
Chapter 984 What a shame!

Daoist Heguang protected himself with the light of layers of formations to resist the attacks of the other three flying swords.

And he himself turned around and rushed towards Ao Lin, waved a palm, and took a picture from a distance!


Before the palm wind approached, the overwhelming coercion rushed towards her face, as if the sky was falling, Ao Lin let out a muffled snort, her pretty face was extremely pale.

The palm of Daoist Heguang, shot with anger, is extremely terrifying, even the body of a Taoist monarch can't compete, not to mention that Ao Lin is only in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

All of a sudden, her bones crackled, and the cold sweat dripped from her forehead, obviously under tremendous pressure.

However, she is also the body of a real dragon, and she has been tempered by the secret recipe of the Tianhorn Ant Clan. Both her physical body and her strength have greatly increased, so it can't be normalized.

Therefore, under the unbearable pressure of the ordinary Great Luo Jinxian, Ao Lin raised her hand with difficulty, and hit a palm thunder with all her strength.


The Ice Soul Divine Light Sword moved in response to the sound, and the Ice Soul Divine Light swung out again without a sound, and met Dao Zun with a palm!


The crisp sound of cracking ice came again, and Ao Lin's delicate body shook violently, bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

Although she blocked He Guang Dao Zun's palm, the force of backlash caused the blood in her body to churn, and she almost fainted.

Not only that, after He Guang Dao Zun's palm was blocked by Ao Lin, he only paused for a moment and swung it down again.

Seeing that Ao Lin was about to die at his hands, He Guangdaozun felt extremely happy.

In this battle, he was extremely aggrieved. So far, he has never felt such a happy and comfortable feeling.

This feeling of being in control of life and death, and superior to all living beings is so good, he even wanted to laugh a few times to express his joyful feelings.

However, at this moment, a fiery feeling suddenly enveloped his whole body, and Daoist He Guang was startled: "What's going on?"

The strength of this blazing intention suddenly caused a warning sign to rise in his heart, and he couldn't help but look up.

"Damn it! It's actually Tushi Shenyan!"

Daoist Heguang urged his mana to resist the blazing flames attacking from behind Ao Lin, while retreating quickly.

"This hellish place, where is the Tushi Shenyan coming from!"

He looked at Ao Lin in amazement, but saw a round-faced kid in a yellow dress emerging from behind her, and was staring at him angrily.

"Dignified Daoist, to actually attack the junior, you really don't want to lose face!"

Gan Kong completely ignored Dao Zun's coercion and scolded angrily.

"How brave!"

Daoist He Guang's face was cold, and he stared at Qiankong with cold eyes.

It was this kid who was hiding somewhere just now, and was able to hide from his perception.

Thinking that since he became enlightened, no ants have ever dared to speak to him like this. When an ordinary big brother sees him, who is not conscientious, this kid dares to mock him, it is really hateful!

With great hatred in his heart, he slapped out the light protection of the formation with his palm again.

However, this time it was towards the gourd baby.

Before the palm wind fell, he saw the boy in the yellow skirt on the opposite side take out a yellow leather gourd, pull out the gourd plug, and a puffy pocket of divine flames rushed out of it, directly attacking his face.

He Guang Dao Zun's heart tightened, and he rushed towards Tushi Shenyan with his palm.

This Tushi Shenyan is very domineering, it can burn the heavens, and it is difficult to escape if it is infected.

Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to get involved for no reason.


The power of Dao Zun's palm was astounding, and as soon as the palm fell, the Tusita divine flames spread like golden flowers.

But at this moment, the divine light of ice soul swept over again, freezing the light of the formation around him for a moment.

Under the siege of the two sides, one relies on the advantage of the formation, and the other relies on the power of the divine flame, the power should not be underestimated.

The three sword lights behind him were always locked on to him, and they came to strike him when he had time, and it was extremely difficult to get away.

Seeing that Taoist Fukui had lost again and again, Daoist Heguang was so anxious that he bit the bullet and rushed into the gate of Juexianjian.

However, just as he approached, a powerful force suddenly hit him and slammed into his body.


Daoist He Guang didn't mind for a while, but was knocked back more than a hundred feet in a row.

"Hideous beast!"

Daoist Heguang roared angrily, wishing to slap Shengzhen Yaojun to death with one palm.

It's also his fault for being careless, he only cared about guarding against the sword array and the Tushi Shenyan, and didn't pay attention to the half-crippled Holy Demon Lord, and now he has suffered a big loss.

Just because he retreated, he fell into the attack range of Tai Ah and the other three flying swords.

In an instant, three beams of sword light slashed at his body with boundless ferocity.


The sword light was like silk, and the sword energy whizzed, and Daoist Heguang's Taoist clothing was immediately shattered, cut into strands of cloth, and hung on his body, barely blocking the vital points, almost exposing.

"A great shame, a great shame!"

He Guang Dao Zun was shaking with anger, full of resentment.

The dignified Daoist was forced to such a degree by a few juniors relying on the strength of the sword array, in all the heavens and myriad worlds, it is probably unprecedented.

Not to mention him, even Yuechen and the others found it inconceivable.

In their cognition, Dao Zun is a figure standing at the top of the heavens and worlds, and all great worlds arise and die in his palm.

If you are not afraid of cause and effect, it is easy to destroy a world with one palm.

Unexpectedly, this Daoist Heguang simply broke everyone's perception.

"Could it be because of becoming enlightened through formation?"

Kong Yu guessed in a low voice.


Ao Qianmiao nodded in agreement.

"The God of Heaven"

"Master does not achieve Tao through arrays."

Ao Qianmiao said calmly while controlling the attack of the Demon War Sword.


Kong Yu looked up in surprise, and couldn't help but look at the leader of Tongtian who was fighting in the distance.

But he saw his Qingping sword flying up and down, beheading Taoist Fukui, his clothes were torn, even one of his arms was missing.

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