Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 1819 Assassination

"Shua!" Inadvertently, a sharp sword blade stabbed out from the empty space at a tricky angle, pointing directly at Lu Chen's throat, the speed was staggering.

Chase Lu retreated sharply, and the speed was also very fast. This is the power of space, and it looks like teleportation to outsiders.

The strange thing is that the sword blade followed Lu Chen like a maggot on the tarsus bone, entangled tightly, and couldn't get rid of it at all.

After the words closed, the man made a weird gesture with one finger up and the other down, the black figure disappeared in place, and he couldn't feel any breath.

"This person is a master who specializes in killing!" Lu Chen made a conclusion in his heart, such as every one of this kind of person is extremely powerful, every person who practices this way is good at assassination, hiding in the void, When people are unprepared, one blow is fatal.

This kind of person can be organized or solitary. Before each shot, they will carefully calculate and will not waste excess power. Before each shot, they will make an assessment of the opponent. And they usually have a habit, usually only take one shot, as long as they fail once, they will immediately stop and run away.

Against this kind of person, as long as you are a little careless, your neck may be cut off by the opponent. Therefore, Chase Lu put all his energy into running the power of space and feeling the fluctuations of space, but the strange thing is that there is nothing abnormal in space.

This is very strange. If this person is practicing the power of space, he must have noticed Lu Chen's instant concealment just now, but now Lu Chen does not feel the resonance of his ability. There are two possibilities. The attainment of force is even higher than that of Lu Chen, and secondly, what this person uses is not the power of space, so Lu Chen can't feel it, and judged the wrong direction at the beginning.

Lu Chen categorically ruled out the first one. It is rare for Lu Chen to cultivate the power of space to the seventh level, so it should not exist. Moreover, this person is obviously targeting Lu Chen. , or people from the Heavenly Demon Race outside the territory.

In the outside world, except for the girl I met before, there is no one who has cultivated the power of space to the eighth level, not to mention the person who can cultivate the power of space to the eighth level, Lu Chen believes that he will not be able to just now The fact that this person has been discovered, maybe others don't know, but Chase Lu clearly knows how terrifying the eighth layer of the power of space is.

The surrounding crowd had already dispersed, leaving an open area for Lu Chen. No one would care about the outcome of this kind of enmity, they only cared about whether the fight was exciting or not.

Tianchi guarded Youli behind him, staring at the big copper bell eyes with a look of vigilance.

"Be careful." Lu Chen instructed, approaching Tianchi.But the movement of the hand is non-stop, the left hand is holding the peacock treasure mirror, and the right hand is the ancestral artifact Zhou Tian axe.

Obviously, the person who came was very strong, otherwise, Lu Chen wouldn't have even taken out the ancestral artifact.

He was worried that it was not himself but them. The old demon Chihuo and the old demon Che were alright, both with the strength of the ancestors. If they were prepared, no major accidents would happen.

But Tianchi and Youli are different, one is only the Supreme Immortal and the other is only the cultivation level of the Golden Immortal, it is impossible to resist.

"Haha, don't waste your time on Lu Chen, do you think this is the power of space?"

The sound came from all directions, and the smell of blood filled the air, which made people sick, and the cold killing intent made Lu Chen get goose bumps all over his body.

"As a killer, it's not your strong point to show off your words." Chase Lu said lightly.

Sure enough, the man didn't speak, but he didn't act rashly either. He hid quietly in the space. As long as he didn't act rashly, he believed that Lu Chen wouldn't find him. As long as Lu Chen showed his flaws, his attack would be fatal. one strike.

Now the two sides are fighting for endurance.

Lu Chen's spiritual consciousness covers the entire area at a high level, and his spiritual power has reached its peak. As long as there is a slight fluctuation, his Zhou Tian ax will definitely kill it.

Time is passing slowly.


"On the left!" The old demon Che felt it. He transmitted a voice to Chase Lu. In two halves, a cut sleeve fell from the space.

"It's off." Lu Chen felt a little pity in his heart. He finally found a flaw but missed it. Lu Chen was somewhat unwilling.

"Not good!" Lu Chen's heart was shocked, he realized that it was just a trap, just to attract his attention.

In the air, a sharp sword blade suddenly appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, stabbing Lu Chen's neck at an incredible speed.Chase Lu forcibly twisted his body, and his body took on an incredible posture.

The blade hit Lu Chen's neck and shot out.

But even so, Lu Chen's neck was scratched by the surging sword energy, and a drop of blood stained his snow-white clothes red.

Lu Chen was injured, and at the moment just now, Lu Chen could clearly feel that this person only had the strength of an ancestor.

What does this mean?Being able to injure Lu Chen with the strength of the ancestors shows that this person must be very strong, and he is a top existence among the ancestors. In Lu Chen's impression, there is no such person in the Fairy Continent.

"My lord, be careful, this person has great hiding skills, and he is also proficient in the way of swordsmanship, and he is still practicing the way of killing!" Chihuo Laomo reminded everyone that they must not be opponents who can hurt Lu Chen with their natural way. The blow just now was so close to the extreme, no one could stop it with their strength

"Nearly." The masked man who missed a hit hid in the space again.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"This sword-killing technique is really powerful."

Lu Chen's heart also sank. If he had been slower just now, he might have fallen to the ground. Lu Chen hadn't suffered such a big loss for a long time.

