Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1823 Closing

"My God, there are so many bigwigs gathered in Wuhua Pavilion today!" Someone noticed this.

"That's right, that's the Deputy Pavilion Master of the City Lord's Mansion! I didn't expect her to come too."

"Who is that old man? Why haven't I seen him before? He seems to be giving him face."

As soon as these words came out, the people around shook their heads, no one had seen this old man before.

"Oh! I see, he is an old man who resists insults." An old man said.

"To insult the old man?" Many people had doubts in their hearts. No one knew the name the old man said.

"You may not know this name, but if I say that he has a close relationship with the Palace Master of the City Lord's Mansion, will you be surprised?"

"Ah! Palace Lord."

Mansion of the City Lord Mansion Master Zai Fuchen is extremely mysterious, almost no one in the rich city has seen it, as if there has been no city lord since the establishment of Fucheng, just like the dragon in the sky, ethereal and very tall.

On the watchtower, the deputy city lord of the city lord's mansion looked at Lu Chen's side and said, "These two outsiders are obviously not high-level, why do they have such a terrifying aura, especially the man with a crystal body. "

The old man smiled and said, "These two little guys are interesting."

the other side.


The masked man shouted loudly, but stopped suddenly, a bone in his right leg flew out, and both legs were useless.The power of the fairy sword was too terrifying, he couldn't hold on anymore, he was on the verge of falling, and he couldn't cut the sword out at all.

But at this moment, a thick force poured into his back, this force was also huge, all his internal organs were displaced because of this, blue blood continued to flow from his mouth, more than half of his ribs were broken, the powerful energy It overflowed from his mouth and nose, like a balloon that had been pricked a few times, and it was still continuously inflated.

The masked man didn't have time to think about where this power came from, and he swung the fairy sword in his hand with all his might.

When the sword falls, the person falls.


This sword seems to be able to cut everything, cut off time, and annihilate space. It seems that this sword is the only one left in the world.

It seems that all living beings have to kneel and surrender under this sword. This is the real supreme sword, and everyone is so forced by this brilliant sword that they really can't open their eyes.

Lu Chen held his breath and focused his mind. Faced with such a sword, normal people would have been scared to pee, but Lu Chen was very calm and calm, with a fearless look in his eyes.

Strangely, Chase Lu forgot all the moves, and even he felt like a mortal who knew nothing about cultivation, but seemed to have the power of a world, which is incredible.

Lu Chen's spiritual consciousness traveled too far, and his whole body was ethereal. At this moment, he unexpectedly entered a strange state.

Although this sword seems unstoppable to outsiders, in Lu Chen's eyes, it is completely the presentation of rules and Tao.

That's right, he has seen it through, all laws in the world are inseparable from their roots, every move and style is the reproduction of Tao, everything is nothing but Tao.

"False." Lu Chen glanced at him for thousands of years, and his eyes sometimes became vicissitudes of life and terror, and sometimes they were soft and calm, calm and calm.

"He is!" Even on the viewing platform, the eyes of several big figures showed incredulous expressions.

"Wu Ji!" the old man mused.He is well-informed and has seen this kind of momentum in that peerless powerhouse.

"What is Wuji?" Zuo Xiu asked.

The old man didn't answer directly, and said: "Go on and watch." His eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something, and then he said: "Unexpectedly, after living most of my life, I finally saw the second person who can enter the martial arts state. It's just that this person's cultivation base is too weak, if he survives this battle, he will grow up in the future, and his achievements will be unimaginable."

It was too late and then too fast, the conversation between the few people was completed in an instant, and the sword also arrived in front of Lu Chen in an instant, the sky was split in half by this sword, if the ancestor god met him, he would even escape No, it can be killed in an instant, and the Supreme Ancestor God has to avoid it when he sees it.

However, this sword slowed down in Lu Chen's eyes. His expression was indifferent, and his body was full of immortal power, but he did not mobilize any immortal power.

Just slowly raised his fist, steadily, a straight punch!

"This man is crazy!"

