
Chapter 982

"Not urgent."

Yuechen stared at Daoist Zhengqing, and slowly shook his head.

He didn't think Daoist Zhengqing would die.

Sure enough, a moment later, I saw a mysterious light flickering on the head of Taoist Zhengqing, and he closed his cracked head.

Afterwards, his body swayed, and he rushed out again, fighting fiercely with Daoist He Guang.

The two of them each hold a magic weapon, and they fight in the dark, the evil spirit is rolling, and the new world is constantly being opened and destroyed at the center of the battle between the two.

However, Daoist Heguang has finally entered a new level of life, and his cultivation has become more advanced. Even if it is only the bottom of the Daoist, it is not something that a Daoist can defeat.

In the end, Daoist Zhengqing was bombarded by an attack formation, and his whole body was exploded and torn apart.

But soon, dazzling brilliance erupted from his shattered skull, and a terrifying aura permeated the air.

In the end, the primordial spirit of Daojun Zhengqing rushed out from the shattered skull, shining and dazzling like a scorching sun.


Daoist Zhengqing's primordial spirit burst into intense light, like a flame burning, and he yelled angrily at Heguang Daoist.

"Good guy, this is really desperate!"

Kong Yu's eyes widened and he muttered.

"What way is he going?"

Ao Qianmiao frowned, somewhat unable to understand what Zhengqing Daoist is doing now.

It stands to reason that if you want to prove good fortune, your physical body and soul are indispensable. Those so-called monks who have lost their mortal sloughs and only have their souls ascended can only cultivate into loose immortals, and they can't even achieve Daluo.

But Taoist Zhengqing has already cultivated to the Great Perfection of the Taoist Lord, so how could he do such an unwise move at this juncture?

Ao Qianmiao couldn't figure it out, and Kong Yu gritted his teeth, unable to see the mystery.

"Perhaps, what he practiced was the way of life and death!"

After a long time, an indifferent voice came from behind Youyou.

Kong Yu turned his head abruptly, squinting at the blood-clothed boy behind him.


Kong Yu snorted coldly: "Who are you? What are you trying to do by following Qianmiao?"

He looked at Xue Ming with unfriendly eyes, and the Five Elements Flag was buckled in his hand, ready to attack him at any time.

Xue Ming glanced at Ao Qianmiao, the corners of his mouth curled up, adding a touch of evil charm to his bewitching and handsome face.

"I am Xueming, and fellow Taoist Qianmiao has the grace to save my life."

He turned his head, looked at Kong Yu and said indifferently.


Kong Yu's teeth itch when he saw it.

This kid must be out of his mind, this is a toad wanting to eat swan meat, he is looking for death!

"Boy, this emperor warns you, stay away from Qian Miao, otherwise, this emperor will beat you to the ground!"

Kong Yu raised the five-element flag in his hand and threatened viciously.

"Oh! What do I do with you?"

A ray of blood appeared in Xue Ming's bewitching eyes, and a sharp silver light flashed in his hand.

"What are you two talking about?"

Seeing that the two were about to start a fight when they disagreed, Ao Qianmiao felt something was wrong, immediately grabbed Kong Yu's sleeve and asked suspiciously.

Kong Yu looked at her helplessly, and coughed lightly: "It's nothing, I just don't like this kid, I think he is not a good guy."


Ao Qianmiao secretly twitched the corners of her mouth, extremely speechless.

Behind him, Xue Ming's eyes slid around her jade hand holding Kong Yu's sleeve robe, and the corners of his mouth drooped slightly.

Seeing that the two had stopped arguing, Ao Qianmiao asked again: "Fellow Daoist Xueming, what do you mean by the Dao of Life and Death?"

Xue Ming pursed his lips and explained: "The so-called Dao of Life and Death is to seek the ultimate breakthrough in life and survive in death. Once the Dao of Life and Death is cultivated to Dzogchen, you can reverse the cycle of life and death, reshape your body, and even have the opportunity to prove the Dao saint!"

He turned his eyes, and looked at Daoist Zhengqing, whose primordial spirit was becoming more and more brilliant under the pressure of Daoist Heguang, and said in a firm tone: "Looking at the behavior of that fellow Taoist, he must be practicing the way of life and death."

Hearing this, Ao Qianmiao nodded slightly, then suddenly turned her head and said, "You know the way of life and death."

Her tone was affirmative, not questioning.

Kong Yu frowned and looked at him in surprise.

After a short silence, Xue Ming nodded slightly: "That's right, my way of cultivation is similar to it, but it's not this way."


Ao Qianmiao's eyes flickered, thinking about Xue Ming's background, she understood it.


A sky-shattering roar came, and Daojun Zhengqing's Yuanshen suddenly burst into black light, bursting out with infinite coercion.

"He's squeezing his last potential."

Inside the portal of Zhu Xianjian, Yue Hui sighed.

Yuechen's eyes darkened, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

Obviously, after the Taoist Lord Zhengqing has been sublimated to the utmost, if he can't find an opportunity to break through, his primordial spirit will surely perish, and he can't die anymore.

In this regard, it is not easy for Yuechen to stop it.

After all, to cultivate the way of life and death, this is the only way to go, and no one can stop it.

"how about you?"

He asked more and more.


Yuehui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I practice the way of reincarnation, and I have the convenience of six reincarnations, which is much easier than him."

Yuechen shook his head slightly, apparently not believing his words.

Even if Yuehui is in the Netherworld and has the six paths of reincarnation for reference, the path of reincarnation is at the forefront among all the great avenues, and it is naturally much more difficult to practice than ordinary avenues.

But the more he doesn't talk back, he won't ask, it's his freedom.

"When the war is over, I will give you freedom."

He stared into the distance with heavy eyes, turned his words, and spoke suddenly.


These words were like thunder from the purple sky, and they struck Yuehui's mind suddenly.

His eyes widened suddenly, and his breathing became short of breath.

The surprise came so suddenly, he was so excited that he lost his voice.

a long time.

He took a few deep breaths, tried to calm down, bowed solemnly to Yuechen, and said, "Thank you, Daoist brother, for fulfilling your wish!"

He looked solemn, his eyes were flushed, but he tried his best to hold back the tears.

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