"You people who practice the way of killing are self-proclaimed kings in the dark. Hmph, I just see a group of mice hiding in the dark. If you have the ability, just stand upright. What's the skill in hiding?" Che Lao Yao said angrily, he also held the ancestral artifact in his hand, which was lent to him by Lu Chen before, and now holding it in his hand added a lot of confidence to him.

He said this in a desperate way, in order to irritate the masked man, divert his attention, and wanted to draw his anger to him, creating opportunities for Lu Chen.

Of course Lu Chen saw it, and felt relieved.

But the masked man didn't seem to be interested in Che Laoyao, and he didn't talk to him, and the surrounding air fell into silence again.

"What kind of hiding technique is this? It's so weird that people can't detect a trace of track?" Lu Chen thought in his mind, but his spirit was still in a state of high concentration, and he didn't dare to relax a bit.

"No, if this continues, I will definitely leak a hole!" Lu Chen knew that the enemy was in the dark, and I was understanding this truth. This is a process of ebb and flow. Lu Chen doesn't like this passive feeling. It should be in your own hands.

"Shua!" Inadvertently, a sharp sword blade stabbed out from the empty space at a tricky angle, pointing directly at Lu Chen's throat, the speed was staggering.

Chase Lu retreated sharply, and the speed was also very fast. This is the power of space, and it looks like teleportation to outsiders.

The strange thing is that the blade of the sword followed Lu Chen like a tarsal maggot, entangled to death, and Lu Chen's face changed drastically.

Fast, accurate, ruthless!Integrating all the essence of kendo into one, although the blade is small, it incorporates the rule power of the top ancestors.

One flower, one grass, one world!A flower, a piece of grass can have the power of a world, how terrifying is this? .

"There are still people who have cultivated swordsmanship to such an extent!"

This person's swordsmanship is very tricky and vicious, and his understanding of kendo is far superior to that of his peers, perhaps slightly higher than that of Lu Chen.

"No, this damn sword is like a vicious dog, chasing after me, even the power of space can't get rid of it."

The way of the sword is mysterious, and Lu Chen, who is also a swordsman, naturally knows the power of it, and he can't beat its edge.Without using the hole cards, Lu Chen did not have full confidence in taking this move. Because the Tianyuan space is dangerous, revealing the hole cards too early would be detrimental to Lu Chen.

"Hmph! I really thought I had nothing to do with you." Lu Chen snorted coldly, while constantly jumping through the space, the sword behind him chased after him.

"Five spells!"

The five mantras are the skills of the ancestor gods, created by Wumiao Tianzun, and Lu Chen has integrated them all.Power spells; bone spells; blood spells; air spells; soul spells are perfectly integrated into one spell, which can be regarded as Lu Chen's current big hole card.

The blade carrying scroll originally carried a monstrous killing intent, but when it was about to pierce Chase Lu's chest, it paused in vain. The time was short, but it was a great opportunity for Chase Lu.

Just because of this meal, Chase Lu instantly distanced himself.

"It's me!"

Lu Chen was so angry that he was chased, his eyes were about to shoot out flames.

Immediately, he used the source of space and the source of dryness, and then used the six-character mantra, the six characters Om Mani Pad Hum. This is the true meaning of Buddhism that Lu Chen realized based on Nanwu Amitabha Buddha when he was in the Wanyao Cave. It is the real six-character mantra!The words are like a golden bucket, carrying the Buddha's light, and bombarding the blade of the sword.


Che Laoyao's celestial light surged all over his body, urging the law of the ancestral immortals, he raised the black sky pestle in his hand, and hammered it down fiercely, simply and brutally, the black mist billowed into the sky, and the void collapsed.

The old demon Che used all his strength for this blow, and he used seventy-eight out of ten of the power of the ancestral artifact, the Black Sky Pestle, which is comparable to the blow of an ancestor god, and it may be difficult for ordinary ancestor gods to resist.

The two fought too fast just now, and Che Laoyao didn't dare to make a random move. Naturally, Che Laoyao would not let go of this opportunity.

"Burn me!"

The red fire old devil is tall and big, his fiery red body trembles, his breathing is hot, his head is full of blood red hair, he waved his palm, and the fire talisman in his palm is so powerful that it evolves into a world of fire, covering it with the sword blade, and holding it in the other hand. The sky-turbid gourd, endless flames spurt out from the tiny mouth of the gourd, and the bewitching flame seems to be able to burn everything in the world!

"Demon Saint Slash!"

Tianchi's expression was indifferent, his spirit was highly concentrated, his eyes were like torches, better than the scorching sun, and a vast power of soul was concentrated in an instant, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand, slashing towards the blade.

Only You Li didn't dare to make a move, the long whip in her hand wobbled erratically, and she couldn't swing it all the time, her arms were trembling slightly with the thick look of fear on her face.

It's not that she didn't want to help Lu Chen, but that Youli was so frightened by the overwhelming sword intent that she didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone take up the weapon in her hand to kill that person. It's not bad to raise a weapon. How can ordinary people have such courage?The main reason is that Youli's realm is too low, and she is most affected.

All of a sudden, the blade trembled, and suddenly there was a faint sound. A faint phantom stepped on the blade. He tapped the blade lightly with his toes, and various fairy lights bloomed. The sword energy billowed, and countless blades filled the entire body. The space resisted the attack coming towards him, and his body was shaking slightly.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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