Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1824 Entering the Real World for the First Time

"Is this the real world?"

Lu Chen struggled to open his eyes in a sleepy state, trying to take a closer look at the legendary real world, which is far above the fairy world.

Not counting the towering mountains covered with unknown green trees, no man-made buildings, and no animals, this place seems to be no different from the ordinary world, but there is an indescribable weirdness.

"Wait what's wrong with me?"

After waking up, Lu Chen always felt light and light. When he looked down, not only his limbs were not covered by anything, but his whole body was in a strange white liquid.

"Water and sea??" The liquid has no temperature and is completely different from the normal water quality. It is light and floating. Suck on the soaked finger, and Lu Chen's body is ejected one meter away as if he was hit hard, with blood spilling out Mouth.

"What's wrong with me?" Like thunder, Lu Chen couldn't feel any trace of true energy in his body.

Regardless of the shame of being naked, Lu Chen ran along this strange water, making sure that there was no boat on the water.He didn't know where he was, but Chen Lu, who was never used to being discouraged, resolutely decided to go through the jungle and carve out a way out for himself.

The dense forest is full of unnamed fruits, red, yellow, orange and green.The strong sunlight seems to be unable to penetrate the layers of leaves to shine inside, and it is very dark.There was a strange smell in the air, like rust, blatantly threatening to intruders from outside.Chase Lu intuitively felt that no one had ever stepped into this area. "Then I'll walk out on a road with bare feet!" Walking forward with this belief, the sound of crushing rotten leaves was the only source of sound in the woods. For some reason, Lu Chen was not afraid.

Walking like this, it has been a few days, but I can't feel the change of day and night.Gradually, Lu Chen couldn't resist his hunger, so he ate a lot of fruits indiscriminately, but he was not lucky enough to get the help of the fruit. He fainted for an unknown number of days. Anyway, when he woke up, Lu Chen was in a cave, Surrounded by countless snakes!

"Notify the king, the prey is awake!" A python with red horns on its head said happily.I don't know why, knowing that he is in danger, Lu Chen still couldn't help laughing because of this guy's funny look.

"Bold human beings, you dare to act presumptuously in my Green Mansion without any real power!" Another pure white, smaller boa constrictor threw its tail towards Lu Chen's face, but was caught by him with one hand, and turned it upside down with his backhand , and reversed hundreds of rounds in the air.

"Ahh! Why are you so powerful, you trash!" All the snakes laughed in unison when they saw Xiaobai writhing in the air——Why could you see a group of snakes laughing? Lu Chen was also very puzzled, "Qing Red! Green Orange! Blue! Does it look good standing up? Stop him now!"

"Is this a new practice method you have learned? It's so beautiful." It should be the little snake named Qinglan trembling violently beside it.

The white python spat out the letter angrily and tried to spray the unknown liquid in the direction of Qinglan, Qinglan dodged deftly, making little white cheeks puff up with anger.

When Lu Chen was playing vigorously, a terrifying force struck, and just appearing made Lu Chen weak all over and collapsed on the ground.A coquettish red-clothed woman came into view, her complexion was simple and elegant, her forehead was a little cinnabar red, her eyebrows were clear and her eyes were clear, her lips were as red as blood, she was so beautiful that she couldn't eat fireworks.

"It's said that I met a rare waste material in a thousand years, but I didn't expect it to be quite strong." The woman lightly opened her red lips, her voice was delicate, and it was hard to believe that such a superb product was the leader of this group of basilisks.

Lu Chen frowned ugly when he heard "a rare waste material in a thousand years", and wanted to refute but still asked, "Is this the real world?" After all, he had no skills, and Lu Chen didn't dare to cause unnecessary trouble .

"What is the real world? This is the twilight forest in the Atlanta continent, also known as the death forest." The woman smiled, "To be honest, I don't even want to eat you anymore. It's useless to eat a waste body like yours."

