
Chapter 856

Crazy Wu, as the name suggests, goes crazy and disowns all relatives. He only has enemies in his eyes. No matter who he fights with, he will never die!

These people just want to gain some benefits in the Great Cang Empire, but they will not really tie their wealth and lives with the Great Cang.

For the sake of the declining Great Cang Empire, it is not worth fighting Kaiyang Shengzong.

These monks who originally wanted to win the two princes of Da Zhou and go to Da Cang to ask for credit immediately gave up their thoughts.

The original person who secretly teased him hated his teeth, but he was alone, and he was no match for that group of people at all. He could only watch the great opportunity slip away in vain.

However, the words of the next speaker completely dispelled his ambition.

"However, this is not the most terrifying thing. The reason why Pindao stopped you is that I really can't bear to see you all go to die."

"Fellow Daoist, don't scare me. No matter how strong they are, if I wait for so many people, am I still afraid of them?"

The person who was instigating in secret lost a great opportunity and couldn't help but sarcasm.

"This fellow daoist is right. I am waiting for a large number of people, even if it is a quasi-sage Taoist, it is impossible to kill us all. What you said, fellow daoist, is too much!"

Those monks who were blown away by the ass before said extremely displeased.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the monk who was explaining pointed at Kui Niu solemnly, and said in a low voice: "You don't know, the poor Taoist saw it with his own eyes, and the sword was summoned by this big black cow himself!"

I don't know if this cultivator did it on purpose. After holding back for a long time, he finally revealed the most important news.

His words really shocked the monks who were originally filled with righteous indignation.

There was an instant silence.

Which of the monks present didn't have the eyesight to see, so how could they not know that the one who could cut off the arm of the Demon King with a single sword, could not be an ordinary innate spirit treasure.

That sword is clearly controlled by a Daoist!

This time, everyone's mouths were like closed shells, as if they were not the ones shouting and killing.

There was no sound outside the Boundary Wall Pass, only the miserable wind blew past from time to time.

Yuechen and the others who had been eavesdropping for a long time couldn't help feeling that even a powerful sect, even a few quasi-sages, were not as shocking as the power of a Daoist.

"Heh, they're all bullying guys. It's not without reason that human monks are at a disadvantage in this battlefield."

Kong Yu sneered and said loudly on purpose.

When the sound reached Boundary Biguan, the faces of the surrounding monks suddenly turned dark.

The human race is already weak, how can it compare with the demons, it is good to be able to survive the catastrophe, can it be possible to counterattack?

Many monks were so slanderous in their hearts that they glared at Kong Yu who said this.

"Hey, these guys are still not convinced, let's let them see what a real monk is!"

Kong Yu sneered disdainfully, Chao Yuechen and the others said, "Have everyone rested?"

"You bastard!"

Yue Chen shook his head with a smile, his body shook, and all the aura on his body exploded. The aura of Da Luo Jinxian in the middle stage was undisguised, mighty and powerful, straight to the sky.

"Hey! This is the Great Principle Golden Immortal? If I hadn't seen his true state, I wouldn't have believed that a Great Principle Golden Immortal would have such a vast aura!"

"This kind of aura, even Daoist Daoist would believe it!"

"It's no wonder they were able to rush out of the Heavenly Demon tide. You see, each of them has a very strong aura, even the number one dandy of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

The monks who were originally as quiet as chickens, when they saw the actions of Yuechen and others, they immediately discussed in a low voice like pointing Jiangshan.

Then, they saw that this group of people released their own aura, armed with law-abiding treasures, and rushed into the demon tide with a big laugh!

The original noisy discussion stopped immediately.

At this moment, no matter which force it is from, they all opened their mouths wide, looking in disbelief at those figures who were killing all directions in the tide of heavenly demons.

After a long time, someone said in amazement: "That's really the number one dude in the Great Zhou? Did you misread it?"

The person beside him shook his head and said in a heavy voice, "Yes, it is indeed him!"

"Hehe, that's what they mean. Pindao finally understands that there is a reason for the gap between monks and monks!"

A youthful cultivator, with a strange gleam in his eyes, laughed loudly: "Everyone, let me go first!"

After all, the young monk held a bronze spear and rushed into the demon tide with a big laugh.

"Here, is this Chaoyang Shengzi of Xuanyang Tianzong?"

Someone said in surprise.

"That's right! It's the Chaoyang Son of our sect. Everyone, we will follow the Son and become a real monk!"

A middle-aged monk looked proudly at the young monk who was fighting in the demon tide, laughed and rushed out.

The monks who stayed behind looked at each other, their expressions were not very good.

"Old Ancestor, what is a real monk?"

After a long time, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

Yeah, what's a real monk?

Outside the boundary wall, everyone fell into silence again.

"Old Ancestor, I don't know what a real monk is like, but I know that I was born to be a human being, for others, for myself, and for the world!"

It was a vicissitudes and deep voice that returned to the Taoist cultivators: "Ji Yang, you step back, the ancestor will be a real monk today!"

"Old Ancestor, don't leave me behind!"

"Go, kiddo, go play around, with the ancestor here, it's still not your turn!"

After saying that, a gray figure rose into the sky, and with a "bang", it smashed into the demon tide!

At this time, the onlookers were still in a trance, muttering in their mouths: "Born as a human?"

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