
Chapter 983 The Alternative Zhuxian Sword Formation

Originally, after the two were promoted to true immortals, Yuehui was eagerly hoping that Yuechen would mention this matter.

But the two of them never met, he thought that Yuechen had forgotten the previous promise, he had already achieved Daluo, and the bond between the two had not been broken, so it was probably hopeless in this life.

Unexpectedly, today is waiting for him here!

"Okay, don't act like a child, and practice well in the future, and don't disappoint the emperor's expectations."

Yuechen glanced at him and said with disgust.


Rubbing his nose more and more, he replied embarrassedly.

In the underworld, in the depths of the Nether Palace, the Emperor Hades raised his eyes slightly, and a ray of divine light flashed away from his phoenix eyes.

"It's considered that this kid has a conscience, but it saves me from taking action."

Underworld Emperor snorted and closed his eyes again.

In the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, Daoist Zhengqing has reached the end of his strength, and his Yuanshen Youguang is extinguished, and it is about to be extinguished.

In this situation, even if he had three corpses in one, he would not be able to defeat Daoist He Guang.


Suddenly, Daoist He Guang laughed arrogantly, and said with a ferocious expression: "Ants are always ants, and it is delusional to want to go against the sky!"

After all, the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disk in his hand burst into the light of the infinite formation, carrying boundless mighty power, and crushed towards the Taoist Lord Zhengqing.

"not good!"

Daoist Zhengqing's heart tightened.

This level of offensive is enough to destroy his primordial spirit!

But he still didn't back down, the mana remaining in the primordial spirit frantically poured into the natal magic weapon in his hand, the killing sword, to put it to death and rebirth.


Daoist Zhengqing's primordial spirit has been shattered, but his fighting spirit is still high.

His primordial spirit was attached to the Dao sword of killing life, and he slashed the final blow against the universe of heaven and earth!


The Heaven, Earth and Vientiane Disk cracked again with fine gaps, and the breath suddenly fell.

And the sword light cut out by the Dao Sword of Killing Life was also dimly extinguished, and the whole flying sword was rolling endlessly in the evil spirit. Obviously, it had lost the control of its master, and could only rely on the flying sword's instinct.

Daoist Zhengqing's primordial spirit was now dimmed, as if in a deep sleep, falling into silence.

"Humph! It's too much!"

Seeing that Daoist Zhengqing had no strength to fight back, Daoist Heguang snorted coldly, glanced painfully at the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disk in his hand, gritted his teeth, and blasted at the Dao Sword of Killing Life again.

Now that the enmity has been formed, cutting the weeds must eradicate the roots. After all, a Daoist Daoist Daoist monk who has already killed three corpses is not a small threat to Xingluo Shengzong.

Seeing that the light of the formation was about to hit the Killing Dao Sword, Ao Qianmiao and the others tensed up, and immediately made a move.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw a vast sword light like a scorching sun piercing the sky, shooting out from the depths of the formation, and slashing towards Daoist Heguang suddenly.


Accompanied by a grand and melodious sword chant, the sword light greeted the endless array of light!


The violent impact resounded throughout the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

In an instant, the sword light blocked the light of the formation, and then collapsed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daoist Zhengqing's primordial spirit suddenly jumped, wrapped in the Dao sword of killing life, and disappeared within the formation.

At the same time, the Heavenly Demon Battle Sword and the Zidian Qingshuang Sword came at the same time, carrying endless fierce aura, splitting the heavy and rolling evil aura, and slashed straight at the sky and the earth!

But it was Ao Qianmiao and Niu Kui who shot at the same time, hitting the thunder in the palm, which struck the two flying swords hanging upside down, arousing the power of Zhu Xian's sword formation.

As if they had a tacit understanding, they did not attack Daoist Heguang, but slashed at his natal magic weapon.

However, this move happened to pinch He Guang Dao Zun's weakness.

All his abilities, except for his endless and profound mana and his understanding of the Tao, all converge on the pan of heaven and earth.

As long as the universe disk is damaged, they will have a lot more chances of winning.

Three bright sword lights came one after another, and slashed fiercely on the heaven and earth disk!


There was a slight shattering sound from the heaven and earth pan, and the crack widened again.

He Guang Dao Zun picked up the Heaven and Earth Vientiane Disk, but he didn't care to examine it carefully, and rushed towards the gate of Juexianjian.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows that this is the start of the Zhuxian sword formation, how can he break the formation by himself, it is better to retreat first.

On the other side, the divine light of ice soul came a little later, cut in front of him, turned into a sky full of black ice, just blocked the path of Daoist He Guang.

At this moment, three other sword lights struck at the same time, gathering this icy soul light, and after many years, the Zhuxian Sword Formation finally reappeared in the world.

Daoist He Guang's face turned blue, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

Today, he and Guangtang Daozun are really going to fall into the hands of a few big Luos?

If this is the case, what face does he have to call himself Daoist!

Thinking of this, Daoist Heguang slapped away the other three sword lights, wrapped in a defensive formation, and rushed to the gate of the Juexian Sword without looking back.

He stepped out, crossed the void, and soon appeared beside the portal of the Absolute Immortal Sword.

Persimmons are specially selected for soft pinch.

In his opinion, the people in the main formation of the Absolute Immortal Sword Sect are not high-level, and the flying swords in their hands are much worse than the other three, which is an excellent breakthrough.

"When the deity goes out, there will be opportunities to concoct you in the future."

He Guang Dao Zun turned his head fiercely and glanced at the formation, his eyes were full of resentment.

He has lost all his face today, and he is at the bottom of the Dao Zun. It is all to blame for these ants, who dare to have the following thoughts.

If they hadn't taken action to stop him, he would have escaped a long time ago, and he would never have to face the leader of Tongtian.

Thinking of this, Daoist Heguang turned his head angrily, and slapped out with all his strength, intending to slap Ao Lin inside the gate of the Juexian Sword to death!

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