This momentum is very strong, and it is still rising steadily, as if it has reached the peak of the supreme ancestor gods, and even some ancestor gods can't help but tremble in their legs.

"Oh? This sword is interesting."

The two big men on the stage, Ji Chuang and Zuo Qi, naturally also saw this scene. Ji Chuang looked at the sword curiously. With their cultivation, the sword would not be in danger.

"Well, it was that man's sword back then. It was originally an ordinary sword. I didn't expect to be trained by him to this level. I don't know what kind of state that man is now." Zuo Qi explained, and then laughed again Get up and say: "It seems that the situation has been settled."

"Uncle Qi's words are too early." Up to now, I don't know whether to believe Lu Chen or not care about the ancient scriptures, Ji Chuang still looks confident.

"Hmph! You're a dead duck." Zuo Qi snorted coldly, Ji Chuang's old-fashioned attitude made him, an elder, look very dull.

The screen shifted to Lu Chen's side.

"My lord, I don't know what secret method this person used to become so powerful!" Che Laoyao trembled.

"It's not the secret method, but the sword in his hand, a powerful force is sealed in that sword, and now he has unlocked it." Lu Chen was also trembling in his heart.

"Then can we resist it?" Chihuo Laomo also asked in a trembling voice.

Lu Chen was silent. If the sword really fell, whether they could resist it, he was not sure in his heart, and now he could only expect a miracle to happen.

"Hehe, you guys actually forced me to this point." The man laughed evilly, speaking intermittently, as if he was enduring something.

His hair danced like a sword fairy.The black robe on his body has long since disappeared, revealing his snow-white skin, leaving only a strange mask.

The man raised the fairy sword with both hands, and his movements were very slow, as if he had exhausted all his strength.Suddenly, there was a "click" sound from the man's body, and a stream of azure blue blood shot out from his snow-white chest.

A deep bone wound appeared on his snow-white chest, and the man let out a dull snort, because he couldn't see his expression through the mask, but judging from the sound, the man seemed to be in pain at this time.

"He's injured!" the Scarlet Fire Old Demon shouted.

Needless to say, Lu Chen could see it clearly, but Lu Chen didn't know why.

Immediately afterwards, several "clicks" sounded, accompanied by several streaks of blood flying out.

At this moment, the man is still holding the fairy sword high, and the fairy sword shines with incomparable brilliance in his hand, and the brilliance almost covers the nine suns in the sky.But it was too late to fall.

And his body was already covered with terrible wounds, and his whole body was covered with azure blue blood.

From time to time, there was the sound of bone cracking, and the man moaned dully and painfully.

"He can't bear the power of this fairy sword, and I'm afraid it's the end of his strength now." Lu Chen guessed, and immediately shouted: "Stop it, even if you kill me, you will die here, let alone we have no grievances or enmity , you can leave it alone.”

"Hey, haha, Lu Chen, are you scared?" The man laughed maniacally, and with a click, a bone flew out above his knee. This was his kneecap. He almost fell down when he lost his center of gravity, but He used his other leg to maintain his balance with brute force.

He knew that the sword in his hand could not be put down, and once he put it down, he would never be able to lift it up again. The masked man's thoughts are crazy now, and there is only one thought in his mind, which is to kill Lu Chen, even at the cost of his life.

"Why is this so? Who wants to kill me? Let him do it himself. It's not easy to practice. Why sacrifice your own life for this." Lu Chen lobbied, and he didn't dare to act rashly now, hoping to ease the man's emotions and turn the fight into jade.

Although Lu Chen said so, it doesn't mean that Lu Chen is a timid person.In Lu Chen's body, the yin-yang secret blood technique and extreme power are performed at the same time. These two major exercises can forcibly improve one's cultivation level, and the fusion of the two is even more terrifying. Lu Chen has not performed it for a long time.

At the same time, there is Luo Tian's restriction. This skill is also very powerful. It can fight against the king of gods. Lu Chen has already cultivated to the 26th level. Whether he can resist this sword, Lu Chen is not sure, but he certainly won't be It's easy to catch.

"The order from above is greater than the sky, so what is my life?" When the man said this, a self-deprecating look flashed across his face, and he focused his eyes on Lu Chen, saying: "I must take your life today!" , don't blame me."

Hearing this, Lu Chen took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said, "I can give you my life, but I still want to ask for one more thing."

"Cough, cough, say!" The man's eyes became a little loose, but the evil spirit on his body did not diminish. He coughed lightly, and a trace of blue blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Chase Lu pointed to Old Demon Chihuo and Old Demon Che behind him, and said, "Let them go."

"Young Master, Big Brother Lu, don't want to say something," they wanted to say, but they were stopped by Lu Chen.

"Hehe, unexpectedly, you Lu Chen is still a person who values ​​affection, good! I promise you, let them go." The man was also very straightforward, and did not want other people's lives.

"Master! Brother Lu"

"Let's go!" Lu Chen shouted, and pushed the few people away with a palm force.

"If you dare to come over, don't blame me for hating you!" Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Tian Chi, who was about to come over. Tian Chi was stared at by him, so he didn't dare to take a step forward.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Come on."

"Boom!" There was a thunder in Lu Chen's body, and his body couldn't help but staggered, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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This was the price he paid for fusing the Yin-Yang Secret Blood Art and Ji Zhili together, and he suffered a backlash.It's like two tops rotating at high speed in different directions colliding together, and the force generated is also huge.

Chase Lu's aura is rising steadily, and at the same time, it has brought a huge load to his body, which has even exceeded the carrying capacity of Chase Lu's body. If it weren't for Chase Lu's strong physical fitness, he might have been burst.


