
Chapter 894

Seeing that the place where the two giant dragons passed was like locusts crossing the border, everyone was anxious now.

Everyone couldn't help but show their ability to press the bottom of the box, lest even that little girl Ao Qianmiao can't compare.

All of a sudden, magic weapons of various colors competed to reflect each other, brilliance and splendor.

Among them, Mumba and Jin Ling suffered the most.

One of them is an idiot from the giant race, and the other is a pure sword fairy. This method of collecting things is worth mentioning!


Seeing that he only collected a pitiful corpse of the Heavenly Demon, Mumba was furious, and roared, "I'm fighting with you..."


Mumba's body grew rapidly, towering into the sky like a giant pillar, and then he raised his huge fist and slammed it fiercely at the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations.


After the muffled sound, the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations was seen shaking violently.

"Grandma has a leg!"

Mumba was startled, his punch was so powerful that it could even smash down a planet, but this broken tripod was unscathed, it's really insane.


Kong Yu on the side laughed when he saw this, and immediately activated the Five Elements Flag.

The five-element flag fluttered in the wind, and instantly rose to a size of three hundred feet, and then turned into a glow that filled the sky, filling the sky.

Blossoming five-element lotus flowers floated out of the five-element flag and rushed towards the battlefield outside the territory, taking the opportunity to collect the corpse of the demon.

Seeing that Mumba continued to throw his fists, Yuechen's face darkened, and he shouted loudly: "Brother Meng, stop quickly, you go to deal with other magic weapons, wait for Pindao to collect more demon corpses, and then you will be more!"

Hearing this, Mumba really stopped, turned around and rushed towards the Five Elements Flag!

Kong Yu became anxious immediately, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Meng, hurry up and go elsewhere. When the emperor collects more, I will share with you!"

Mumba scratched his head, stopped immediately, and threw himself at the Jiuzhuan Qiankun Pot again.

He wasn't stupid either, he knew Daoist Zhengqing was not easy to deal with, so he only looked for Da Luo Jinxian's generation to attack.

Seeing this, Yuechen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to vigorously activate the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations.

Ever since, everyone began to frantically search for the corpses of the demons in the battlefield outside the territory.

Yue Chen's Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations is a rare top-level Houtian spirit treasure with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

The space inside the cauldron is vast, how many voids have been opened up, and how many demon corpses can be accommodated.

It's just that the inside is empty, except for countless corpses of heavenly demons piled up, there are also piles of treasures from heaven and earth, all of which he has collected over the years.

Looking at the corpses of these heavenly demons, Yuechen smiled, extremely happy.

Apart from flesh and blood, these heavenly demon corpses are full of treasures, and they can be exchanged for many good things, all of which are precious resources.

Now that he has encountered it, he naturally cannot waste it. It is always a good thing and cannot be missed.

He collected the demon corpses here, and he was so happy that he didn't even care about the ongoing battle in Qingwei Great World.

From his point of view, father, queen and empress have been planning for so many years, and there are many monks to help out. If they can't win the Great Cang Empire, then they will be the protagonist of this calamity.


On the other side, Kong Yu and others also laughed heartily.

"Haha, happy! It's really fun!"

Kong Yu shouted excitedly, and the five-color divine light in his hand exploded. In an instant, countless demon corpses were drawn into the five-element space.

On the other side, seeing Mumba's huge fist attacking, Calabash Baby's brows and eyes sharpened, and she opened her mouth to spit out a wisp of Tushi Shenyan, and met the giant fist!

If you want to grab food from my master's mouth, there's no way!

The gourd baby stared at Mumba viciously, without the slightest weakness and fear of Jinxian towards Shang Daojun.

Mumba didn't expect that this guy didn't look obvious, but a wisp of Tusita divine flame made him extremely afraid.

This is nothing else, he dare not get a little bit of the strange fire that can burn the heavens.

As a result, Mumba's huge fist suddenly had a surge of aura, and a huge fist wind swept towards Tushi Shenyan, which almost collapsed under the impact of Tushi Shenyan.

Cucurbit Baby snorted coldly, it's about resources, how can she show weakness!

Therefore, he took a deep breath, opened his mouth again, and a mass of Tushita Divine Flame, which was bigger than before, erupted and rushed towards Mumba in a menacing manner.

"Don't! I've gone elsewhere, so don't follow me!"

Momba's scalp was numb, and he quickly backed away and ran to the distance.

The earth rumbled under his feet, and not long after, he met Daoist Zhengqing again!

As for why he would rather provoke Zhengqing Daojun than Niu Kui, the reason is very simple.

Looking around, the treacherous old cow was holding the Qingping sword in his hand at this moment. If anyone's magic weapon came close, he would fly forward and threaten with the Qingping sword.

In this case, as long as you are not a fool, you will not provoke that big black bull.

Of course, Mumba thought he was the smartest warrior among the giants, but he wasn't that stupid.

In the end, under Mumba's troubles, the corpses of demons all over the place were almost collected by everyone.

Naturally, they didn't realize that the black water lake that was originally located in a certain corner had disappeared at this time.

Only when Mumba was running around everywhere, he still didn't forget the shadow left by the black water lake, and looked suspiciously at it several times.

However, when he glanced at it, he saw only thick fog and no black water lake.

Seeing this, Mumba's heart trembled even more, and he quickly left the area.

Good guy, don't be targeted by the ancestor of the Demon Dragon Loach, otherwise it will be too scary!

"Everyone, we have almost searched for this place, why don't we retreat quickly and go to the imperial city to help out?"

At this time, Li Mingyu opened his mouth and said to everyone.

Only he and two guards were present, and they were natives of Dazhou, so they were more concerned about the battle, so they were unavoidably anxious at this moment.

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