"Are you a monster?" Lu Chen was not angry but curious, wondering if the woman in front of him was a monster who turned into a human.Although it is not uncommon for monsters with human appearance in the fairy world, it is still rare to be so beautiful and have no obvious characteristics of monsters.

"Monster clan?" The woman frowned, "I'm a snake clan."

"Hey, you talk a lot of nonsense, let's talk about how you want to die." Xiaobai on the side twisted his huge body, as if threatening Lu Chen.Lu Chen really felt that Xiaobai was full of jokes, so he chuckled out of time, and then said, "Frankly speaking, I just ascended to this world." The group of snakes looked at Lu Chen, "If everyone thinks that I am If it’s trash, it’s just right, trash doesn’t taste good.”

The woman laughed and said softly: "Okay, kill it." Lu Chen looked at the woman's face, showing a frightened look on purpose, and said: "Death is okay, if you can know the girl's name before you die And die without regret."

People are multifaceted.Lu Chen, who is all-powerful in both the world of humans and immortals, never thought that he would have such a day when he needed to be glib to ease the crisis.Although it is not once or twice to be dubbed "trash", but in a completely unfamiliar environment with no one to rely on, adapting to circumstances is an eternal survival skill, although it doesn't seem to work very well.

"A mere human, I want to know my king's name." The woman waved her hand gently pretending to be angry, and Lu Chen was already a few meters away with her sleeves fluttering.

"Good and strong".Lu Chen supported the ground with only one hand, and his internal organs burst into pain. "What kind of place did I come to?" Thinking of this, Lu Chen remembered that his undressed, muscular skin was exposed in front of a group of basilisks and a peerless woman, which made people a little shy.

"Before you die, can you put clothes on for me?"

The woman chuckled, waved again, and Lu Chen made another 360-degree flip in the air.The group of monsters trembled cheerfully, which was weird and funny, especially Xiao Bai, who was just deflated, looked at him arrogantly, quite pretending to be majestic.Only then did Lu Chen realize that she was avenging her subordinates.

The feeling of being humiliated naked was too uncomfortable, and Lu Chen gradually showed a ferocious look, with killing intent.At the same time, something like a bun on his head shone brightly.

Feeling suspicious in her heart, the woman felt the tremendous divine power of the bright light, so she stopped attacking and wanted to step forward to see what happened.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen's eyes were clear, and he looked at her coldly without speaking.

When the woman approached and wanted to touch her bun, Chen Lu turned his head away vigorously, and the woman slapped her angrily, the bun fell off, and the light expanded infinitely, attracting everyone's attention.Even Lu Chen himself didn't know what it was.

As the woman approached step by step, her bun was also brightened.At this moment, the cave shook violently.Earthquakes make people untenable.

"Qingbai, go and see what's going on." The woman let go of her attention to Lu Chen, "Honglian." The woman said to Lu Chen casually.

Lu Chen looked sideways, and there was still a trace of sullenness in his tone: "Find me a dress."

Honglian covered her face and smiled, although the ground shook again but there was no fluctuation at all. With a wave of her hand, Lu Chen put on a pale pink cloud-shaped girly dress that stretched across the floor.Lu Chen's face was livid, his bun lost its luster, and he returned to Lu Chen's head.

"Your Majesty!!" Before he had time to ask questions, his subordinates rushed to report from outside, "It's Sirius! He surrounded Qinglian Mansion with a group of subordinates!"

"This crazy person." Guren said angrily, "Let him in."

In a short while, several men came, the leader was dressed in white, and looked like a scholar with a gentle gentleman, the other four were all black, and the chilling aura spread invisible.Probably they are all monsters with high Taoism, Lu Chen stood beside him awkwardly and thought.

"Sister Honglian, long time no see." The man in white smiled hypocritically at Honglian, with a provocative look of "you know what I'm here for".The basilisk looked at him vigilantly and entered a state of readiness for battle.

"Don't come, the snake has no guts. Even if there is, do you think I will give it to you?" Hong Lian was not to be outdone.

