
Chapter 855 Pindao Was Shocked At That Time

"This fellow Taoist, what's going on? Why did you stop me?"

A monk asked unwillingly.

"That's right, isn't it just a bull demon, what can we people do nothing about it?"

There were also people who did not believe in evil and said angrily.

Hearing this, the monk shook his head and was not angry.

Being blown away by a fart would make anyone angry, and he naturally understood.

However, the situation is stronger than the people, these people don't understand the horror of the big black cows!

Immediately, the cultivator recounted everything he had witnessed before.

"You guys don't know, Pindao has just left the Boundary Wall Gate, and he saw the tide of Heavenly Demons coming, so he dared to fight, so he just guarded at the gate of this gate, and if there is an emergency, he can do his best."

"Don't blame Daoist, if I encountered the demon tide alone, I'm afraid I would react in the same way."

Immediately someone persuaded.

However, the monk shook his head and said with some shame: "But the group of people over there, did you see that, they are the big black cow and its accomplices."

"Why, don't they dare to rush into the demon tide and fight?"

The angry monk before snorted.

Heh, it's just a group of monks who don't know where they came from, it's no wonder they dare to attack the demon tide!

Not only did the monk not believe it, but even the surrounding monks cast doubtful eyes.

That's the demon tide, throwing a small sect into it can't make waves, only with these few people, is it possible?

The monk nodded heavily, and said: "Pindao was also shocked at the time, these people didn't go out from the pass to meet the enemy when they saw the demon tide, but entered the battlefield outside the territory long ago, and rushed back from the demon tide! "


"Is this true?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"how is this possible!"

"What nonsense!"

"There are only so many of them, and the highest one is only in the realm of Daojun. How could they escape from the hands of the Demon King!"

"You must be dazzled!"

At that moment, all kinds of questioning voices sprayed at the monk, making him tremble with anger.

"Pindao didn't lie, if you don't believe me, you can swear the Daoist oath!"

He roared angrily, and with one sentence, everyone's doubts were pushed back.

The place was suddenly silent.

After a long time, someone whispered: "He even dared to swear an oath, it seems that he really didn't lie."

"Hmph, it's not that I haven't sworn yet!"

A young monk opened his mouth angrily, but was slapped back by the older monk beside him.

You just love to show off, it's none of your business whether people swear or not, why bother making enemies indiscriminately!

The old monk hated iron but cursed secretly.

"This fellow daoist, this little disciple is ignorant, so it's not surprising that you still look at him. Maybe you can talk about what will happen next?"

The middle-aged monk interceded for his disciple exhaustedly, and was really curious about what happened next.

This is a good step, the monk snorted coldly and went down the steps.

"If you don't believe me, you can look at their clothes. When they rushed out, the fairy clothes were broken and their faces were covered with blood. They looked almost like demons."

The monk pointed to Yuechen and the others and said, "But now they have rested and recuperated, their faces are clean, so they won't be unrecognizable."

Yuechen and others who have been eavesdropping: "...!"

It should be said that they recovered some mana anyway, and cleaned up a little bit, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing?

Immediately, someone looked towards Yuechen and the others.

I didn't take a closer look at that meeting, but now I learned of these people's "heroic deeds", the monks opened their eyes wide, wanting to take a good look at the appearance of the "heroes".

After seeing this, someone immediately shouted out: "Isn't this the No. [-] dude of the Great Zhou who has already entered the foreign battlefield? I haven't seen him for a long time, and I thought he had returned to the Great Zhou!"

"Pindao followed them all the way, but unfortunately lost him later, he thought they had already returned to the pass, but it turned out that they were caught in the tide of demons."

This was the first monk who followed Yuechen and the others and was stunned by the speed at which they killed the demon.

"Li Mingyu is here, then, aren't the two princes of Dazhou also there?"

A monk guessed.

These words stirred up thousands of waves like a stone, and the monks became excited.

Da Zhou is the protagonist in this calamity. If they can make friends with the two princes of Da Zhou, they will definitely gain some merit from it.

This is what the monks who are optimistic about Da Zhou think.

Of course, there are good ones, and there are also bad ones.

If they captured the only two princes of Da Zhou, Da Zhou would lose his foundation, and his heart would be scattered. Maybe Da Cang might come back to life!

This is what the monks who are close to the Great Cang think.

Among them, the monks of the Hehuan Sect are included.

However, the two princes of Great Zhou used to hide each other more closely than the other, but now no one knows their looks.

"Never mind him, anyway, I would rather kill the wrong than let them go, even if they are not inside, I can only blame these people for being unlucky."

Someone secretly suggested with malicious intentions, just waiting for the right time to make a move.

But he didn't want to, and the monk who explained said again: "The two princes of Dazhou don't know each other, but the saint son of Yuanba, I have met him a few times. If you want to make a move, you can think about what to do." Facing Kaiyang Sacred Sect?"

"Huh? Why did you get involved with those Wu lunatics again!"

At that moment, everyone looked again, and sure enough, among the group of people, they found the Son of Yuanba who was carrying a pair of eight-edged black gold hammers!

It's just, why is this holy son following a monk who is about three feet tall now, like a junior?

That monk seems to be a martial artist, could it be that he is an elder of his sect, and also a member of Kaiyang Sacred Sect?

Some unruly monks suddenly felt like retreating.

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