Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1827 Yanyue Academy

Tianqi also proposed to rent a mount to quickly reach another area, so they came to the rental site and rented a fire phoenix with a medicinal plant as collateral. Lu Chen and Tianqi sat on it and had a panoramic view of the scenery below.

Different from the small shops around the forest, the buildings encountered along the way are various, some even towering into the sky, but most of them are based on black, white and gray, with few decorations. Looking at it, there is an inexplicable harmony , Tianqi told Lu Chen that this city is called Stone City, and it is rich in all kinds of stones. This kind of stone is not what ordinary people call stones, but it has very strange effects.

There are still many unexplored areas and places in the Atlanta continent, but they are generally extremely dangerous. Even a group of people with super powerful mana come to explore the way. But once you rule that area, you can become the lord of this area and build it yourself. Build a city, set up facilities, attract residents and tourists, and gain benefits.

There are many distinctive territories on the mainland. Because some territories are extremely beneficial to cultivation, the long-term residents in them are all famous figures, and sometimes encounter legends. Now they are rushing to this stone city. Also known as the City of Trading, there are all kinds of weapons, herbs, and magical instruments for sale, as well as pawnshops that accept all kinds of orders.Tianqi suggested Lu Chen to go to a medium-sized pawn shop, because some things in the small ones are too much to eat, and there are too many things in the large ones, and the medium-sized ones are just right.

After a while, the two came to a pawn shop.

No one yelled, just a fluorescent plaque with a few people inside, and transparent crystal cabinets on both sides, which displayed all kinds of treasures, including weapons, magical instruments, medicinal herbs and various unknown small bottles. I was too lazy to ask questions one by one out of curiosity, and came directly to the pawnshop owner.

Tianqi suggested that he show the most precious things first, which would attract the attention and attention of the pawnshop owner. Lu Chen was about to take out the pearls that Tianqi hid in the river, but Tianqi stopped him and asked the reason, but he kept silent , Lu Chen had no choice but to give up, and took out secondary medicinal materials, which can greatly increase the use of earth attribute mana in a short period of time.

The pawnshop owner was really whetted, so Lu Chen showed the contents of the package one by one. After bargaining, he got 1 kina. Although he had no concept of money in this world, Lu Chen was still very happy. Escaped with nothing or even a naked body, and the door to the new world was about to open. Thinking of this, Chase Lu looked at Tianqi and didn't think Tianqi was as funny as before.

Tian Qi suggested that Lu Chen keep some medicinal materials to save his life, and some ore to make magic tools.Led by Tian Qi, Lu Chen followed him and bought some bottles and jars, which contained various substances, and then came to a remote place, Tian Qi said that he would teach him to make magic tools.

"Can magic tools in this world be made by myself?" Chase Lu wondered, "I don't have any experience in making them."

"Some low-level magic tools are fine, and the magic tools I make are more suitable for my own requirements." Tianqi said.

The two came to a barren mountain. During the trip to the twilight forest, Chase Lu dug a lot of ores along the way, but he had no special tools. Some rare ores could not be cut with the body, and all the ores he brought were low-level ores.

One person and one insect worked hard for a whole evening, and when night was approaching, Lu Chen finally hung his carefully crafted battle robe on his body.

He was weak and weak, but at the moment he was set off by the battle robe with a bit of toughness. Lu Chen held his head high, feeling somewhat happy in his heart.

"Well, not bad."

"Well, it looks a bit like a devil dog." Tian Qi looked down at him, "It's just to make you less prone to serious injuries."

"Okay." Lu Chen was learning new things, and didn't bother to pay attention to Tianqi's superior attitude.Along the way, from Tianqi's familiarity with the whole real world, as well as the detailed introduction of each item, coupled with his dismissive tone of what he saw, Lu Chen had long concluded that Tianqi was not a mediocre person. The older generation, but later fell into despair, just like myself.

"Ugly is a bit ugly, if only there is a way to cover it up."


As soon as Lu Chen thought about it, several magic tools were integrated into Lu Chen's body. He thought it would feel heavy to put on these things, but he didn't expect it to be so wonderful. Lu Chen looked at his clothes and lowered his head to sigh.And at this moment, Tianqi suddenly exclaimed, "Battle of heaven and earth!"

Lu Chen took it off and said in surprise: "You also know this Qiankun stick?"

Because Lu Chen had seen that Sirius also knew this thing before, he didn't care about it at first, and he never thought that even Tianqi knew this thing.

"Nonsense, this Qiankun battle is very famous here, and it can easily manipulate natural elements. It has been obtained by many people, but it seems that this thing has a magic spell!"

"Curse? Why don't I feel it?" Lu Chen was surprised.

"Most of the people who used this Qiankun staff are dead. It must have been ten thousand years since the last person who used this Qiankun staff."

"It's only ten thousand years? It's lying to me."

Lu Chen looked a little weird.He vaguely remembered that this object was the soul seal of Qiankun, which was fused with some kind of object.Moreover, if it is said that this object was left in the lower realm for some reason, then it has been in the lower realm for more than 1 years. You must know that in the lower realm, just a golden fairy has 5000 million Year of Shouyuan.

"What are you thinking?" Tian Qi couldn't help asking when he noticed that Lu Chen hadn't spoken for a long time.

Lu Chen shook his head and didn't say much, he kept this matter in his heart, no matter what the purpose of Tian Qi was, he didn't want to expose it, because now he just needs someone who can guide him to understand the world.

