Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1825 Subduing Sirius

How many fights Lu Chen has experienced along the way, how can he be a fearful person?Funk had never been the thing for a man like him.Regardless of the current level of agility, Lu Chen decided to fight, and the Qiankun staff in his hand emitted a faint warmth as if echoing.Lu Chen raised his artifact and prepared to hit Sirius with a blow.Unexpectedly, the speed of Sirius reached a terrifying level. Not only did he quickly dodge, but he also turned around and attacked Lu Chen, and bit off a piece of flesh on his left arm.The bleeding didn't stop.

There was a terrifying killing intent in Lu Chen's eyes, and the blood stained the Qiankun staff.The artifact was stimulated and pulled Chen Lu's body forward and flew forward, hitting Sirius in the abdomen with a stick.

"This artifact actually has the function of protecting the Lord." Sirius was not seriously injured, but he also lost face, but before discovering all the functions of this artifact, Sirius did not intend to act rashly and act rashly, "It turns out that this artifact has already It's useless to take it with you, I'll let you go today."

But Chase Lu, whose left arm was seriously injured, could no longer give up easily. Chase Lu smeared more blood on the artifact, and the artifact took Lu Chen forward even more stimulated, at a speed far faster than that of Sirius. Hitting Sirius with a stick made Sirius' subordinates show their prototypes one after another. Five wolves confronted one person, but Lu Chen was not afraid.In terms of life and death, he has already died several times, so what if he died again?

Images of the fairy world and the human world frantically flashed through Lu Chen's mind, bloody, cruel; beautiful and gentle.The status that has been achieved is above ten thousand people; the battle that has been won is unsurpassed.All the lovers, friends, and enemies, all the mana, cultivation, and artifacts, except for this one accidental Qiankun Staff, have nothing, dissipated, and lost.In this strange world, in a country that no one knows well, Lu Chen is only accompanied by the stick he holds tightly in his hand.

Then life and death, so what.To fight a hearty battle before dying is to be considered a happy death.

Lu Chen smiled, and made provocative movements to the five wolves in front of him, attracting a frantic attack from the other party.Lu Chen completely let the waving of the Qiankun stick to avoid the attack, complete trust, complete relaxation, and complete fearlessness, everyone was stunned.Honglian looked at such a reckless Lu Chen with an interested smile, and Qinglan Qingbaiqinghei looked at it stupidly and didn't know which side to cheer for for a while.

"Come on! Kill me! Am I a waste?" Lu Chen continued to smile provocatively, as if possessed by a demon.

"Why did this kid suddenly become so fast? Did he deliberately hide his strength before?" Sirius muttered in his heart. He didn't want to kill Lu Chen, but in front of the woman he liked, Sirius didn't want to lead a group Dui's men were beaten to the ground.So Sirius was ready to enter the serious mode, he winked at his subordinates, so the five wolves were ready to attack Lu Chen's arm together.

After discovering their intentions, Chase Lu deliberately used his left arm to attract their attention, and then avoided them with lightning speed. The five wolves slammed into the wall of the cave due to their speed, and Chen Lu took advantage of the fact that Sirius hadn't turned around. , and caught his wolf head in a few steps.

The group of basilisks exclaimed: "How is it possible that this human being is stronger than Sirius?"

Lu Chen held the Qiankun stick against his neck, and the golden light from the stick penetrated into Sirius' body, causing him to feel severe pain.Seeing that the boss was in the hands of the enemy, the other four black wolves did not dare to move forward.Lu Chen smiled evilly and said, "How do you want to die?"

Sirius' body became weaker and weaker gradually. The might of the Qiankun Staff was unexpectedly so powerful in the real world.After a while, Sirius was beaten back into human form, but still proudly unwilling to show weakness.

"Say it?" Chase Lu threatened to kill Sirius.The blood on his left arm was no longer flowing, but Chase Lu couldn't forget the humiliation he had suffered.

"That's all. A lesson is enough." Hong Lian suddenly said, and said softly to Lu Chen, "He is just jealous of you wearing my clothes, he has no major hatred, let him go. "

When Sirius saw Honglian pleading for him, he was both happy and ashamed, and said angrily, "You let him kill him, and if he kills me, I won't take off the skin."

Hong Lian plucked a petal from her head and threw it over, betting his mouth, "Don't be ashamed here, you come here all day to provoke me with unwarranted snake guts, and dare to talk about your father."

Lu Chen looked at Honglian and put down Sirius.After all, he molested Honglian's subordinates first, and Lu Chen didn't have much hatred for Honglian.And it's not a loss to have one more friend and one less enemy.

"Girl Honglian spoke, so I'll let him go. But." Lu Chen paused, "I want something from him."

Ten minutes later, Chase Lu walked out of the cave in white clothes, leaving Sirius howling pitifully, "You trash human, don't let me meet you again, after I meet you again, you will die or I will die!"

A group of basilisks in the cave laughed wildly around the Sirius in the pink glazed dress.Honglian even slumped on the high seat and didn't even have the strength to make fun of it.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of his subordinates, Sirius angrily decided in his heart that he must not let this kid out alive!

Walking out of Qingfu, the forest is already full of night.

The Qiankun staff has returned to the size of a bun and returned to Lu Chen's hair.

"The Cosmic Staff." Lu Chen read aloud and had to sigh. "Sigh." After he fainted from the battle with the masked man, he could vaguely feel a familiar yet unfamiliar force pulling him to this world.Lu Chen didn't know what happened in the middle.

