
Chapter 857

"Being a human being, if you don't even have the courage to protect your own homeland, can you still be considered a human being?"

Someone muttered to himself, looking hesitant.

Some even asked in a confused tone, "What have we done all these years?"

What did you do?

This is what many monks want to ask.

Thinking about it carefully, they seem to have done a lot. Every time the calamity starts, they come to fight on the battlefield outside the territory.

But to be honest, it feels like they didn't do anything.

At least, they didn't have the courage to go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, and rush into the demon tide to save people.

Not to mention the courage to work together to drive the demons out of the battlefield without fear of life and death.

At this moment, Ji Yang's immature voice, who had asked the question earlier, sounded again: "Old Ancestor, you were born to be a human being, and your disciples should also serve themselves, others, and the world!"

After all, a young man with immature shoulders and a thin figure rushed out from the crowd, raised his sword and rushed towards the demon tide!

Seeing this situation, Zhongxiu's eyes immediately became hot.

They have been at ease for too long, are they not even as good as children?

The numb mentality of the cultivators was hit again, and they were almost ashamed.

Seeing that Ji Yang was about to rush into the Heavenly Demon Tide, suddenly, a white silk rushed out from the slanting stab, caught him off guard, and quickly dragged him back.

This sudden change suddenly interrupted the feelings that the cultivators had just raised.

Looking along Bai Ling, he saw Zishuang Tiannv standing facing the wind, her snow-white fairy clothes fluttering wantonly.

She took back the white silk, lowered her head and slightly nodded at the stunned Ji Yang: "It's not your turn to protect this world, a little monk who hasn't even become a true immortal. When the sky falls, naturally there should be a tall one to carry it!"

After finishing speaking, the Zishuang celestial girl tapped her toes lightly, and the white silk fluttered like an arrow off the string, galloping towards the demonic tide in the sky.

The young man was left in a daze, his eyes followed her back excitedly, and he couldn't say anything in his mouth.

The Zishuang Celestial Maiden's fairy shadows came and went, but her cold voice still remained in the air: "Our monks were born and raised in this world, but we don't even have the courage to resist the evil spirits that invaded this world. Isn't it ridiculous!"

Is it funny?

Ridiculous indeed!

There are so many of them, but they don't even have the courage of a female nun, how can they be called real monks!

"Goddess, wait for the servant girl!"

Suddenly, a clear and clear voice shouted urgently, and then a slender figure pulled away from the crowd, also rushing towards the demon tide!

Knowledgeable people recognized that this was Yulian, the maidservant of Zishuang Heavenly Maiden.

However, even such a maidservant who has no identity and freedom can rush into the demon tide without hesitation.

These strong men with high self-confidence, are they not as good as a fairy maidservant?

At this moment, countless monks were blushing, and their hearts were boiling with blood!

And the followers of those Zishuang celestial maidens were all excited beyond words.

"Haha, as expected of the heavenly maiden that I follow, with the heart of a fairy and the righteousness of a chivalrous man, what kind of holy maiden of joy is not even worthy of carrying the heavenly maiden's shoes!"

"Bah! Can you talk?"

"That's right, how can you compare that kind of thing with a celestial girl? I'm not afraid of dirtying the celestial girl's reputation!"

"I said, why are you arguing here? Shouldn't you just follow the goddess to kill the enemy at this time? Is it worth it for a thing?"

A word to remind the dreamer!

At that moment, the followers of Zishuang Tiannv didn't bother to quarrel anymore, they all took out their magic weapons and shouted: "Don't be afraid, Tiannv, I'll wait!"

There were quite a few of these followers, and they rushed towards the demonic tide in a swarm, and the crowd suddenly became empty.

In this emptiness, the saint of joy who was hiding in the crowd was exposed.

At this time, the Holy Maiden of Love looked at the direction in which the Purple Shuang Heavenly Maiden left with a livid face, her eyes seemed to be poisoned.

She hated Zishuang Tiannv to death in her heart, and was thinking about how to get revenge, when the cultivators suddenly turned around, just in time to take a panoramic view of her ferocious face!

"Bah! This is a so-called saint girl with narrow eyesight and full of wind and dust, so don't mention her in front of the emperor in the future!"

An old man with white beard and hair and a dignified face was spitting at the younger generation in front of him.

The look of indignation on his face was as if the Holy Maiden of Love had a deep hatred for him.

The junior monks in front of him were obedient and did not dare to refute at all.

Hearing this, the onlookers could not help but gasp.

Not for anything else, just because the identity of this old man is the previous emperor of the Dawei Empire, and the grandfather of the current Emperor Dawei, Qi Guang!

The Great Wei Empire is now a top imperial dynasty in full swing, no one dares to ignore half of it.

It is much stronger than the dying Great Cang Empire.

Qi Guang, as the last emperor of Dawei, naturally spoke with great weight.

However, what he said can be understood by many people.

It is estimated that any country would hate a concubine like Chen Hou'er very much.

Naturally, they all hold [-]% hostility towards the Hehuan Sect that cultivated Houer Chen.

Qi Guang glanced at the Holy Maiden of Huanqing coldly, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, follow me to kill the enemy!"

After all, his majestic aura erupted, like a lion that really woke up, holding a big seal, roaring and charged into the demon tide!

"'Hiss! Quasi-Sage Lord!"

"'As expected of a top empire, much better than Lao Shizi Dacang, the eyes of Hehuanzong are really not good."

"Go, let's follow Emperor Wei to kill the enemy!"

"Let's go together! Today, the veteran will use his spare energy to be a real person!"

The number of people around gradually decreased, but at this moment, the Holy Maiden of Love couldn't feel it at all.

Her nose is already crooked!

But she dared not say a word at all!

When Qi Guang saw her just before leaving, she was still feeling cold all over her body.

At that moment, from Qi Guang's eyes, she really saw death coming!

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