Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1832 Mysterious Backstreet

"Why don't I just focus on physical training?" Lu Chen wanted to hear suggestions from the Qi in his arms.

"Physical repair?" Tianqi was a little surprised, and he didn't speak for a while. I don't know if he was surprised by Lu Chen's words, or he remembered something.

"Yes! Since you all think that there is no way out for physical training, then I will show you a way." Lu Chen said with lofty ambitions.

"Then do you know that physical training is not only arduous, but also extremely difficult to break through." After pondering for a long time, inexplicable starlight flickered in Tian Qi's small eyes.

"I know all this, but so what?" Lu Chen's eyes were firm.

"But, maybe there are other ways? It can activate your body's attraction to elements and allow you to adapt to this world."

Lu Chen pondered, and said, "I have tried it, the elements of this world are different from my own.

My body has natural repulsion, just like my body is like a broken bellows, these elements will be lost after entering my body. "

"So, body training is my only way out right now. If the way of magic is okay, so what if I fall into the way of magic?" Lu Chen's eyes twinkled with starlight, which was like Mount Tai's unshakable will.

Lu Chen firmly believes that he will not be ordinary after all, no matter how great the ordeal is, he will definitely be able to overcome it.Now there are many crises in the lower realm, the demons have coveted the human race for a long time, and the gods are gradually recovering. Any one of them is a disaster for the human race, and for Lu Chen, he has an inescapable responsibility.His relatives and friends are still in the lower realms, among other things, maybe Lu Chen does not have such a big ambition to save the world, but how can he ignore the lives of his relatives, so how dare he be ordinary?

"People in the lower realm, are you all right? Has the human race started? Even if I go back now, what can I do to help?" Lu Chen stared at his hands, with complex brilliance flowing in his eyes, with sadness and sadness Longing, faith, and a look of determination without hesitation.

Even though he is like a waste wood, Lu Chen still feels the heavy sense of responsibility on his shoulders.

"Are you homesick?" Tian Qi climbed onto Lu Chen's shoulder and said softly.His tone was softer than before.

Perhaps it was Lu Chen's kind of sadness that infected Tianqi, and made him feel a shock in his heart.

Lu Chen nodded and shook his head again: "Do you think responsibility is more important, or personal will?"

Tianqi thought for a long time, and said: "I used to say that of course personal will is more important, but after going through that incident, I feel that personal will is more important than the former haha." Speaking of this, Tianqi laughed, that kind of laughter is A mockery, sorrow, repentance.

The laughter stopped slowly, Tianqi said: "Insignificant."

Lu Chen smiled, he knew that Tianqi's experience was not ordinary, and the origin was not simple, but Tianqi himself never said it, and Lu Chen never asked.But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that Chase Lu found a like-minded person.

"Then let's start today. I don't want to go to the Cangshu Pavilion of Yanyue Academy for the time being. When you become a formal student, it will be a breeze to get in and out of the Cangshu Pavilion. Let me take you to a good place. There may be What you want." Tianqi said, jumped off immediately, landed on the ground with his tiny limbs, and ran out quickly

The stone city is neither big nor small, but the buildings are more exquisite, completely different from the lower world, the perfect combination of modern and ancient style, each one is so unique.

Along the way, Lu Chen followed Tianqi closely, turned left and right and walked for a long time, and finally arrived at a deep and deep place.

The rough buildings blocked the light, the streets were dark and narrow, the stone slabs on the road were printed with deep ruts, and the rainwater covered the cracks in the stones, splashing muddy water when one stepped on it.

"Is this still Stone City?"

Looking at this street, Lu Chen couldn't help wondering, there is such a desolate street in a peaceful stone city.

"You're wrong, this place doesn't belong to Shicheng any more, it's a backstreet, it's a place without jurisdiction." Tian Qi stopped, and said in a voice that was just big enough for Lu Chen to hear.

Lu Chen looked around with a strange expression, and found that there was no one around, and the whole street was empty, which looked rather gloomy. After listening carefully, he could even hear a faint whimper, which was a little scary.

"Is there anyone here?" Lu Chen asked, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he didn't know when a small bump appeared on his body.It's not that Lu Chen is afraid, but that Lu Chen is a mortal body at this moment, and he is instinctively sensitive to unknown things around him.

"You can underestimate this place. It used to be extremely brilliant, but it became like this because of an accident."

"What happened?"

This has to make people wonder, what kind of accident can make a rich street look like a dead city!

"Don't worry about it so much, just rely on your strength, knowing more is not good for you." Tian Qi didn't want to explain to Lu Chen.He immediately greeted Lu Chen and walked towards a dilapidated attic in front.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

For some reason, Lu Chen himself could feel that with the loss of his cultivation base, even his courage has dropped a lot.


Just as Lu Chen took two steps, he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, which made his heart tremble.

Those are two scarlet rays of light!This kind of scarlet seems to be the most alluring and bloodiest red in time, and it is also the most weird.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen stopped and took a closer look, and found nothing unusual in the original place.

