Twelve Immortal Slaughter Formation, and everyone will keep their posts. This time we will fight them to the death. All the old, weak, women and children will be transferred to the Holy City Tiandao Pavilion, which is the center of the holy city. "

"Tianjun, I want to join the battle!"

At this time, a beautiful figure stood out from the crowd and said heroically.

Her appearance made Chase Lu, who had been watching carefully, suddenly stop breathing.

Ghost Yaoer!

"I want to join the battle too!"

"I also want!"

"Participating in the war is obligatory."

Ming Jingsi, Li Jing, Yu Ya, etc. all stood up and fought for the human race.

"We want to join the war!" Almost everyone who needed to be protected stood up, and no one chose to back down.That decisive look, determination, tenacity, never admit defeat!

"Now that my husband Lu Chen is not here, we will fight for him today. I believe he will be very happy if he sees it, because his woman will never compromise with the enemy."

"Yes! Never compromise."

"Never compromise!"

Gui Yaoer's words were sonorous and forceful, igniting the blood of everyone present, shouting slogans together.

When it comes to Chase Lu, everyone sighs. He used to be everyone's hope, and it was he who gave the human race a thousand-year-old chance to breathe.

But now, the person is gone.

The crisis of the human race came as promised.

Immortal Tianjun sighed and nodded in agreement.

Two days later, everyone in the holy city joined the battle.

The holy city launched the ultimate defense and alert, and the large formations around it were turned around. These large formations were specially designed to deal with the ancestor gods. Under the ancestor gods, it was almost dead if they touched them.

Drums beating and horns blowing.


The sky resounded, and everyone had a determination to die in their hearts, but they never turned back.

"This moment has finally come!"

The endless demon clansmen approached the holy city from all directions. At this moment, the sky seemed to darken, and it began to rain heavily.

"Immortal, the end of your human race has come, and this fertile land will be ours in the future."

A middle-aged man, holding a magic bamboo, was supported by the power of countless rules. He was wearing a battle armor, like a battle fairy.

Impressively, he is Jinzhu Tianjun.

This moment will be a historic reform. The Heavenly Demon Clan and the Human Race have been entangled for countless years, and they will finally be taken down. Today will be a day of great joy for all the Heavenly Demon Clan.

"Where the Tao is, even if there are thousands of people, I will go there."

"Oh? That's too selfish." Jin Zhu sighed regretfully, "You know that you won't have any chance of surviving against our clan, but are you still obsessed with it? Doing your own righteousness, but letting other people's lives pay for it with you , isn’t this selfish what is it?”

"You don't need to provoke, the Heavenly Demon Clan and our human race are feuds that can never be reconciled. The solution to this kind of hatred can only be your death. Our human race is born with pride, and we will never be others' lackeys."

"If you are stubborn, you still have a way out. Abandon the city and surrender, and there is still a glimmer of life. The human race will enslave our race for thousands of years." Jinzhu Tianjun's eyes were cold and majestic.

Jinzhu Tianjun did not expect Immortal to be so strong.

It's not that Jin Zhu is kind and willing to let the human race go, but that attacking the holy city requires a lot of price, and there is such a heavenly king who is at the same level as him, so he wants to stabilize the human race first by delaying the attack. There is plenty of time to deal with the Terrans.


Jinzhu Tianjun no longer hesitated, since he can't be soft, he should be firm to the end.

Following his order, countless crowds of Heavenly Demons swarmed in, surging like locusts crossing the border, and the scene was very frightening.

"Sakyamuni, the source of the twelve formations of Tuxian has been activated?"

"Just wait for Jin Zhu to be caught."

"Well, very good. When he is caught, he must be killed with one blow." Bumi showed a rare smile, but the smile was a little sad.

There is a dense energy shield on the surface of the Holy City to protect the entire Holy City.

Countless Heavenly Demons tried their best, but they couldn't break through the defensive shield.

"Place up!"

Standing on the chariot, Jin Zhu swung Fang Qiu like an emperor.


At this time, the cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race put away those useless attacks and sacrificed his blood essence, which floated into the air.

A large dark green formation has formed in the air. This large formation is driven by the blood essence of thousands of monks. The large formation that has not yet formed is astonishingly powerful. The air has been completely exhausted, forming a vacuum zone. Not only that, there is also a faint red light in the eye of the formation, this red light forces the space to twist.

This is a relatively ancient and evil formation, because the formation driven by blood essence has been called an evil formation since ancient times. In ancient times, someone sacrificed the lives of a world to make themselves immortal.

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Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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