Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1831 Baifengwu City

"I'm sorry, I'm just a mediocre person, how can I deserve such praise." Lu Chen said calmly: "The boss has something to say, I have to go back to the academy later."

The middle-aged shopkeeper didn't expect that Lu Chen wouldn't take this kind of trick, so he smiled embarrassingly and said, "Master, is he a student of Yinyue Academy?"

Lu Chen shook his head, the shopkeeper was surprised, and said, "Could it be that the young master is a student of Yanyue College?"

Lu Chen nodded.

The shopkeeper said with a look of surprise: "I said earlier that the young master is not a thing in the pool, so ordinary people can enter Yanyue Academy. I have heard that Yanyue Academy is not a talent for recruiting, but seeing it today is really extraordinary. "

Maybe it's the reason why the shopkeeper has been dealing with him all the year round. Even Lu Chen couldn't bear to flatter him several times in one sentence. He used to just fight and kill, and he only had a half-knowledge about these ways in the business world.

Lu Chen frowned. He is a straightforward person and doesn't like those roundabouts. The boss's words made him a little disgusted.He said directly: "Compared with those twists and turns, I prefer to go straight. If the boss values ​​my fire night grass, he can just say it straight. As long as the price is right, nothing is impossible."

"My lord is really a man of temperament, so I'll just say it straight." The shopkeeper didn't make any more detours, he saw that Lu Chen was a straightforward person, and then cleared his throat: "Your presumably you should know that this fire night grass is in the market. It is relatively rare in the world, and it is usually monopolized by some large auction houses or colleges. Its value can be imagined. Although fire night grass is rare in the world, it is auctioned in auction houses, usually several at a time. It is true that the auction house can fetch a higher price, but the handling fee it charges is also extremely expensive, as much as [-]%."

The shop owner took a sip of tea at this point, and continued: "So if you really want to sell this thing, it's the most suitable for me, and I will give you a fair price, how about it?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and didn't answer in a hurry. In fact, he didn't know how expensive the fire night grass was. He just knew that the fire night grass was relatively rare and didn't know the exact price.He tapped the table lightly, and said slowly: "The shopkeeper thinks the price of this night grass is fair."

The shopkeeper stretched out a hand, squinted and smiled at Lu Chen.

"Fifty thousand?" Lu Chen frowned.Although the price was good, it was still much lower than what he had expected.

"It's 50." The shopkeeper said.

50 million!

"Get rich." Lu Chen was surprised, and his heart was more pleasantly surprised, which obviously far exceeded Lu Chen's expectations, but Lu Chen didn't look happy, but picked up the teacup, blew lightly, and didn't speak.

"If the son is not satisfied, the price can be negotiated again."

"I think the price of the auction house may be far more than that?" Chase Lu put down his teacup and looked directly at the owner.

The shop owner was a little uncomfortable being looked at by Lu Chen, and said, "Hehe, I still can't hide it from you, the price of the auction house is indeed more than that, 60. In addition, I will send you a message worth [-], and it will be treated as a friend of yours. .”

Lu Chen thought for a while and nodded, and said: "That's it." 60 Kina is a windfall for Lu Chen now, but you must know that Lu Chen has been born and died these days, and it is only 20. One-third of the value of fire night grass.

Lu Chen handed over the fire night grass in his hand to the boss, and the boss also readily paid Lu Chen all the kina. After careful calculation, Lu Chen's deposit at this time has already reached 100 million kina, which is already enough for ordinary people. It's a rich man.

"What news can be worth [-]?" Lu Chen naturally did not forget the shopkeeper's promise just now.

The boss looked left and right, as if he was afraid that someone would be eavesdropping, and not only closed the doors and windows tightly, but Chen Lu felt a little nervous when he saw it.

Immediately, the boss sat next to Lu Chen, put away the smile that always hung on his face, and said seriously: "My lord, have you heard about Baifengwu City?"

"Baifengwu City?" Lu Chen shook his head.The shopkeeper explained to Chase Lu in detail.

It turns out that Baifengwu City is the territory of an archmage in the Twilight Forest.This archmage was very famous at that time, and he owned a white phoenix, so he was named Baifengzhe.This person is proud of subduing a high-level gray wolf in the Twilight Forest, occupying a place and becoming the regional lord.

You must know that there are many fierce beasts and demon clans in this twilight forest, and dangerous things may happen all the time.It is undoubtedly not a wise move for a human race to occupy an area in such an environment and become a lord, even if he is a high-ranking archmage.

The strange thing is that the White Phoenix not only occupied the area, but also established his own city. Most of the people living in the city were monsters, and they got along well with those monsters.This is also a strange place, under normal circumstances, the monster race and the human race have always been at odds with each other, either they surrendered to the imperial beast, or they fought to the death.In the hearts of the Yaozu, the human race is cunning and untrustworthy, but the White Phoenix did it.

The White Phoenix is ​​very fraternal to the monster race. The monsters are regarded as royal beasts by humans and are captured in large numbers. This phenomenon is reflected in the Twilight Forest. The White Phoenix said, "As long as it is in his area, no one will You can arrest them at will." As soon as the news came out, a large number of monsters flocked to the White Phoenix, and the White Phoenix helped them one by one, and he also set up an academy in the Twilight Forest to teach openly, specifically for the people of the Monster Race. .

