
Chapter 895

On the other hand, Yuechen, as the eldest prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, seemed in no hurry.

The three of Li Mingyu couldn't help but murmured in their hearts, feeling that they couldn't see through the personality of the eldest prince.

If it is said that he has no feelings for Da Zhou, he always flaunts that he is the prince of Da Zhou, and has also attracted many contacts for Da Zhou.

But if it is said that he has deep feelings for Da Zhou, now that Da Zhou is in the midst of a war, he is not in a hurry and only cares about searching for resources.

Therefore, their feelings towards Yuechen are very complicated.

In fact, how did they know that Yue Chen and the others were poor and afraid, so they always adhered to the principle of collecting scraps everywhere they went, and they didn't want to miss good things when they came across them.

Compared with the old Great Thousand Worlds like Qingwei Great World, the foundation of the new Chiming Great World is really too weak.

Even if there is a gift from the Great Dao, the world's matter has fundamentally changed, but it will take time for these materials to grow.

Today's Yuechen wants to collect more resources and arm Chiming Great World to the teeth.

At that time, even if foreign enemies invade, they will still be able to fight.

It has to be said that they have far-sightedness, plan ahead, and are very thoughtful.

As for the Great Zhou, this is a war between the two countries. Emperor Zhou has been planning for a long time, but he doesn't really need him very much.

that's the truth.

When Yuechen and others frantically collected the corpses of the demons in the foreign battlefield, in the battle between the two countries in Yu Dacang, Da Zhou had already achieved a staged victory.

The victory this time was that Emperor Zhou took advantage of the other party's internal turmoil and sent envoys to visit Da Cang's old ministers with gifts. The two sides reached a consensus and decided to join hands to destroy Da Cang.

After all, today's Great Cang fell into the hands of the Hou'er and Hehuanzong, and the Cang Emperor was actually a puppet. These former court officials were naturally heartbroken by this.

Originally, for them, the former Prince Mu and now Emperor Zhou were the best successors.

However, if the demon concubine is in power and the treacherous ministers exercise power, if Da Cang continues, the country will be ruined and the family will perish.

Instead of taking advantage of the other two empires at that time, it is better to give Da Cang to Da Zhou, which is not considered a violation of the legacy of the ancestors.

Those old and young survivors of the former dynasty hated Prince Mu for being plotted against and forced to leave their hometown and start a new life.

On the other hand, he was not reconciled to the defeat of Da Cang in the hands of Hehuanzong.

Especially now, the Hehuan Sect has occupied a large area of ​​territory and is expanding everywhere. Even the mountains and rivers in Da Cang's territory are slowly falling. Seeing that Da Cang is about to be destroyed and fall into the hands of He Huan Sect, how can this group of former officials Will sit idly by?

So under such circumstances, they stood up one after another, expressing their willingness to be loyal to the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and help Zhou Huang ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

Emperor Zhou was not surprised by their surrender.

Long before, he had expected these people to have this reaction.

Therefore, Emperor Zhou immediately arranged a large number of officials to take over the forces left by the previous dynasty. At the same time, he also stationed heavy troops at the border to prevent Da Cang's counterattack.

As for Da Cang...

Oh, the current Emperor Cang has been abolished.

All the troops under him are under the control of the Hehuan Sect, and the entire Emperor Cang Palace was burnt to the ground. The current Emperor Cang has nothing but the nominal regent and cronies, let alone soldiers and horses.

At this time, what Emperor Zhou had to do was much simpler.

He wants to take Da Cang as soon as possible, and then, he will use all his strength to encircle and suppress the Hehuan Sect!


In recent years, the Great Zhou has developed extremely fast, although compared to the other two empires, the Great Zhou is still slightly inferior.

But the people of Dazhou never stopped loving cultivation, and their strength has grown rapidly compared to before.

If the Great Zhou in the past was only the unfinished force in the second-class dynasty, then the current Great Zhou is definitely a top existence in the dynasty, and even vaguely has the strength to catch up with the first-class empire.

However, to promote the empire, it is not only a matter of improving the strength of the subjects.

The most important thing is that the Luck Golden Dragon belonging to the Great Zhou must fully grow.

The growth of the Luck Golden Dragon is not only related to the development of the subjects, but also inseparable from the cultivation realm of the members of the Great Zhou royal family.

If Emperor Zhou advanced to Daoist Good Fortune at this time, Da Zhou would definitely be promoted to a first-class empire without any suspense.

But it is obvious that the current Emperor Zhou is still a little bit away from the realm of Daoist.

However, in the face of such formidable strength, Da Cang, who was at sunset on the west mountain, had no power to parry at all.

Before Yue Chen and others came out from the foreign battlefield, Da Cang declared his complete disappearance.

Of course, the sudden addition of many foreign aids from Dazhou is indispensable.

Among them, the mysterious national teacher is said to have contributed a lot.

With the demise of the Great Cang, Da Zhou naturally accepted the territory that belonged to the Great Cang without hesitation.

For a time, the entire Qingwei Great World was in turmoil, and countless small countries and small sects moved closer to the Great Zhou.

However, in just a few years, there are more than 100 small countries around Da Zhou.

This does not include other small and medium forces and casual cultivators.

Moreover, there are many barbarians, big and small, around the Great Zhou, who seem to be planning to attack the Great Zhou.

However, because of fear of the Zhou Dynasty's military power, they dare not act rashly for the time being.

While these forces and small countries were busy licking the prestige of the Great Zhou, Yuechen and his party finally returned to the Imperial City of the Great Zhou and successfully found the palace.

"Your Majesty."

"See Your Majesty."

"My minister sees Your Highness."

As soon as Yue Chen and the others stepped into the hall, they heard the sound of greetings from the room and the respectful voices of civil and military officials kneeling on the ground.

His eyes circled around, and finally stopped on the man in black clothes and crown.

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