Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1820 The leisure of the big man

Because at this moment, he was hit by Zhou Tian's ax urged by Lu Chen at the same time, and the blade was lifted slightly, dissolving most of the power.

Normally, ordinary ancestors couldn't resist a blow from the ancestor artifact urged by Lu Chen, but because the weird sword resolved it for him, it was harmless.

As a killer in the dark, he had already lost his advantage when he showed his figure, but he didn't panic and behaved very calmly.

"Can this be resisted?" Lu Chen was horrified. It was like a blow from the ancestor god, but it was so easily resolved by someone.

"Hehe, the legendary Lu Chen is nothing more than that." The masked man said evilly.

smiled.His figure is very slender, his black robe rustles, his slender fingers lightly brush over the mask, coupled with his thick voice, it gives people a feeling of gai ligaiqi, the majestic immortal power rolls out, wide open Dahe is like a sword fairy.

"Huh! Is this your strength? The fairy sword under your feet is good, I want to accept it" Lu Chen snorted coldly, his tone was very domineering, and he directly expressed that he wanted the fairy sword under the masked man's feet. He could see that the fairy sword was very ugly generally.

Immediately, Lu Chen operated the 33 Heavenly Sword Formation, and the 33 Tiangeng Sword swished out, forming a situation of encirclement, locking all the surrounding space, not even a fly could fly in.

33 Tianjian Formation is an ancestor god skill, and it is also a formation-level skill, far surpassing the ancestor god skill of the same level, and it is considered the best choice among the ancestor god skills.Before Lu Chen only had sixteen Tiangeng swords, he obtained Tiangeng crystals from the Tianjing clan and practiced a complete 33 Tiangeng swords.

This is the first time that Lu Chen has used the complete 33-day sword formation, and its operation is still a bit rusty and obscure, so the sword formation is a little unstable when it is opened, and the aura is sometimes fierce as a tiger, and sometimes weak.

But it was only for a short while, with Lu Chen's amazing talent, he mastered this formation in a short while.

Cooperating with 33 Tiangeng swords, the 33 Tiangeng Sword Formation is astonishingly powerful, just like the ancestor god coming to the world, his hair dances wildly, his clothes flutter, like a master coming.

"The power looks pretty good, but whether you can withstand my next blow depends on your ability."

The masked man said in a low voice, the fairy glow circulated on his body surface, and he lifted the five curses cast by Lu Chen.

"You are very good, you have cracked my five curses so quickly." Lu Chen was also a little surprised

The five incantations are time-sensitive, and the effect is obvious when cast on weak people. The longer the time-limit, the more powerful it may be for an instant.

And this masked man was able to remove the five spells in such a short period of time, which shows that this person is not only outstanding in the way of swordsmanship, but also very strong in cultivation.

"Oh? The power of space?"

On the platform, Zuo Qi's eyes moved to Lu Chen's body, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his eyes to Ji Chuang with a strange expression.

"This person has mastered the origin of space." Ji Chuang said, he looked at Lu Chen with great interest.There was brilliance flickering in the clear eyes.

"Although this person has mastered the origin of space, that person is also not bad."

"Uncle Qi is right. The Shaqianmen from the outside world was really strong for a while, but then they disappeared for unknown reasons. This time they were born, it seems that they came for that thing."

"Oh? It seems that you know quite a lot." Zuo Qi was startled, and then remembered that Ji Chuang's master was Ge Ding, and then he said in relief: "In this life, the outside world may change.

"Well, we can't and can't control the outside world. Although you and I have disputes, in truth, we are all from the rich city and from the Tianyuan space."

"However, Uncle Qi thinks who will win between the two of them?" Ji Chuang said with a smile.

Ji Chuang's immature face has adults who are not mature.

"I think it's better to kill Qianmen." Zuo Qi said.

"Oh, Uncle Qi's thinking is exactly the opposite of mine. I think the kid who masters the origin of space will win." For some reason, Ji Chuang's every word and every movement is filled with inexplicable confidence.

"Nephew seems to be very sure about that kid, why don't we add some color?" Zuo Qi became interested.

"That's exactly what I mean." Ji Chuang nodded.

A piece of rotten wooden box appeared in Zuo Qi's hands, and he opened a corner, and suddenly the air was filled with strong life force, and everyone around was attracted, smelling it, their spirits were shocked.

"My God, that's red, white and evergreen. The Yashenmen are too wealthy, right?"

Although the fight between Lu Chen and the two was exciting, the bets of these two big men were also eye-catching.

Zuo Qidao: "Let's play small, so as not to hurt the friendship between my two uncles and nephews. This is a 20-year-old 'Red White Evergreen'"

If Lu Chen knew about it, he would be so shocked that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, dumbfounded.

Red and White Evergreen is a treasure in the Fairy Continent. It has not appeared many times in the history of the Fairy Continent. Every time there will be countless powerful people, even Tianjun will be shocked!

Just imagine, even Tianjun is so keen on this red, white and evergreen, its value can be imagined.

The love of those old monsters, even the ancestor gods, and even Tianjun will die of old age. Leaving aside the Tianjun, no one has truly achieved the immortality since human history, so it is reflected. The preciousness of this gem.

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In the eyes of outsiders, the ancestral gods exist forever and are called immortal.In fact, it is not the case. Even the ancestor gods have the day when their lifespan will be exhausted, just like ordinary people.