"Then don't blame me for being rude." Sirius twisted his neck gracefully, bumped into Lu Chen who was wearing a woman's clothes, and was surprised for a moment, "What is this? A human being without cultivation?"

Lu Chen didn't speak.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to open it." Guren said impatiently.

The man in white stared at Lu Chen, his face darkened, "You still put your clothes on him?"

"What's with you?"

Lu Chen could see that the two were not mortal enemies, but lovers with an ambiguous relationship.The man in white should be the Sirius in Honglian's mouth, and Sirius is a jealous person at a glance.Otherwise, Chase Lu would not be beaten to the ground by him.

Honglian deliberately aroused Sirius' anger, and Sirius looked furious, and came to Lu Chen in a few steps, picked him up and knocked him into the air.Lu Chen experienced another bone-piercing pain.Blood splattered from the corner of his mouth, and he was very embarrassed.

Lu Chen couldn't bear it under such a play, the bun on his head flew in front of Lu Chen, the volume rapidly increased and thickened, and the light was extremely dazzling.Lu Chen guessed what it was.

During the battle with the masked man, Lu Chen fainted suddenly, but vaguely saw a black and white object fused with Qian Kun's soul seal.It was this thing, and most of this thing was what the Heavenly Demons from the lower realm were looking for, attracted by the Qiankun Soul Seal.

"Qiankun Soul Seal" Lu Chen lowered his head and murmured, looking carefully to see if it could be called the Qiankun Soul Seal.

I saw that this object no longer had the same appearance as before. It was cone-shaped, with dense patterns on it, like Taoist patterns, and also like ghostly drawn symbols. It was carved at random, and its overall appearance looked like an ancient bun. .

"Hey, there are characters." Lu Chen looked carefully, and found a line of small characters at the bottom of the "hair bun". It was very small, and if he was not careful, he would definitely not be able to find it.The font is ancient, like some kind of ancient script.

After pondering for a long time, Lu Chen finally roughly translated it: "Qian Kun Staff!"

"Qiankun stick?" At some point, Sirius flashed behind Lu Chen, looking at the bun in Lu Chen's hand in surprise, with a greedy look and surface. "It's a sharp weapon, but how could this thing be in the hands of a trash."

Lu Chen was taken aback, not by the Sirius, but because he felt that his consciousness had been closed, otherwise how could he not be aware of Sirius' movements.

At the moment, no matter how many people there are, Lu Chen picked up the Qiankun Staff and prepared to fight. Unexpectedly, he thought that this artifact was infinitely powerful, but the user didn't have the agility and skills.It's as if a child has taken a peerless weapon, and the taste of using it is indescribable.

"Hahahaha" Sirius laughed presumptuously, "Then it seems that it can only be dedicated to me."

Sirius jumped up, ready to snatch the artifact from the air, but Chase Lu used it to resist, but was bounced away when Sirius touched the weapon.Hong Lian smiled gleefully at the side and said, "Master Sirius sometimes makes mistakes."

Sirius was furious, turned around and came to Hong Lian at lightning speed and hijacked her from behind, threatening, "Snake gall, Qiankun staff and death, choose one."

"Kill me, and I won't be with you if you kill me." Honglian said indifferently, predicting that Sirius would not dare to do anything.

After Lu Chen had a weapon to defend himself, he decided not to hide his personality and be a person who just barely survived. "Miss Honglian, I'm afraid I have to say goodbye."

"It's okay to say goodbye, but I'm afraid you won't be able to survive this forest. I can give you a token of the snake tribe. Only when you meet snakes can you be safe. If you meet other beasts, you can ask for blessings." Honglian drew a snake clan token in the air and handed it to Lu Chen, deliberately provoking Sirius.Sirius really fell for it, and said to Lu Chen angrily, "You can go, pass me first!"

A silver-white wolf!

Sirius' hind legs were slightly bent, and his front legs stretched forward, posing in a posture of swooping down, with a faint fierce light in his eyes.White light shrouded his body faintly, which was completely different from the breath of the other men but more murderous.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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