Even Zuo Qi on the watchtower couldn't help sighing, hitting the sword that could easily kill the ancestor god with a fist without immortal power, like a mantis arm as a cart, a mayfly shaking a tree?These words are probably indescribable.

In everyone's mind, Lu Chen will be cut into powder by this sword.

But a miracle happened!From everyone's eyes, it can be seen that Lu Chen's straight punch smashed the sword in a devastating manner.

A large area of ​​space shattered and merged in an instant. Many people were affected, fell into the shattered space, and were swept away by the turbulent current. Their life and death were unknown, and they all wailed.

"Hold it!"

On the watchtower, the old man shouted loudly, using a surge of majestic power to protect a space and countless people.The others reacted equally quickly, and each protected a space, which did not cause too many casualties.

The entire Fucheng was slightly shaken twice by this punch, but at this moment, the huge stone box carried behind the statue in the distance flickered for a moment, so subtle that no one noticed, Fucheng calmed down .

"Young Master wins, Big Brother Lu wins!" Che Laomo, Chihuo Laomo and others hurried over.

"It's over." Lu Chen stood in the air, and suddenly, in the depths of Wuhua Pavilion, a black and white light flew out and shot towards Lu Chen. The speed was not fast, but Lu Chen felt that his body was extremely weak at the moment, and he could barely sustain it. Flying, there is no way to hide.


The two rays of light precisely hit Lu Chen's forehead, and when they sank in, Lu Chen's eyes were forced, and he fell down, and was caught by Che Laoyao.


At this time again, above the sky, it seems that the space has been shattered, a large black hole, which has not yet been repaired, and there is a deafening roaring sound in it.

"What's going on?" Lan Yu, the deputy city lord, said, she was as cold as frost, and she couldn't help frowning at this moment.

The old man Yu Hun shook his head, this situation has surpassed everyone's understanding, he took out a tortoise shell, three or five copper coins, and muttered: "Let me make a calculation."

"Shua!" A little scarlet appeared in the black space crack.

As a result, the entire space made a "buzzing" sound, and everyone looked at the scarlet point with fear.

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Because, although the scarlet looked small, it made everyone feel like a speck of dust, so insignificant.

That point of scarlet is like the eyes of a demon. People who are looking down on this space make everyone's souls tremble uncontrollably, just like a higher creature looking down on a group of lower creatures.

And in Lu Chen's mind, the black and white Qiankun Soul Seal merged with the black and white thing that had just been injected into his body, all of which Lu Chen didn't know about.

"No, it's a bad omen!"

In the distance, the old man who resisted humiliation shook his hands, several copper coins fell to the ground, and the tortoise shell shattered into two halves.

As soon as the old man who insulted him finished speaking, in the black hole, that spot of scarlet shot down suddenly, and the entire rich city was instantly covered in scarlet, overshadowing the light of Nine Suns.

An extremely bloody smell filled the entire Fucheng, even the ancestor god couldn't bear it, felt dizzy, fell to the ground and vomited.

That's a spear!The whole was scarlet like blood, and shot down at an incredible speed, and the direction it pointed was exactly where Chase Lu was!

And Old Yao Che, who was holding Lu Chen, was lying on the ground and couldn't even move a finger, and blood kept gushing from the corner of his mouth, and he was in great pain.

Before the celestial spear arrives, there is the power to open the sky, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the sky collapses and the earth cracks.

A deep gash opened in the ground, and the scarlet fairy light came instantly!

"Ding!" The fairy spear hit a hard object, resisting its attack.

Suddenly, a huge and majestic force spread out, the crowd rolled, and the earth was directly sunk.

The breath is more violent than before, and the dense space debris is flying, making this time and space almost collapse.

At this time, in the center of the rich city, a bell rang from the stone box behind the standing statue.In the rich city, everyone can hear this voice.

Like a sledgehammer hitting people's hearts, it lifts people's minds.

The sound wave spread overwhelmed that terrifying force and dissolved it.

