
Chapter 896 Goodbye Shen Gongbao

Yue Chen and the others hurried back to Fengyang City before Da Zhou started fighting again.

At this time, he took Kong Yu and others into Zhaoyuan Hall, looked at the man in Xuansang, and suddenly showed a smile from the heart.

This man has a handsome appearance, his facial features are as sharp as a chisel, and his eyebrows are sharp and domineering.

This man's father, the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yue Mu.

Yue Mu looked at his son who was striding in, with a smile on his lips: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally willing to come back. My son, my father has already captured Da Cang, and now he is preparing to attack the Hehuan Sect with all his strength. Take down the city occupied by it, my son will come back just in time!"

Hearing this, a slight smile appeared on Yuechen's face, "In that case, the child congratulates the father."

"Hahaha, good!" Yue Mu laughed loudly, looking at his son in front of him, his heart filled with pride.

His son is excellent!

Even if he has been living abroad for countless years, he is no different than the princes of other big countries!

The interaction between the father and son, who acted like no one else was watching, immediately stunned the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Although knowing that after the eldest prince returned to the court, the Emperor Zhou would inevitably dote on this son, but after seeing it with his own eyes, everyone still didn't quite get used to their heroic and domineering emperor, who would have such a friendly side to his beloved son.

There are even some ministers who want to stand up for the merits of the dragon, looking at the grand and phoenix prince, all kinds of thoughts in their hearts grow wildly like weeds.

At this time, at the front of the group of officials, a Taoist in a blue Taoist robe, with three beautiful beards on his face, and a long and narrow face, stretched out his hand to caress his beard with a smile and said: "Where do we never meet in life, Eldest Prince, we wait for you again!" We met."

This voice is so familiar!

Immortals have an excellent memory, after Yue Chenchen thought about it for a while, he felt struck by lightning.

He turned his head in disbelief, and what caught his eyes was the kind and treacherous smile of the Taoist in blue.

Yuechen opened the corner of his mouth and revealed a wry smile.

God knows, but he turned around and ran away when he met this guy, how could he be caught up by him?

Could it be, is that sentence really an inevitable curse?

Yuechen was so frustrated that he had to hold his nose and was about to go up to say hello.

After all, it is said that this guy's mind is very small, otherwise he would not have fought with Jiang Ziya at the beginning, but would have hurt the immortals of Jiejiao.

As soon as he moved, he was about to speak when he heard his daughter's angry voice behind him.

"Okay, you Shen Gongbao, you didn't tell me to stop teaching the immortals, but you still want to harm my Great Zhou Dynasty! If you don't give me an explanation today, you will never get away!"

The clear and angry female voice rang out, causing the air in the entire hall to suddenly freeze, and everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked towards the door.

I saw a girl in black standing there, her eyes fixed on Shen Gongbao, wishing to skin him and cramp him.

The girl is tall and tall, with silver-gray hair fluttering in the wind, her face is delicate and charming, her fair skin is like suet white jade, with a crystal clear luster.

It's just that her originally dark and clear eyes, like stars shining brightly, are now shining with a cold killing intent.

However, a huge bead hanging on her chest added to her charming demeanor.

It made her look like an extremely complicated dao rhyme.

Shen Gongbao was stunned for a moment, and was about to get angry.

After all, he is also Daoist Daoist at any rate, and a well-known person in the Great Desolate World. Even if he is abandoned by the interpretation, it is not something such a royal princess can reprimand.

However, the word "Jiejiao" was slammed into his face, and his complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he almost lost his mind.

In the heavens and the world, who doesn't know that Shen Gongbao is worthy of the heaven and the earth, but he is sorry for the senior brothers who stopped teaching.

But soon, he became angry again.

Who is this person?

How dare he call himself a disciple of the Interceptor and expose his scars face to face!

If she doesn't give her retribution today, in the future, anyone can use the name of Jiejiao to point at Shen Gongbao's nose and yell at him.

For Shen Gongbao, who has always been careless, this is absolutely unbearable!

He turned around with his face crossed, his eyes slightly squinted, a piercing cold light burst out from a pair of triangular eyes, and shot straight at the girl at the entrance of the hall!

Not to be outdone, the girl seemed to be unable to control the fierce aura all over her body, and rushed towards Shen Gongbao.

Now, the tip of the needle is facing the wheat awn, seeing that a fight cannot be contained and is about to erupt.

In the main hall, many ministers were anxiously scratching their heads, for fear that their Princess Fengyang would offend the new national teacher.

Although this national teacher's reputation is not very good, he can do practical things. The reason why the Great Cang Empire can be taken down so quickly is that this national teacher has put in a lot of effort.

Furthermore, no matter how bad it is, there is still Daojun's cultivation base, how can Princess Fengyang resist now.

There are also some ministers who think that the eldest princess is the culprit.

When she returned to the Great Zhou Dynasty earlier, she disturbed the peace in Fengyang City.

Now as soon as he returns to court, regardless of the occasion, he will take the new national teacher's knife. It can be seen that he is used to being in the field and is arrogant and unreasonable.

At that moment, a minister stood up and accused with righteous indignation: "Princess Fengyang, please carefully consider your Majesty's love for you, don't be arrogant because of your favor!"

"That's right! Although you are an honorable princess, Eldest Princess, this is the Great Zhou Dynasty, not a cut-off! Don't forget that you are a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"


These people jumped out one after another, obviously trying to take the opportunity to drag her into the water.

Needless to say, these ministers were all the families that Ao Qianmiao had tricked them before.

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