Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1833 Provocation

The intermittent voice made Chase Lu think that Tianqi was injured, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "Where are you, why didn't I see you."

"Raise your legs!" Lu Chen heard clearly this time, the voice came from under his feet.

When Lu Chen raised his leg, he saw the Tianqi that had been crushed.

"Tianqi, are you okay!" Lu Chen quickly knelt down and held the shriveled Tianqi in his palm, his face was full of worry and guilt, thinking: "It's over, it's over, I accidentally trampled Tianqi to death gone."


There was only a crisp sound, and the squashed Tianqi suddenly swelled up, and it returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye, but only twisted its neck a few times to recover, and looked at Lu Chen with an unkind expression: "Do you want murder me?"

"Hey, accidental injury, accidental injury, as long as you're fine, I didn't expect you to have this ability." Originally, what Lu Chen wanted to say was: "I didn't expect you to die." But after thinking about it, it felt a little inappropriate. Then he changed his mouth.

"I'll tell you later." Tian Qi jumped off from Lu Chen's palm, jumped onto the stage again, and said, "The shoulder pole is long and the bench is wide."

"Put the shoulder pole on the bench." Hearing Tian Qi's words, the man no longer looked down to search for something, but raised his head, a hoarse, mechanical voice came from his mouth.

Then, the man turned around, revealing a wrinkled face, which was covered with wrinkles, and even the facial features were wrinkled together, which looked a little surprising.

It's like a face that has been scalded by an iron, and the whole face is stretched on the face, which can be said to be very ugly.

Even Lu Chen frowned slightly when he saw it, not because he disliked it, but because he was a little puzzled by the old man's mechanical movements.

"Is this a puppet manipulated by someone?"

But Tianqi behaved very naturally, as if it was no surprise, just watching the old man turn around, walk to the corner of the shop, and there was a bench on it, just like the "old man" said, a piece of ordinary The pole bears on it.

The old man walked over slowly and hugged the shoulder pole in his arms, touched it lightly, a gentle smile appeared on his originally ugly face, that smile seemed to be hugging his beloved woman, or his own child.

Immediately, the old man put down the pole in his hand, glanced peacefully at Lu Chen, and finally settled on Tian Qi, saying: "What do you need, guest officer?"

"Even the voice has changed."

This kind of feeling is very weird, giving Lu Chen the feeling that the old man was originally a flesh and blood shell without human emotions, but because of the "secret language" just now, the old man "lived" instantly.

"It's not urgent, please show me him first." Tian Qi pointed to Lu Chen.

The old man cast his cloudy eyes on Lu Chen and said, "Young man, come here."

Lu Chen walked over, and when he got closer, the old man seemed less scary.

"Raise your hand." The old man said kindly.

Lu Chen put his hand on the table, and the old man put his hand on Lu Chen's palm, and used two fingers to move seemingly randomly in Lu Chen's palm.

After a while, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man, and then it darkened again. He didn't speak, but moved his clumsy steps, and came to the innermost bookshelf, and pulled out a book from the bottom of the shelf. The book was given to Lu Chen.

The excited look in the old man's eyes could not be concealed, but it could be seen that the old man had been forbearing.

"Zhen Gujue."

Lu Chen looked at the secret book in his hand, before he opened it and read it carefully, it was snatched away with a "shua".

"Haha, Zhen Gujue! The name is really earthy."

The person who spoke was one of them standing in front of the weapon rack. This person was very tall, a full head taller than Chen Lu.

The others all showed echoing laughter, which was extremely piercing.

"Sorry, that's my thing." Chase Lu suppressed the anger in his heart. It was the first time that someone snatched something from his hand so easily.

"Hehe, you said it was yours." The tall man sneered and said, "Did you pay for it?" While talking, the man threw a storage bag full of kina and threw it on the countertop superior. "This is [-] kina, you don't need to look for more."

The shopkeeper took the storage bag and put it away without counting it.Two eyes rolled between Chase Lu and the man, shook his head, then sat back and continued to stroke his rough pole.

The shops in the back street do have this unwritten rule: "The one who pays first is right." This is why these people are so confident.

Immediately, the tall man turned his head to look at Lu Chen and sneered, "This thing belongs to me now." The man's long and narrow eyes showed a teasing look, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"What's going on, now all kinds of rubbish can enter the back street, kid, do you hear me, if you stare again, I'll goug out your eyes..." A man behind the man shouted with a fierce look on his face.

The main reason why they can look down on Lu Chen so much is the appearance of Lu Chen when he just entered the courtyard. It seems that he has never been there before, and he is still young.They think that people like Chase Lu are bullied no matter where they are.

"Don't be unconvinced. We are all disciples of Variety Academy. This is Mr. Gao. I think you should have heard that the young master of the Gao family is not something you can offend. I advise you Ah, I'd better leave early, so as not to affect the mood of my senior brother, then you won't be able to leave even if you want to." Another man said, with pity, ridicule and sarcasm on his face.

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Tianqi jumped onto Lu Chen's shoulder and said, "Obviously we were the ones who fell in love with it first, and you, the shopkeeper, judge it. They are taking it by force."