However, the space where Chase Lu lived was hard to escape. There was a bloody smell everywhere, broken limbs and wreckage, and from time to time, there were wailing sounds. These people were all far away from Curculigo , within a radius of ten miles, it can be said that there is no grass growing, and the entire space is incomplete, let alone a living person.

The Immortal Tower of Wuhua Pavilion and the watchtower were all ashes and smoke at this moment, and several big figures had already fled here, because just now, they could feel that kind of power that they couldn't resist at all.

If it weren't for that stone box showing its power, I'm afraid this rich city would have been sunk.

"It's dangerous! Just now, if you slow down, I'm afraid we will all die there."

Sun Ji, who was thousands of miles away, was resentful, and there was still fear in her eyes. She was the director of Wuhua Pavilion, so of course she was capable, but at this moment she was trembling even when she spoke.

"I feel that the fairy spear is not something in my world."

Ge Ding was quite natural, but his breathing was still a bit heavy.

"You mean that Immortal Spear is?" Zuo Xiu said in horror, he could no longer say the following words.

"Doesn't that world only exist in legends? Could it be true!" Zuo Qi straightened his clothes, and the haste just now made him quite embarrassed.

"Now it's not just a legend, the fairy spear is the evidence." Lan Yu said coldly, then sighed again: "Hey, if it wasn't for the god statue's manifestation, the entire rich city might not be spared.

Speaking of this, Lan Yu bowed to the statue.

"Ahem, my old bones are about to fall apart." The old man who resisted humiliation hammered his old waist, and said: "Those people are still virtuous, what a pity, what a pity."

The old man who resisted humiliation looked in Lu Chen's direction with a look of regret.

However, the originally prosperous and prosperous commercial street has become dilapidated at this time, with dilapidated walls and ruins, full of dilapidated atmosphere, and the smell of death everywhere.

Before that, it was still full of flowers, busy traffic, towering tall buildings, Wuhua Pavilion suspended in the sky, and it became like this in an instant.

All this was due to that terrifying fairy spear.

On the sky, the terrifying black hole floated in the sky, pitch black, and rippling with a terrifying aura. In such an environment, the ancestor gods had to be careful, and they would be torn to pieces by the turbulent current if they were not paying attention.

All the wreckage was suspended in the air, and the blow of the fairy spear just now made this space weightless, and all the rules were wiped out in an instant, bringing a devastating blow to this space.If it is to recover naturally, it will take at least tens of millions of years.What a horror!

Below, only a piece of land several meters in size was intact, covered by a mass of black and white light, and a blood-red curculigo was pierced on the halo, so bright red that it dripped blood, like a spear thrown by an angel of hell.

And Lu Chen, Che Laomo, Chihuo Laomo, and Tianchi happened to be among them. They were already in a coma, and they didn't know the horror of the outside world.

They are also lucky.Before that, a hundred thousand cultivators had gathered here, and almost all of them were wiped out with a single blow from the immortal spear.

There are also some lucky ones who stood at a relatively far distance and witnessed all of this, and couldn't speak out because they were frightened, because this area has become a purgatory on earth.


The fairy spear flew upside down with a "shua", and disappeared instantly, hiding in the black hole.


With the return of the fairy spear, the black hole above the sky unexpectedly roared again.

"Come again?!" Ge Ding's face changed drastically, even if he was as calm as him, he didn't want to see such horror again.

"Is the sky going to destroy my rich city!" the old man Yu insulted lamented.

Immediately afterwards, under the terrified eyes of several people, a bright golden light shot out from the black hole, covering the place below where Chase Lu was.

Lu Chen was in a coma, and there was silence in his consciousness. He didn't have any breath on his body, as if he was dead.His body rose slowly with this ray of light, like a flying immortal.

"Om!" At this time, I don't know if it can be called the soul seal of Qiankun, and with a slight shake, the piece of land under Lu Chen's feet was pushed out of this chaotic space.

Everyone in the rich city could see this golden light. Under everyone's astonished eyes, Lu Chen was slowly sucked into the black hole.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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