Almost all the styles are designed to highlight the desolation here, the potholed streets, the white paper lanterns raised by the wind, the slanted door plaques, the gloomy weather, the heavy dark clouds in the sky, even the sun seems to shine Can't come down, so there is always a layer of gray and hazy feeling here.

And Chase Lu stood in the middle of this street. The scene just now made him feel an inexplicable shock in his heart. This shock was very obvious, as if someone had hit his heart with a heavy hammer.However, even Lu Chen himself didn't know what was going on.

"That's it? I seem to have seen it somewhere." Lu Chen pondered, but he still couldn't think of such a thing in his mind.

"What are you doing, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Tianqi turned back and found Lu Chen standing there in a daze.

"It's nothing, let's go." Lu Chen didn't tell Tianqi the shock in his heart, the reason is very simple, because even Lu Chen didn't know what was going on, so he didn't plan to tell Tianqi.So he changed the subject and said, "Where is the place you mentioned? Why did you disappear in the blink of an eye just now?"

"Haha, it's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us!" Tianqi showed a mysterious look on his face.

"Don't give me too much trouble, tell me quickly, otherwise the energy water offered every month will be reduced by one." Lu Chen said fiercely.

Energy water is the lifeblood of Tianqi, and Tianqi loves it very much. The enthusiasm for energy water cannot be described in a few words.Let's put it this way, Lu Chen has no doubt that Tianqi will buy Lu Chen because of a bottle or two of energy water, so it can be seen that Tianqi loves energy water.

"You are so poisonous! Forget it, I will tell you mercifully for your pity's sake." Tian Qi twisted his slender tail and turned his back to Lu Chen, pointing forward with the same slender forelimbs , looking quite cute: "Did you see that vermilion house with beams?"

Chase Lu looked in the direction he pointed.

There was no difference between the house and the surrounding houses, and it looked the same dilapidated, even the tiles on the roof were half lifted.

"It doesn't look like anything unusual." The house is not far away, just in front of it, with a distance of dozens of steps, Chase Lu came to the house.He curled his lips, not having much surprise in his heart.

In front of Lu Chen was a vermilion gate with two tattered papers of gatekeepers pasted on it. It was impossible to tell which god it was, and it was similar to those customs in the mortal world. This was also a point that surprised Lu Chen. , does the real world still need to worship God?

"Look at it." After Tianqi finished speaking, he bumped towards the vermilion gate, and those who didn't know thought that the little loach was going to crash into the gate.

Unexpectedly, Tian Qi's head pierced through it all at once, and the vermilion gate actually splashed waves of ripples like a layer of water.

"Don't push the door!"

These were the last words Tian Qi said when he entered.

"Can't push the door?" Chase Lu was puzzled like a monk Zhang Er.

"Whatever, try it." Lu Chen imitated Tianqi, took a deep breath, and slammed into it.


As Lu Chen thought, the solid collision and pain did not come, but it felt like passing through a layer of water mist, making Lu Chen feel like he was bathing in a spring breeze.

The first thing that caught Lu Chen's eyes was a fan-shaped round table. There were some messy things on the table, and a huge silver-white candle was burning.The flame, oh no, the flame lit up the room like an inextinguishable torch.Because the candle is huge, as thick as a human thigh, its flame is also very strong.

There are still many words engraved on the table, and it is not clear what is written.And behind that platform, there was a person with his back to Lu Chen. From the hunched back, Lu Chen guessed that it was an old man.The old man seemed to be flipping through something, and didn't seem to notice Lu Chen's arrival.

Chase Lu moved his gaze horizontally, and with the light of candles, Chase Lu saw several bookshelves as tall as a person. Why was it called a bookshelf? Because Chase Lu could clearly see that the shelves were filled with stacks of books. It seems worn out, but every book is placed in an orderly manner, very neat.

And there is another person behind the bookshelf, wearing a veil and a loose dress, and his face cannot be seen clearly. At this moment, he is holding a black book in his hand and reading it carefully.

In addition, there is another shelf for weapons in the corner of the room, and there are countless weapons of all kinds on it.At this time, three or five young people were picking weapons in front of them, but they were all attracted by Lu Chen's voice.

This is a hidden store.

"Tianqi!" Lu Chen shouted, his voice was not suppressed, and everyone in the shop could hear it clearly, and all looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, who saw people around him cast strange eyes on him, showed apologetic expression, looked around, but couldn't find where Tianqi was.

Everyone in the shop was attracted by Chase Lu.First of all, the person in front of the fan-shaped stage just turned his head slightly, and then fell into the search mode again, without much movement.

And the few people at the weapon rack looked at Lu Chen and whispered a few words, and it was not a good thing to say from their eyes.

"Where are you, Tianqi!" Chase Lu said in a very low voice this time.

"Here you go, I'll lift my legs, don't, yell, yell!" The voice came intermittently, and Lu Chen could hear the voice of Tian Qi.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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