At this moment, Lu Chen, who has directly broken through from the peak of the Supreme Immortal to the ancestor of the Immortal, feels that his body has inexhaustible strength, which is far from being comparable to that of the Supreme Immortal, and it cannot be compared at all. Compared with that, it is more than ten times higher. This ten times is not as simple as one plus one plus one. Even a hundred Lu Chen just now may not be able to match the current Lu Chen.

Not only that, Lu Chen's aura is still rising. At a terrifying speed, his snow-white clothes have been smashed by energy, revealing a crystal clear body. This is a manifestation of energy, completely detached from the physical body. fetal.

Finally, a critical point was reached, and Chen Lu, urged by the secret method, had reached the middle stage of the ancestors at this moment!

This kind of improvement is terrifying, and many people around are stunned. Although many people here have the cultivation base of the ancestors, they feel the aura of Lu Chen, and they can't help but feel that they are slim.

"Haha, refreshing, Lu Chen, you are really good." The man in the mask was not afraid of the pain on his body, holding the fairy sword high in both hands, and the two black eyes on the mask were full of strange expressions.


The man was suppressed by the imposing manner of the fairy sword and spit out another mouthful of blood, this time he sprayed it out directly, he could hardly hold on anymore, the injury had already spread to his body, even if he won this time, the masked man would probably have to Abandoned.

Lu Chen put away the 33 Tiangeng sword, then took out the soul blood of Old Demon Che and Old Demon Chihuo, released it, and threw the storage ring at Old Demon Che.With deep eyes, as if seeing through nothingness, he said: "Please do one thing, help me take care of my relatives."

Old Demon Che and Old Demon Chihuo opened their mouths, unable to speak for a moment, their eyes became crystal clear, and they could only nod their heads emphatically.

"No, Young Master treats us well, we can't ignore death, let me go and save him." Tian Chi shouted hysterically, You Li cried and held him tightly.

Lu Chen ignored it, but turned his gaze to the masked man again, and said, "Come on." His tone was calm and peaceful, like an ordinary trial, as if he didn't regard this as a battle of life and death.

Just like this, Lu Chen stood empty-handed in the air, his body was like a perfect spar, shining with crystal brilliance.

At this moment, Lu Chen didn't have any monstrous power, all the power was restrained, peaceful and deep.He is ready.

"Stop! Killing is strictly prohibited in the rich city." At this time, a murderous team rushed over and said loudly.Want to stop the fight between the two.

But both of them ignored it.Immediately afterwards, several red clouds rushed over from all directions in an instant, all startled by the aura of the two people in the rich city.

"The disciples of Shaqianmen are dispatched again this time." The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a dignified body and a dignified appearance.A pair of eyes shot cold stars, and two eyebrows were like paint.The chest is wide and broad, and there is a majesty that is invincible.

"Master." Ji Chuang stepped forward and bowed.

The person who came was Ge Chuang, one of the best strong men in the rich city, with a brilliant record and an existence admired by thousands of people.

"Hmph! Ge Ding, you finally dare to come out." Zuo Qi snorted coldly.

"Ge Ding, how do you and I, the Eight Gods, settle the accounts of those years?" At this time, another voice sounded, it was a man, and this man's words were high-spirited, and his ambition was as high as a thousand feet.The heart is bold and bold, like a lion shaking the sky and descending from the clouds.The bones are strong and the tendons are strong, like a brave Pixiu sitting on the seat.

"It's Zuo Xiu, the boss of Yashenmen!" Someone exclaimed.

"That's enough, that's enough, Ge Xiu, let's stop talking about your old things." The person who spoke was a middle-aged beautiful woman.

She has an embarrassing red pointed chin, and she is wearing a pink and white embroidered tie-tilian antique satin gown with a straight collar, a primrose-colored embroidered impatiens skirt that stretches to the floor, and a taupe-colored tooth-pinched plain satin.Smooth long hair, a coquettish and chic bun, a jade-encrusted flower hairpin inserted into the lightly curled temples, a coral bracelet on a creamy-skinned hand, pink and blue embroidered gold flowers on her waist Patterned sash, and on the feet are embroidered sheepskin shoes with pinched gold and cloud red, and the whole person looks as bright as the autumn moon.

An old man stepped out from the void. He had a bronze face, a pair of copper bell-like eyes, and a goatee floating on his pointed chin, making him look old.

The old man said: "Sun Ji, don't say a few words. I did a fortune-telling before going out today, and the fortune-telling shows that today is a good day. No matter how I go out, I hear you all arguing here. I am an old bone, and I am tired of talking." , let me break the fight, is it appropriate?" Although the old man said that he was tired of talking, but when he really spoke, his voice was as powerful as Hong Zhong.

Everyone seemed to be saving face for the old man, they all shut up and stopped talking.

"The people from the City Lord's Mansion should have arrived long ago, where is Lan Yu? Why haven't they arrived yet?" the old man said with a voice like a bell.

"Thank you, senior Yuhu, for remembering this junior, isn't this junior here?" Another woman's voice came, this voice was melodious, like a warbler's cry.

With a pleasant voice, a door to the void opened beside the old man, and a young woman came out.

This woman has silver-white hair against the ice-blue eyes, which is more and more indifferent, and her face is not lacking in heroism, like a banished fairy. She always has an attractive temperament, which has nothing to do with her good appearance. associated.At this moment, she is a kind of hopelessly cold, like a bloodthirsty fairy.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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