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"You have to be careful, but there is no doubt that this staff is powerful, but it is useless to you." Tianqi looked at the Qiankun staff with a strange expression.

Lu Chen was secretly surprised that this Qiankun stick was actually a staff for casting spells!In the forest, he was used as a stick by Lu Chen.

"Now think about which college to go to." Tianqi looked bitter and bitter, and Lu Chen suddenly found that Tianqi was very kind and caring to him.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Lu Chen asked.

Tian Qi probably didn't expect Lu Chen to ask such a sentence, "Isn't this a repayment for saving my life?"

Lu Chen was silent and did not speak, and outsiders could not tell what he was thinking.

"In all the colleges on the mainland, the top ones are very difficult to get into and only accept talented nobles, the bottom ones can't learn anything good, and you may not be able to get in to the middle ones, because even if you pay kina, you are considered a waste by the college. Too many such low-level cultivating human beings will drag down the grade quality of the college, so it is difficult."

"There is no unparalleled road, so go and see more." Lu Chen wanted to see what the so-called talented and noble headmasters were like.

The two tidied up and came to the space station to rent Phoenix. Before going there, Tian Qi asked Lu Chen to buy some dry food for humans and monsters. In the real world, people's energy consumption is very fast, but the strange thing is that ordinary food actually It is one of the necessities of replenishing energy.The two of them soared in the sky in a phoenix, and they sat for a day and a night. The Qiqi couldn't resist Lu Chen's request to take him to see the academy city.

A day later, a college came into view.

The romantic and solemn temperament, the high foyer and the grand gate, the circular arched windows and the stone masonry at the corners are full of grace and luxury.Classical and cheerful, the steeple-shaped slanted roof, plastered wooden frame and column decoration, natural building materials and vines attached to it complement each other, classic but not fashionable.Fresh and unconventional, the white plaster walls combined with light red roof tiles, continuous arches and corridors, and the living room with tall and large windows make people feel refreshed.Simplicity and symmetry highlight calmness, each room is a square shape, and the spatial division and location layout of functions reflect rigor.

"This is the best academy in the eastern region." Tianqi said in a seldom-used tone of praise, "The principal is a legendary figure who once retired to the mountains and was invited to come out again. The academy has complex branches and is extremely inclusive. Strong, and accommodates geniuses from all sides. Every thousand years, a talented person turns out to become a strongman who dominates one side and sweeps several areas. Moreover, the school is extremely rich, and the aristocrats who hardly rely on connections and come in through the back door, If you want to get a college pass, it is not enough to have a high level of cultivation. You must also have your own specialties, and you must not be too old. In short, it is a college that all races in the eastern region hope to enroll in. You don’t have to think about it, but just go shopping You can still go shopping.”

Lu Chen didn't say much, and ordered Phoenix to land, and the two stopped on a road paved with unknown stones.Walking on the road, I felt light and light. The magnificent building in front of me was bathed in sunlight, full of solemn atmosphere, "One day, I will eventually create miracles here." Lu Chen secretly made up his mind.

A bulletin board caught Lu Chen's attention, and one of them was the enrollment information of Yanyue College.

"It's really rare to have taken the initiative to expand enrollment." Tianqi said, "Yanyue College rarely enrolls students actively, because every day there are a steady stream of people who take the initiative to take the test and want to enter the palace of Yanyue."

"Recruiting geniuses." After browsing quickly, Lu Chen spoke out the key points of the admissions information. "I want to try it."

"I said you'd better not run into a wall, you." Taking advantage of Tianqi's disdain, Lu Chen was already far away from him.

Walking into the gate of the academy, it was the first time that Chase Lu had seen so many people in this real world.People of all races gathered here, and Chase Lu noticed a few that were particularly dazzling.

The most eye-catching one is an elf girl.The long hair touches the ankles and floats gently above the ground. The snow-white skin even feels a little transparent. The blue eyes make people can't help but think of the starry sky and the sea. The colorless lips add a bit of nobility and coolness. The perfect face like an oil painting and the sharp ears unique to the elves do not seem to be inconsistent.This woman is dressed in a huge green lotus leaf, elegant in her exposure, a little cold in her sexiness, which attracts everyone to turn their heads back frequently.Beautiful people are born with privileges. This is not an unchanging truth in any world. After a while, many people want to strike up a conversation with them. Lu Chen watched all this with great interest.

A red-haired man looked like a stubborn child at first glance, holding a weapon that exuded a black aura, dressed in a vulgar aristocratic atmosphere, wishing to wear all the magic weapons on his body and tell the world that he was born in a famous family.

The man in Tsing Yi holding the fan was elegant and hypocritical. He didn't want others to see his hidden intentions. He pretended to talk about the world, but in fact it was purely seductive. His gentle and elegant appearance made people sick.

The other two men did not make people feel that they would not have the desire to make friends at the first sight. In fact, many people around were looking in the direction of the elf woman. striking.There are many jealous eyes from other women, and there are also men who are eager to try but can't hold back.

At present, the red-haired man asked the elf girl's name, but the elf girl didn't say anything.Two other men acted as peacemakers.

"Women don't want to tell you your name, and you still stalk them, which is really detrimental to a man's demeanor." The white fan man snorted disdainfully.

"What does this have to do with you? If you want to talk about manly demeanor, fight me if you have the guts." The red-haired maniacally said to the white fan, the weapon in his hand was so sharp that it shone.

The face of the white fan boy who was provoked was livid with anger, and the elf girl turned her head away, as if she didn't want to have an affair with him.

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