Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1821 Fighting the Masked Man

There is no treasure in the Destruction Tower, which was concluded a long time ago.Not long ago, there were rumors that Ji Chuang brought out a scripture, which shocked many people, and many people did not believe it. Later, this matter was suppressed, so no one mentioned it again.

"But there is such a thing." Ji Chuang didn't shy away from it, and admitted it directly.

"There are scriptures in the death tower?"

"Unexpectedly, the rumors are true, so why did some important figures come out to clarify that there is only danger in the tower of death."

Ji Chuang's words caused an uproar. Most people had their eyes on the battlefield where Lu Chen was, but they were attracted by Ji Chuang's words.

"Oh? It's true." Of course Zuo Qi wasn't sure about it, he just asked casually, but he didn't expect Ji Chuang to admit it on the spot.

"Nephew, can you give it to everyone to open their eyes?" Zuo Qi's eyes showed hope and curiosity, without the previous airs.

Ji Chuang thought for a while, nodded and took out something from the storage ring.

This object was wrapped in a layer of black cloth that was as black as ink, and it was impossible to see what was in it. Many people searched with their spiritual sense, but they all returned in vain.

"What is this?" Everyone was curious.

"Is this the ancient scripture?" Zuo Qi asked.

"Exactly." Ji Chuang said, his palm slowly stretched out, and slowly fluctuated on this object, like a willow leaf twisting with the wind, the power of the seal circulated at his fingertips, like cotton thread seeping into a black object among.


Only a soft sound was heard, and suddenly the golden light flashed, and a boxy thing floated up and down in the air.

As Ji Chuang swiped heavily with his big hand, the black object turned into a piece and fell into his hand like a short sleeve.

And in his other hand, there was an ancient book with a strong golden light floating above his palm.

"What's that?" Even Lu Chen was attracted by the golden light.

"Be careful!" Che Laoyao shouted.


Just as Lu Chen was distracted for a while, a sharp sword flashed out of the space again, and Lu Chen couldn't avoid it, and another bloodstain was cut on his shoulder, pools of blood.

"Hmph! You dare to lose your mind when you are fighting against me! Maybe he doesn't pay attention to me." There were cold voices from all around.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth, stopped paying attention to the flash, and devoted all his attention to the battle.

the other side.

"This is that scripture." Zuo Qi's gaze was attracted by the scripture that shone with golden light, and he couldn't extricate himself.That look is like a bachelor seeing a naked woman.Zuo Qi stretched out his hand to touch it.

But Ji Chuang took his hand, took the scripture back, and said: "Sorry, this thing should not be touched."

"Hmph! Could it be that you are still afraid that I will steal yours." Zuo Qi snorted coldly, and put his hands behind his back in embarrassment.

Ji Chuang's move made him very embarrassed, so that he is also an elder, and he will not die if he touches it. Is it necessary to guard against him like this.

"Uncle Qi, it's not that I don't want to use you to watch it, but that this thing cannot be touched easily, otherwise there will be visions. I also think about Uncle Qi's safety." Ji Chuang said.

"Oh? So evil." No matter what Ji Chuang said was true or false, this was a step, and he naturally had to step down.

"Since my nephew can't get the Primordial Void Hand, why not take this scripture as a bet?" Zuo Qi said.

Ji Chuang hesitated for a moment, then seemed to have made a decision, gritted his teeth, and said, "Uncle Qi thinks it's fine."

The two looked at the place where the battle was extremely fierce at the moment.

"Young Master, I will use the Burning Fire to force him out. As long as he dares to show his face, Young Master will give him a thunderous blow." The Red Fire Old Demon said via voice transmission.

Lu Chen nodded, during this period, he had already set up a formation here.

No one noticed that his arrangement was very subtle.

This is Luo Tian's prohibition, which has the power to shake the ancients. In addition, the 33-day sword array is ready to kill powerful enemies at any time.

"Crimson fire and muddy sky!"

The Chihuo old devil held the bamboo gourd in his hand and threw it upwards.The Tianzhu gourd, which was originally the size of a palm, suddenly became the size of a millstone, and he held it on his shoulder.

A scorching breath poured out from the mouth of the gourd like a flood gate.

As if the air was burning, the sky was reflected red, and the surroundings were full of lava.The trees and buildings carved from strange stones were instantly reduced to ashes when they were stuck to a little bit of Mars.

This scene is like an eighteenth-story purgatory, full of crimson, and billowing with thick smoke.

"Heavenly Demon Slash, the tenth form - One Thought God Slash!"

At this moment, the people around are far away from this battlefield, watching from a distance.

An invisible green blade appeared in the air, extremely huge, sweeping across the space.

Although Tian Chi's cultivation base is not high, but this tenth form of Heavenly Demon Slashing is his strongest technique at present, which has already broken through his limit, and it has the power of an ancestor when it is deployed! .

But his forehead was already covered with sweat, and it could be seen that he was struggling.

There are a total of twelve styles of Heavenly Demon Slash, which were created by the demon god when he was the supreme ancestor god. Precious and the demon god's love for Tianchi.


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I'm really not a Gescher

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I saw Che Laoyao sneered, in awe, clenched his hands like dead wood, and kneaded each other.

