
Chapter 893 Let's see who grabs the most

At this time, many monks were startled by Yuechen's natal magic weapon, the God of Myriad Tribulations, the Golden Cauldron, and they all thought that the Zhou Dynasty had a rich family, so they each had different thoughts.

Seeing that the air of chaos is getting weaker and thinner, and they will soon be able to enter the outer battlefield to hunt for treasure, these people have made other plans.

"Eldest Prince, Pindao wants to be loyal to Da Zhou. This time, when Da Zhou is employing people, Pin Dao will take a step ahead so that he can make some contributions, so that he can meet the First Prince in the future, so farewell!"

A middle-aged monk in a blue Taoist robe stepped forward and bowed to Yuechen, very respectfully.

The rest of the people also expressed their opinions after hearing this: "Pindao and others are also willing to pledge their allegiance to Da Zhou."

As soon as the words fell, everyone turned into light and left.

At that speed, it seemed as if Da Cang would destroy the country if he went too late, Yuechen and the others were stunned.

"Are they afraid that if they go late, there will be no credit to reap, and they don't even want the benefits?"

The gourd baby muttered to herself suspiciously.

"Of course, if there is no credit, how can we reward for merit? People still want to be officials, and that is the long-term benefit."

Li Mingyu saw through and knew the plans of these monks.

For Sanxiu, joining the Yun Kingdom as an official is the best choice.

With the blessing of luck to practice, as long as you are a good official, it is much better than being controlled by the sect.

Yuechen naturally had no objection to this, and with the addition of these people, he believed that Dazhou had a slightly better chance of winning.

Although he never thought that Da Zhou would lose, wouldn't it be better if he could win more easily and with fewer soldiers killed?

Less gossip.

The speed at which the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations God swallowed became slower and slower, and gradually stopped.

Dading's stomach bulged a few times, as if he had eaten too much, he let out a puff of turbid air, and then it shrunk to the size of a palm and flew back into Yuechen's hand.

Yuechen twitched the corner of his mouth.

Without the existence of the magic weapon Yuanling Daojie, the God of Myriad Tribulations Jinding felt a lot stupid.

Originally, Dao Jie was the magic weapon Yuan Ling of the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations. In the future, he will be promoted as he advances, and he may be expected to transcend and achieve himself.

However, the previous Zixiao Shenlei was too terrifying, he chopped Dao Tribulation into pieces, and completely merged with the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, and could never be separated again.

From now on, the God of Myriad Tribulations Golden Cauldron can only become Yuechen's talisman, and he will never have the opportunity to achieve the ultimate leap like Huoli, transforming the treasure into a human being, and becoming an independent existence.

Although Yue Chen feels pity for it, but as the master, there is not much difference between the two.

The only difference is that Dao Jie cannot show up.

Maybe after he himself is detached, there will be a way to reunite Yuanling for Dao Jie.

Now, looking at the outer battlefield where the fog had cleared to reveal his true face, he grinned and threw out the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God again.

Within a few flashes, the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations turned into a large nine-colored cauldron again, with the black mouth of the cauldron facing downwards, and it opened suddenly.

Then, a vortex appeared at the mouth of the tripod, and as the suction increased, the vortex became bigger and bigger, forming a giant tornado.

Immediately afterwards, countless demon corpses rushed towards the cauldron "swish", fell into the vortex, and were swallowed by the golden cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations.

"This, this is going to be robbed!"

Kong Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled angrily: "This guy doesn't talk about martial arts, everyone quickly get out the magic weapon and see who can grab the most!"

As he spoke, he threw out the five-element flag.

The five-color flag opened, turning into a curtain that covered the sky and the sun, and swept away towards the battlefield outside the territory.

On the other side, the gourd baby's movements are not slow either.

The Nine-Turn Qiankun Pot also turned into a huge yellow-skinned gourd, the mouth of which faced the entire battlefield outside the territory.

The rest of the people also started to sacrifice all kinds of treasures, all of which are space treasures.

In an instant, a fierce competition began.

Until a bronze mirror hung in the air, a dazzling green light bloomed, covering the entire battlefield outside the territory.

Everyone looked up, only to find that Daoist Zhengqing was still here, and this innate treasure was in his possession.

At this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, and his whole body was filled with momentum, intending to exert all his strength.

He wants to take away all the demon corpses in the extraterritorial battlefield!

"Yeah bah! This is going to catch them all, hurry up, don't let others look down on you!"

Kong Yu roared and the five-element flag shook, and the five-element divine light swept towards the battlefield outside the territory overwhelmingly!

In an instant, countless demon corpses were rolled up by the divine light and thrown into the five-element space.

"Too much, you are too much!"

Mumba stomped his feet anxiously.

Although he is a quasi-sage king, but as a giant race, he is a good hand in fighting. If he is expected to cast spells or magic weapons, he may not be much better than Da Luo Jinxian.

Kong Yu's five-element divine light is the best at catching people and things, and it is also very advantageous to capture the corpse of the demon at this time.

When Yue Chen saw it, he couldn't help but look at the Five Elements Flag enviously.

It has to be said that the Peacock Clan does have a profound background, and the top innate spirit treasures are given away as soon as they are offered.

The most important thing is that this five-element flag seems to be tailor-made for Kong Yu, which is very suitable for him.

Yuechen shook his head, knowing that he couldn't be envious, who told him that it was hard to show his baby at this time.

The good and evil list of the heavens doesn't count, and the Chaos Orb can't show up at this time, otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious to others that the chaos that permeated the battlefield outside the territory before was his handwriting?

But he didn't want to, he only had a distraction, and most of the corpses of the demons on the battlefield disappeared.

"hold head high!"

Two gigantic silver dragons roared and hovered over the battlefield.

In an instant, the wind swept away, and wherever the giant dragon passed, all the corpses of the demon disappeared, and only the stumped limbs and arms remained in place.

These are left by the monks during the war. In the future, there will be special personnel to clean up the battlefield, and no one will desecrate the remains of the monks.

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