"The scene depicted in the parchment scroll, does it mean this world? If you look at the level, I should have entered a more advanced world."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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From the Fairy Continent to the God Realm, and then to the Immortal World, and now it is another strange world, Chase Lu is like playing a game of jumping ladders, one is higher than the other, and the layers are more spacious and mysterious.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt lonely again: "People in the lower realm, how are you all?"

There are no relatives, friends, personal weapons and all body skills.Lu Chen smiled wryly, blessing and misfortune, I don't know: I don't know if I can return.

Lu Chen, dressed in white, walks lonely in the twilight forest.

The forest at night is too quiet, the existing wind and cicadas seem to have disappeared, only the whimpering of birds spreads from time to time in the empty bloody air, which seems to be the last struggle of life.

It seemed to be a cry for help before death. Dark clouds covered the moon, and the final brewing was in progress. The whole land was shrouded in darkness, and the original fangs and claws of the forest were soaked in the death light, looking so powerless. The night sky In the middle, a ray of light shot through the dense dead branches and leaves on the tree, reflected in the pupil of a bird, and then, the dark clouds slowly began to withdraw from the sky, showing the moon bit by bit, pulling people's hearts. The moon is... red, red with blood.

Lu Chen, who has experienced countless battles, did not expect that he would have such a moment of nostalgia for the past. "Earth fire is the root, hand skills are the supplement, and the combination of heaven, earth and man can make a pill." The pill, swordsmanship, and all-attribute physique have disappeared along with the days when they were once powerful in the fairy world.Today, there is only one person and one battle. Walking in this unknown and terrifying place known as the "Death Forest", Lu Chen actually felt a little sad.

However, many things do not allow people to stand still.

When Lu Chen fell into memory, a huge bird suddenly swooped down from the sky, black, sharp eyes, sharp teeth, and terrifying claws. It was deeply embedded in Lu Chen's shoulder, dragging it alive.

"Ah——" Big Bird took Lu Chen to the sky cruelly, and Lu Chen, who had lost his spells, was like a puppet without strings, allowing Big Bird to take him soaring in pain.

After a while, Chase Lu was taken to a tree with a trunk as thick as ten people hugging each other.

The big bird threw it in the nest, and when Lu Chen looked up, he saw a young bird staring at him.The big bird gestured to the young bird, and the young bird pounced on Lu Chen, opened its mouth wide, and poked a piece of raw meat.

"Ah—" Lu Chen cried out in pain, the Qiankun stick flickered, and it was enlarged and thickened, but Lu Chen didn't even have the strength to pick it up.

The young bird spit out Lu Chen's meat with a "bah", pointed its butt at the big bird, and flapped its wings as if expressing its dissatisfaction.

Is this despised?Lu Chen was angry and funny, and before he could taunt, he was kicked down by the big bird.

Pain spread rapidly from every inch of Chase Lu's body. It was the first time that Chase Lu felt hopeless due to such an unbearable physique.The blood flowed continuously, and the Qiankun staff flickered frequently, but it did nothing.His current state is like that when he first entered the cultivation world, only physically stronger than ordinary people.

After a while, the Qiankun Staff flew into the distance.Chase Lu looked at it, it stopped and took a few steps away.Lu Chen tentatively walked forward, and sure enough, the Qiankun stick moved forward a little more.Lu Chen understood that the protective stick was leading the way for him.Lu Chen walked forward with the Qiankun stick with difficulty, and came to a dense grass.

Chase Lu quickly searched with his eyes, and found a plant that looked strange at first sight.The stem of this plant is like a narcissus, with a slim figure.There are countless fine hairs on the stem.The leaves are a bit like a plantain fan, the front of the leaves is grass green, but the back is wine red.There are semicircular bamboo green spots in the grass green on the front; dark purple spots on the wine red side.It glows, as if waiting for someone to pick it.The Qiankun Staff stopped around it.

"What kind of plant is this?" Lu Chen was surprised. Although his cultivation base has been abolished, he is an alchemist himself, and his awareness of some medicinal materials is far beyond that of ordinary people. There are very few things he doesn't know.

Lu Chen took it off and applied it to the wound, and soon he felt refreshed. This feeling overlapped with the pain, which not only relieved a lot, but also stopped the bleeding.

Lu Chen touched the stick of heaven and earth, ready to continue on the road, no matter where he went, he at least wanted to get out of this forest.It was the first time Lu Chen had the feeling of being slaughtered by others, and he never wanted to have it.

Lu Chen just walked aimlessly like this, and it will be dawn in a while.

"There, there!" Hearing the voice, Lu Chen, who was exhausted, was suddenly alert, as if cold water was pouring from head to toe.Lu Chen ran towards the human voice with excitement and ecstasy.When had Lu Chen been so embarrassed, he didn't care about it.In this forest full of ferocious beasts and endless darkness, Chase Lu rejoiced to find the same kind.

Looking up, several people are chasing a colorful deer in the air.

The antlers are shining, the figure is vigorous, the pace is fast, and the lines are colorful. One can tell that this deer is extraordinary.And the people behind were chasing after them in the air on the back of beasts!

The leader is riding a fire kylin. The man has long dark red hair, which is untied and loose behind him, smooth and smooth like fine silk satin.Under the delicate and feminine Ye Mei are a pair of stunning deep purple magnificent eyes, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, adding to the seductive style.The vermilion lips were pursed lightly, half a smile was not a smile.The skin is fairer than snow, as if exuding a silvery white light.

From now on, the mounts of the two people are a bit like the Sirius who turned into a demon before.One person's long hair is scattered like ink on the white clothes, and the front hair is only slightly tied behind the head with a white belt. The other person has black hair in white clothes. in the figure.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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