Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1840 War 2

The tone of vicissitudes, every word in the mouth is like God whispering, directly hitting the soul.

"Come on, you need to settle the cause and effect yourself." The Buddha holding the big bell didn't talk nonsense, and made the Buddha bell attack Sakyamuni.

Immediately, the Buddha's light was overwhelming, and the immeasurable golden body could push the sky and the earth apart in an instant, and everyone present knelt down, shocked by the power, even the ancestor gods had to retreat

, even some low-cultivation demons worshiped him.

Sakyamuni watched him attack and muttered to himself: "Amitabha."

A stalwart force unfolds, integrating the beliefs of the world into one body, this is the power of faith.

What bears is the cause and effect of the people of the world.

The sea of ​​Buddha is a container for faith, a great vessel without fear of cause and effect.

It has matured and has been filled with the power of faith for all ages. No one knows how powerful it is.

The two giant Buddhas are about to decide life and death at the beginning of the game, all in one move.

It seemed that under such an attack, even the Holy City might be crushed, let alone the ants present. At this moment, they could only lie down on the ground, trembling tremblingly.

"Shh, shh!"

The Buddha's nature is merciful, and the two Buddhas placed a restraint at the same time, protecting all the human races, but the Heavenly Demons did not have such good luck.

The Tianmo soldiers were swept away by the vast Buddha light, and their consciousness was shattered in an instant, and they suddenly became expressionless, like idiots.

"Who is Sakyamuni fighting against? Let him use the power of faith." Bu Mie showed a worried look, but he couldn't get away.

Not to mention the golden bamboo staring at it, in the southwest of the holy city, a different void wormhole was opened not long ago.

That wormhole has a kind of magical power, as if a huge monster will come out at any time.

As the top generation of the human race, Immortality, after living for so long, naturally knows that there are five emperor-level existences in the Tianmo clan.

Immortal had a strong premonition that someone like that might emerge from that wormhole at any time.

Perhaps it was because of the involvement of the God Clan that those big men didn't dispatch them, but in recent years, the relationship between the Heavenly Demon Clan and the God Clan has been eased, and the conflicts have not been so intense.

No matter what, he couldn't get away and could only hope that Sakyamuni would win in his heart.


The war has passed for a long time, and the two sides fought countless casualties, but most of them were people from the Sky Demon Race.

But Jin Zhu didn't seem to have any regrets, those people were just cannon fodder in his eyes.

If you can break through the holy city, what is the sacrifice?

"As long as you break through the Holy City, your name will be left in history."

"Your efforts are far from enough,

Jinzhu Tianjun's face was indifferent, he still had no intention of making a move, and had been waiting and watching.


Finally, the big formation made of the blood essence of the monks of the Heavenly Demon Race was fully unfolded, and under the order of the King of the Golden Bamboo, a bright and dazzling mysterious light burst out.

That mysterious light was cut down like a great sword that could destroy the world.


Suddenly, an ear-piercing sound came, and the sharp sound made Zu Xian feel like he had a splitting headache.

The whole holy city trembled slightly, and saw that the mysterious light split open the energy shield of the holy city in an instant, but only in an instant, the opening returned to its original state.

"It's still close, it's time for you to contribute to the race!"

Jin Zhu's face was full of joy and prestige, and said in a deep voice: "The formation is completed, blood sacrifice."


The Heavenly Demon cultivator who supported the formation resolutely, devoted himself to death, turned around and exploded himself, incorporating all the essence and blood into the formation.

No one hesitated, millions of monks from the Heavenly Demon Race turned into blood mist within a few breaths.

"Jinzhu, you are really unscrupulous." Immortal Tianjun's heart sank. This kind of blood sacrifice array must be the most powerful. He was a little worried whether the holy city could resist it.

Jin Zhu smiled and said: "Heh, those who achieve great achievements don't care about small details. This is the moment of revival of the Heavenly Demon Clan."

"You spend so much of the Heavenly Demons attacking our human race, aren't you afraid that the gods will suddenly explode?"

Jin Zhu showed a strange look: "Immortal, do you want to die to understand?" Then said: "The God Clan and our Clan have reached a consensus to rule the entire Outer Territory and the Three Realms together.

"Stupid, have you forgotten the brutality of the Protoss!"

Bu Mie scolded angrily: "Three-legged support will last forever, and two legs will not stand firmly after all. The gods can trick your family to destroy our family. Once my family is destroyed, do you think your family will be spared? Hand in hand is just a matter of life." A blank promise that will never be fulfilled."

"Hmph! Immortal, what you said, do you think we didn't expect it? When our clan can spy on those, we will naturally have a way to deal with them. What will the Protoss be?"

"Hmm! You guys are so courageous and ambitious. This is seeking skin from a tiger." Bu Mie's heart sank.

"My lord will naturally be on the defensive, otherwise do you think you can still talk to me here? If my lord comes, the mere holy city is nothing to worry about."

Immortal would not say any more, he probably already knew the purpose of the Heavenly Demon Clan, his heart was sad, but his eyes were firm, and he looked at Jin Zhu's figure showing a terrifying killing intent.

The blood essence of millions of monks from the Heavenly Demon Race floated up, condensed into a bead, emitting golden light, like an indestructible golden elixir.

When this golden elixir merged into the red formation above, the entire formation trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the blood formation turned into a huge, blood-red giant fist.