The reason why this kind of treasure is precious is not entirely because of its rarity, but more importantly, it has the effect of prolonging life, and it has the effect of bringing back the dead to the dead and reviving the dead wood.In other words, owning this thing is one more life than others!It can be said to live another life.

Therefore, if this section of 'Red White Evergreen' appears outside, it may not be Fuze, but a catastrophe, because countless people will fight because of it, and they all want to have this kind of treasure.

Once upon a time, there was an old man in the Fairy Continent of the Human Race, who was a strong Tianjun. He was the strongest man at that time, with unparalleled strength, but unfortunately he was already old and was about to ride a crane westward.Everyone is paying close attention to the old man, including strong enemies and close friends.

Someone gave him a lot of treasures, all of which are great medicines that can increase longevity, but they are useless because the old man has already swallowed a lot of similar medicines and is already immune to such medicines.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to watch the old man die.

But at this moment, a section of 'Red White Evergreen' suddenly appeared in the Fairy Continent.Many people were overjoyed that the old man didn't have to die.

But things were not as simple as imagined. Although the old man was the most powerful person at that time, he paid a huge price to get that piece of red and white evergreen.

At that time, there were also many people who expected the old man to die, including the strong man who was second only to the old man. They all thought that the old man was too old to survive the past, and they also coveted the red, white and evergreen.

Later, the old man burned his last blood, put all his eggs in one basket, beheaded a powerful enemy to obtain the treasure, swallowed the red and white evergreen, and lived out his second life!

"Oh? Red, white and evergreen? Uncle Qi seems to be very elegant." Ji Chuang was surprised. This kind of treasure is very rare even in Fucheng.

Although Zuo Qi said that he played small games, he actually gambled a lot. Hongbai Changqing is also one of the top treasures in the rich city. Although the rich city is rich, it is not so full of treasures.

"It's just a small gamble for fun, nephew can do whatever he wants." Zuo Qi said very indifferently, as if this red and white evergreen is just an ordinary Chinese cabbage.

"Uncle Qi is really rich and powerful, but I am too shy to come up with anything comparable to him." Ji Chuang said this very calmly.It is true that he does not have such treasures on him. In terms of wealth, Yingyue Villa may be worse than Iorimen.

"Hey, my nephew doesn't seem to be very interested. Could it be that he looks down on you, Uncle Qi?" Zuo Qi let out a long sigh, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"This old guy even took out the red, white and evergreen, and he is talking about a small gamble! It must be a big conspiracy." Ji Chuang slandered in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Uncle Qi misunderstood, what I said is true, and what I said is true. There is no intention of deceiving Uncle Qi at all."

"Well, since that's the case, why not do this. Your teacher Ge Ding's Immemorial Void Hand is unpredictable and famous all over the world. I think your teacher treats you well. I must have taught you this method. You might as well use it Take this as a bet!" Zuo Qi said very lightly.

"Primeval Void Hand!" The eyes of the people next to him were filled with surprise.

"This is really a lion with a big mouth, and the picture is not small." Someone murmured in his heart.

This is Ge Ding's famous stunt, no one can stop Taigu Xukong's hand!This is also one of the reasons why he can fight two against one.

"Hehe, Uncle Qi seems to be very interested in my master's Immemorial Void Hand." Ji Chuang was not surprised, he knew that the old fox Zuo Qi, including the group of old foxes from the Eight Gods Gate, were very interested in his master's Immemorial Void Hand. Interested, I'm afraid it has been coveted for a long time.Just today, he finally revealed his fox tail.

Zuo Qi gently turned the storage ring on his thumb, and said with deep eyes: "I can't say that, I'm just curious, besides, my red, white, evergreen is not worse than the Primordial Void Hand."

"Red, white, and evergreen can be regarded as sacred objects, and they are rare. For me, such sacred objects are hard to come by. I think Uncle Qi should pay more attention to such sacred objects."

This is very tricky. To put it simply, Ji Chuang is still very young and does not need this kind of "health care product". Zuo Qi needs it.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Zuo Qi frowned, and he naturally heard Ji Chuang's subtext.

"I'm afraid Uncle Qi misunderstood again. I just think that I may not be able to use the red, white, evergreen for the time being. How about Uncle Qi changing the bet?"

"Hmph! Did your master teach you sharp teeth and sharp mouth?" Zuo Qi snorted coldly, and then continued: "It is difficult for a practitioner to become a master if he shrinks back. Such a good opportunity, you are sure to give up like this ?”

"Hehe, I can only say that I have no destiny with Hongbai Changqing." Ji Chuang shook his head, not being fooled by Zuo Qi.

"Hey, what a pity." Zuo Qi weighed the wooden box in his hand, and said with regret: "Well, since my nephew is so conservative, then I will suffer a bit. I heard that my nephew broke through the Death Tower."

Ji Chuang nodded and said, "This is not a way for outsiders."

The corners of Zuo Qi's mouth twitched when he heard this, since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who can break through the Death Tower, and this is not something outsiders can understand, then Zuo Qi himself can hit his head to death.

It has to be said that Ji Chuang's talent is extremely great, and Zuo Qi can't be jealous that he can be equal to himself at such an age and speak on the same level.

"My nephew is very humble, but I also heard that my nephew got something else in the Miesheng Tower? Is it an ancient scripture?"

Zuo Qi's words were not loud, but they made everyone around him prick up their ears.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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