All of a sudden, dark clouds surged in the sky, and the sky that was originally blue and white clouds suddenly became densely covered with dark clouds, no, it was not dark clouds, it was as if cotton had been soaked in ink, it was so black and scary.

Countless groups of black clouds crowded together and rubbed against each other, creating several thunderstorms, each as thick as a bucket, like a catastrophe.People who didn't know thought that someone was going through the robbery here.

"Not coming out yet? Hmph! See how long you can bear it."

This chaotic scene was like a plate of dumplings being dropped into the frying pan at the same time, causing them to explode.

Lu Chen didn't believe that the man could hold on anymore, he was already prepared, as long as the man dared to move slightly, he would kill him with one blow!

"Lu Chen, you are despicable!"

Sure enough, the man finally couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out of the space. There were still a few scars on his body, and even his black robe was burned a bit.He said angrily: "What kind of skill are you! Bullying the few with the more is a waste of fame."

Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense with him, his eyes turned cold, he raised Zhou Tian's ax and slashed at him.

Speaking of being aboveboard, what is missing from this person's skills is that this person has been hiding in the space before, so is that considered an aboveboard way of fighting?

Not only that, dozens of silver swords appeared in the air, counting exactly 33.This is the Tiangeng sword that Lu Chen made not long ago, and he has completely integrated it into the 33-day sword array.At this moment, it was played perfectly, locking that person firmly in it.

A sharp, sharp sword glow shot out from the sword in the man's hand, resisting Lu Chen's Zhou Tian axe.

But what followed was endless Tiangeng swords coming towards him.

At first, the man was able to resist calmly, but after a long time, the man was obviously a little weak in parrying, and his movements were obviously a little difficult.

At this time, the embarrassed masked man had long since lost his former arrogance, he was defiant, but he was still a little embarrassed.

Lu Chen is not afraid that this person will escape, because before that, he has quietly laid a net around him,

"Damn it!" The masked man was obviously flustered, not as calm as before.After blocking countless Tiangeng swords, he was finally pierced through his arm by a Tiangeng sword that stabbed obliquely, and blood dripped continuously along his fingertips.

"Huh? Blue blood?" Lu Chen's eyes were sharp, and he realized that this person was not the color of normal human blood, but blood water as blue as the sky.

"You are not a human race! Who are you?" Chase Lu scolded loudly.

"Hehe, you have no right to know who I am."

The masked man firmly grasped the injured arm, and a strange thing happened, the blue blood that had already flowed out seemed to be suddenly injected with life, soared up, and all of it was submerged in the road again. Among the wounds.

Then, the pierced wound was stitched up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, his arm became intact as before.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and his eyes showed an incredible look.Practitioners do have powerful repair abilities, and can even be reborn from a broken arm, but he has never seen anyone who can recover so quickly in battle.

It's simply evil!

"Haha, you can't kill me." The man laughed wildly.

Although the man was laughing wildly, his pupils obviously lost some luster, and he was not as energetic as before, as if something had been pulled out of his body.

This subtle change was noticed by Chase Lu.

"Can't kill? It doesn't exist." Lu Chen already knew that although this person's ability was very heaven-defying, it was not invincible. Every time he used this ability, he had to pay a certain price.

"33 Heavens Sword Formation, kill me!" Lu Chen yelled, put away Zhou Tian's axe, and ran the 33 Heavens Sword Formation with all his strength.He could see that the man's divine sword could not withstand all attacks, only powerful attacks would touch that divine sword. Presumably, this masked man could not fully grasp this divine sword, so he could only use it as a Passive defensive artifact.

"Kill!" Old Demon Che, Old Demon Chihuo, Tianchi and the others did not wait foolishly. They used their unique skills and tried their best to kill the masked man. trouble.

The sword was so fierce that it was shattered into ruins all over the place, and was cut into powder by the sword energy emitted.

This time the sword array is more fierce than before!After the man laughed wildly, his expression became a little unnatural.

He miscalculated, Lu Chen is stronger than he imagined, this is a misjudgment, this situation has never happened in his organization for many years, he did not expect to be encountered by him.

The masked man was a little flustered. He knew that if this continued, he would be consumed to death by Lu Chen. In this case, it would be difficult for him to protect himself, let alone kill Lu Chen in reverse.

"Get out!" The masked man bit the tip of his tongue, and shot out two drops of dark blue blood, dripping on the sword.

There was a soft sound from the sword body, and a strong will came!A trembling breath continued to come from the sword body.

The 33 Tian Geng swords that were spinning rapidly in the air were forcibly restrained when they encountered that momentum, and fell to the ground one after another, making a ping-pong sound.

"The Supreme Ancestor God!" Lu Chen was taken aback, and quickly summoned the peacock treasure mirror.He knew that with his current cultivation, the Supreme Ancestral God could kill him with a single blow, so he dared not be careless.

Chihuo Laomo and Che Laomo were also taken aback, pulling Tianchi, who was slow to react, and ran towards Lu Chen like crazy.

The people around were also forced to keep their eyes open by this breath. Although there are many strong people in the rich city, they are not to the point where the supreme ancestor gods are everywhere. Most of them are still the strength of ancestor immortals. A few ancestor gods were present, but they were also suppressed by that momentum.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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