The shopkeeper didn't care about the conflicts between the few people, but just kept wiping the pole.

"It's fine if cats and dogs don't talk, but you, a little bug, are here to talk." The tall man gave a cold look, and glanced at Tianqi, Tianqi suddenly felt as if struck by lightning.

"Is Variety Academy amazing? He is still from Yanyue Academy." Tianqi said.

Suddenly, there was a whole burst of laughter in the air.

"I'm dying of laughter, just depend on him? He's still a member of Yanyue Academy, little bugger, you really know how to tell jokes."

"Whether you believe it or not, he is from Yanyue Academy anyway." Tian Qi was gagged by Lu Chen as he spoke.

Lu Chen glanced at the few people in front of him coldly, and he was indeed resentful, but he had never used power to free himself in this way. This is not Lu Chen's style of doing things.

"I don't think I have any enmity with the few below. Besides, I didn't know there was such a rule in the store just now, and the owner never said that the deal is worse than the one with the highest price?"

Lu Chen endured the anger in his heart and said kindly.

There is no way, Lu Chen, who has not integrated into this world at all, can only swallow his anger.

If this was Lu Chen from before, he would have drawn his sword and faced each other long ago.

The tall man snorted disdainfully, looked Lu Chen up and down, and said, "Looking at how poor you are, you still want to bid with me?" The man stepped forward, stood in front of Lu Chen, and looked down at Lu Chen, " What qualifications do you have to tell me fairness." The tone was very flat, but it brought an infinite sense of oppression.

At this moment, in a corner that no one has noticed, the veiled person who reads the book is also quietly watching this scene.


Under everyone's surprised eyes, Lu Chen made a move.

A muffled sound sounded, and the tall man staggered back a few steps. The burning pain in his chest made him clearly aware that he was hurt by the "weak" man in front of him.

"Hey, I'm still too weak." Lu Chen looked at his fist and shook his head.

"I'm in pain!" Shuai Gao was surprised, his head roaring.He didn't expect this weak man to make a move, and he never expected that he would be hurt by Lu Chen.

"You should fight."

Not only that, Lu Chen didn't stop, since he made a move, he had a good time, and it was not Lu Chen's style to shy away.Immediately, Lu Chen's right leg suddenly exerted strength, and a quick and fierce knee slammed into the tall man's lower body.

Although the man was angry, his own cultivation was still there, a brown shield suddenly appeared on the man's lower body, and Chase Lu's strong knee hit the shield with a "boom".

Lu Chen was shocked back a few steps, and then he stabilized his figure: "Is this elemental control?"

This is the first time for Chase Lu to fight against the elements. These moves seem very simple, but they all show rules that are different from those in the lower realm, and can even be said to be more advanced rules.

This world is composed of countless elements, but the general elements are almost the same as the lower realm, which are composed of five elements: "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth".There are also people who cultivate side elements based on these elements, which are more powerful. For example, when water elements are transformed into ice elements, this improvement is obvious.

And these are the mainstream cultivation paths, and some people choose to practice three thousand ways such as summoning or magic, and each path is stepped out by predecessors.

Therefore, Chase Lu didn't think that he would be incompetent from the beginning to the end, but he just didn't find a path that suits him.

"Boy, do you dare to kick me?" The tall man's expression was ferocious and somewhat startled.Everyone understood the reason for the ferocity, but he was astonished that there were still people who would use their bodies to attack, because in his world, no one used their own bodies to fight against others, and only those ferocious beasts could use their bodies to attack.Therefore, in his cognition, Lu Chen's behavior is undoubtedly like ordinary people hitting their heads against a wall.

"Stop! Cough cough cough!"

At this moment, the shopkeeper in front of the counter suddenly shouted, everyone looked at him, and only heard him say: "The small shop is too small, it is not suitable for you to use your fists, I advise you to move outside to resolve conflicts, not here The place to resolve the conflict." After the old man finished speaking, he wiped his mouth with a dirty towel, and then made a gesture of please.

The man grinned grimly, with an unruly expression on his face, and said: "Boy, do you dare to go out and fight? I can't judge you for a coward like you."

Tianqi tugged on Lu Chen's clothes, "Don't pay attention to him, this is the backstreet shop area, he dare not play wild here." Tianqi still understands the principle that a man can bend and stretch.

"Why don't you dare?" Lu Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.He ignored Tianqi's pull.

"You're crazy, you can't beat him! Judging from this person's skills just now, he is cultivating the power of the earth element. From the perspective of control and reaction, he should have reached the entry level, which is the realm of normalization! "Tianqi is also very good, so much information can be seen just from that person's only shot.

Returning to one state, that is, the state of preliminary control of elements, the state of being able to feel and initially manipulate elements, this is the entry standard for formal students of the four sects.

The entry standards of each sect are different, but they all have one thing in common that they must reach the state of unity before. There are so many people in the Eastern Region, as many as billions of people, and each academy has only a few tens of thousands of people That's all, this alone can explain the rarity and power of Guiyi.

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