Afterwards, Baifengzhe's status in the Yaozu became higher and higher, and everyone even subtly regarded him as a Yaozu.Finally, one day, Baifengzhe pissed off a big shot, and he accidentally killed the big shot's grandson, which was the reason that brought him a devastating blow, as well as the Baifengwu city he worked so hard to build.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Let that dock city disappear permanently in the twilight forest.

Lu Chen had been listening carefully, and said at this time: "Then what does this have to do with me?".

"My lord, don't be scheming, just listen to me slowly." The shopkeeper continued: "Isn't your lord not interested in the details of a city built by a great mage?"

"The background of the great mage is indeed very exciting, but I think this has happened for a long time. If there is a treasure, it would have been searched long ago." Lu Chen said.

"The scene was very chaotic at that time. A sudden fire burned the entire city to ashes. The flames were terrifying. It is said that even the Haoyue Stone could be ignited. Moreover, it is rumored that even the great mage did not escape. There are countless deaths and injuries." When the shopkeeper said this, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, and then he took a sip of tea, gradually calmed down, and said: "How could the big man covet those sesame and mung bean things? .”

"The great people don't care, don't other people care?"

"The key is that after such a long time, no one has discovered the treasure house in Baifengwu City."

"You mean, now that the treasure house is above the water, someone has discovered the existence of the treasure house?"

"Good." The shopkeeper nodded.

"There must be a lot of risk in the treasure house, right?" Lu Chen said.Lu Chen never believed that there would be pies falling on him. If it was so easy, the shopkeeper could go there by himself, so why bother to disclose the information to himself.

"The risk is directly proportional to the benefit."

"What kind of risk?"

"I don't know. Two teams have lost contact in Baifengwu City. If you want, I can lead you and join the Greedy Wolf Team." The shop owner said seriously.

"Greedy Wolf Squad?" Lu Chen hesitated for a moment. He had seen a lot of deceitful Lu Chen in the lower world, so he didn't trust others very much.

"Same as the son, it is a young team."

After a little consideration, Lu Chen agreed.The meeting will be half a month later. Fortunately, the official student assessment is only tomorrow, so there is no delay between the two.

Then Chase Lu bought some necessities and third-grade energy water here, which was explained by Tian Qi. If Chase Lu didn't buy it, the friendship of one person and one insect had come to an end.

In addition, Lu Chen also chose a weapon, a big sword, which was left in the corner and no one paid attention.Lu Chen took it in his hand and weighed it. The weight was astonishing. It weighed more than a thousand catties. Most people would definitely not be able to lift it. The shopkeeper saw that this sword matched Lu Chen, and was amazed at Lu Chen's strength, so he gave this sword to him. Chase Lu.

Before leaving, the shopkeeper gave Lu Chen a map with the purpose of the trip marked on it.In addition, Lu Chen met in Sikong Alley four days later.

Back at the academy, Lu Chen first opened his storage ring, looked at the gleaming Jina, and felt relieved for a while, "The results of the past few days are enough for me to buy a book that suits me."

Lu Chen knew that his physique could not cultivate the power of elements in this world. The former all-attribute physique became a mortal body in this world. Thinking of this, Lu Chen sighed.

"No, there are so many exercises in the world, and there is always something suitable for me. Even if I can't practice spells in this world, why don't I just practice body skills? It might be a good thing to maximize external skills."

Based on Lu Chen's understanding of this world, this world only cares about the control of spells or elements, as if he has never seen physical skills or external skills.

According to them, "Even if your body is as strong as iron, you can't resist the power of nature."

But Chase Lu doesn't think so. In a certain environment, the advantages of the physical body can be manifested.

And the strength of the physical body lies in his close invincibility, as long as he is deceived, even the rumored archmage may be able to choke him.

Lu Chen once again came to the Zangshu Pavilion in the college. There were many people coming and going here. The last time I was too hasty to watch carefully.

Its simple and elegant exterior facade, humane inner court structure, harmonious and natural garden water system and other elements are being accepted by more and more people who pursue the return of traditional values.

"I advise you not to repeat the old tricks, just use one method once." Tian Qi asked.

"Why?" Indeed, Chase Lu came to Zangshu Pavilion again to "get" another exercise that suits him. The last time he got it was the cultivation technique of the demon clan, and Chase Lu had no choice but to not practice it.

"Would Yanyue Academy not know about the loss of books in Cangshu Pavilion? Don't think that this exercise secret book is a trivial matter. They count the number of books in Cangshu Pavilion every day. I guess they should have known about it a long time ago, even I feel like I know it was you who did it, but I was suppressed by others, but it can help you the first time, not necessarily the second time."

"Then what should I do? I'm going to participate in the trial of formal students in two days. I can't even practice some basic elemental manipulation. How can I participate? It's impossible to win by virtue of the advantage of speed, right?" Lu Chen said a little anxious.

"Anyway, I advise you not to try again. Besides, have you chosen your cultivation route? You have no sense of elemental changes, so what manipulation are you talking about? Let alone practicing exercises."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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