"Haha! Immortal, enjoy this moment." Jin Zhu laughed loudly, then raised his fist in a gesture of pulling his arms, and the blood-red fist was synchronized with his movements.

"Crush it!" Jin Zhu yelled, and punched out.

The power of this punch cannot be said much, it is simple and brutal, and the people in the Holy City can feel the sense of destroying the world through the energy shield.

The sky was blocked by this punch.

In front of the mirror, Lu Chen stared at this scene with wide eyes, his whole heart throbbing.


The picture suddenly went out, and the mirror returned to a white light, and then turned into mist, and nothing could be seen.

Lu Chen was stunned and didn't react for a while.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen shouted: "No, no, no, I want to know the ending, I want to know the ending, old man, come out!"

Lu Chen felt that he was being tricked, and he was about to know the ending, but he didn't expect such an outcome.

No one answered him, and the old man did not appear.

for a long time.

A faint voice flickered: "My work is finished, perhaps, this is fate, I have no ability to let you watch it anymore, and I will pass on everything to you."

"The whole world will change for you."

This voice came from the sky, like the voice of the Creator.


In reality, Lu Chen's body trembled, his head buzzed, and a large amount of information poured in, as if it had been a lifetime.

In the deepest part of Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, those cherished memories are sealed by thick shackles.

Immediately afterwards, a little light flickered in the sea of ​​consciousness, and this light illuminated the entire sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

Lu Chen felt his head went blank, as if his soul had been baptized.

A flood of memories poured in.

"Father, mother, brother, and her!"

Chase Lu has a completely different perception of the world.

All previous cognitions were overturned.

A ray of light shone into Lu Chen's eyes, accompanied by pain.

This pain lasted for a long time, and it seemed to Lu Chen that countless years had passed.

After waking up, Chase Lu suddenly felt some pain in his earlobe. When he looked next, it turned out that Tian Qi was standing on his shoulder and biting his ear.

"What are you doing!" Lu Chen flicked it away and rubbed his ears.

Tianqi said: "You finally woke up, what happened to you just now, suddenly there is no movement, not even breathing, it scared me."

"It's okay." Lu Chen waved his hand, his back was full of undried sweat, looking at Zhengu in his hand, he felt a little trembling.

"Why is my heart so empty, it seems like something is missing."

"Forget it, don't care about him so much." Lu Chen thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason, and put his thoughts on Zhen Gujue again.

Zhengujue is the only one in all ages. It is not a single mental method, or a unique skill. When Lu Chen roughly flipped through it, he had a general idea in his mind.

"This is completely made for me!" Lu Chen's eyes burst into light, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Finally found a cultivation path that suits me. I don't know what happened to my parents and younger brother."

Lu Chen thought of Lu Yuncheng, the Lu family, and the Yun family who were fighting against the Lu family.

Rather than saying that these memories were instilled, it would be better to say that Chase Lu was unlocked by some kind of opportunity that had been sealed for a long time.

These memories were originally hidden in the deepest place, in a place beyond human reach.

That is the previous life, the memory of the previous life, or what Lu Chen is experiencing now is his previous life.

Know the past life, get the true self, sweep the present, and shock the eternity.

This will be the way Chase Lu will go.

If Chase Lu is living today, then in the future there will be a pair of behind-the-scenes masterminds who have been leading all this.

This method is against the sky.

Can interfere with history, who else can have this method except the creator?

But apparently, he's not.

This method has a drawback, that is, Chase Lu has to give up part of his memory. Now Chase Lu can't remember all the things in the lower realm at all, and only his memory from Lu Yuncheng is in his mind.

Of course, these are not the most terrifying. The world Chase Lu lives in is called the real world, and the mainstream is elements.

When Chase Lu came to this step where the big man was buried, the world changed because of it.

Practicing the mainstream elements has become a world where the way of swordsmanship that Lu Chen is good at is respected!

Zhen Gujuechu has several articles on mind methods and sword formulas, including hundreds of elites, which benefited Lu Chen a lot. Just a simple read through, there is a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"Pingyi swordsmanship!" "Supreme swordsmanship!"


In the second half of the night, Lu Chen devoted himself to cultivation, and Lu Chen entered a strange cultivation state. He practiced two mental methods at the same time, which was very dangerous.

But Lu Chen was so anxious that he didn't have time to waste it. As long as it could make him stronger, he was willing to try even if it cost him his life.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to practice two mental methods at the same time, at least it was unheard of before Lu Chen.

The next moment, Lu Chen felt his soul become light, and everything in the world seemed to be in a single thought.

Why read?

Mindfulness is mindfulness, which is based on one's own consciousness, and will be released when it is strong enough to a certain level. This is mindfulness, which is called divine consciousness in the lower realm.

"This is!"

Tianqi was awakened by the movement made by Lu Chen, and saw Lu Chen's body miraculously floating in the air, swinging back and forth like an autumn leaf.

As I said a long time ago, there are two states in this world, one is Wuji Peak, and Ning Wai is Yiji Peak.

And Chase Lu has now entered a state of extreme consciousness.

This state has only been seen in ancient times, and few people have been able to achieve this state since ancient times.

Rather than saying that Lu Chen has a high talent for cultivation, it is more accurate to say that Lu Chen has a high understanding.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Lu Chen stepped into the realm of unity from having no cultivation at all.

If this gets out, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

Return to the early stage!

In the middle of the unity realm!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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