
Chapter 848 Yuanba

"How about Lei Mie, what does it have to do with my daughter?"

Zishuang Tiannv was cold-hearted and unmoved by it.

"Oh, that can't be cheap for that vixen! Who knows if Son Lei Mie will turn against the heavenly girl by then?"

Maid Yulian rolled her eyes and persuaded her in a different direction.

"Heh, so what? Is this heavenly girl afraid that he will fail?"

Zishuang Tiannv sneered.

Maid Yulian stared anxiously, her celestial maiden didn't care, could she force the cow to drink water?

Not to mention how Son Lei Mie planned to trouble the Holy Maiden of Huanqing, it was just that after Ao Lin finished her cultivation, everyone finally left the mountainside.

After holding back for so many days, everyone is gearing up, it can be seen that they are holding back enough.

Therefore, everyone showed their true skills, killing the demons like chopping melons and vegetables, and fell to the ground.

They didn't slash and kill chaotically, but formed a formation under Yuechen's order.

As a pioneer, Mumba turned into a giant with a height of [-] feet to open the way.

Yue Chen and Kong Yu acted as the left and right wings, protecting everyone and wantonly attacking and killing.

As the guard, Jin Ling was responsible for guarding against the attacks of the demons in the rear, while the rest of the people were in the team, slashing and killing the demons boldly.

The efficiency of the team is much higher if the team is like this, and they have to fight their way out of the ocean-like tide of heavenly demons.

But the heavenly demons lost the attraction of the dragon's flesh and blood, so they were a little dazed, and many died in an instant.

But soon, an invisible magic language swept across the battlefield, and the originally ignorant demons suddenly looked ferocious, staring at Yuechen and the others.

Being stared at by countless pairs of demonic eyes, as powerful as Mengba Niukui, he couldn't help but shudder.

"Come on!"

Yuechen's complexion changed drastically, and he urged everyone to speed up.

His heart sank to the bottom, and the situation finally developed to the worst scenario he had imagined.

In this extraterritorial battlefield, those who have the ability to command so many demons, except the demon king, don't think about it.

It turned out that they had been targeted by a demon king long ago, but they just didn't know it.

No wonder when Ao Lin was recovering, those heavenly demons only besieged but did not attack. I am afraid that there is also the intention of fearing the ancestor of the dragon loach.

Yue Chen guessed right.

It was Jialou, the Heavenly Demon King, who was staring at them.

It was also because of their bad luck that Jialou noticed it when they met the Heavenly Demon King who rarely came out to make an inspection tour.

It's just that there is Jiebi Pass guarding the battlefield outside the territory, so even the Demon King of Heaven can't attack and kill monks wantonly.

Therefore, the Garuda Heavenly Demon King had no choice but to follow the rules secretly set by both parties, intending to consume them to death with the Heavenly Demon tide.

Seeing that Yuechen and others were forced into the mountainside by the army of demons, and they would be successful if they worked harder, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach appeared.

He only released a ray of breath, and Garuda was too shocked to make any small moves.

Therefore, Yuechen and the others were temporarily stabilized for a while.

But now that they were about to leave, Jialou Heavenly Demon King was in a hurry, so he ignored the threat of the ancestor Demon Dragon Loach and called on the army of Heavenly Demon again to keep Yuechen and others on the battlefield outside the territory.

It is not entirely true to say that Yuechen and others are unlucky. These days, monks from the Qingwei Great World have rushed in and fought wantonly on the battlefield outside the territory, sharing a lot of pressure on Yuechen and others.

After a hard fight, Yue Chen and the others rushed out for more than [-] li covered in blood.

At this time, thousands of miles away from them, there was a group of people fighting against the Heavenly Demon.

"Holy Son, there are too many heavenly demons today. Is this the same situation in the past when measuring the calamity?"

A martial artist wearing a black armor stomach smashed a sky demon with one punch, and asked loudly.

In front of him, a warrior with a slightly immature face but a body like an iron tower, wearing a black-gold crown with hair tied on his head, and a black-gold armor with locks, is dancing a pair of eight-edged black-golden hammers, rushing back and forth in the group of demons.

This is the next generation successor of Kaiyang Shengzong, Yuanba Shengzi.

His body possesses martial veins, and he is also the Holy Physique of the Great Desolation. He was promoted to Daluo Jinxian at a young age, and was conferred the title of Holy Son.

This Holy Son of Yuanba is extremely brave, killing demons is like entering a land without people, he will die if rubbed with a pair of eight-edged black gold hammers, and will be injured if touched, it is extremely terrifying.

Hearing what his subordinates said at this moment, Shengzi Yuanba scolded angrily: "I'm younger than you, and I haven't experienced the amount of calamity, so how do I know what the previous amount of calamity was like!"

These words made the subordinate choke for a long time, his black and red face became even redder, and he struck faster, venting all his grievances on the demon.

However, Shengzi Yuanba finally listened to his words, and muttered to himself: "This demon is like a black ocean. If you sink into it, there will be no bones left in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, I am on the periphery, or away from it." It’s better to move far away.”

Thinking in this way, the eight-edged black gold hammer in his hand slammed down, shaking all the demons around him to death, and then he rushed out from the group of demons.

Unexpectedly, just as he rushed out, he heard a huge shock coming from behind him.

"Huh? What happened?"

Shengzi Yuanba joined his subordinates and turned his head to look behind him.

Seeing this, everyone was instantly stunned.

I saw behind them, thousands of miles away, a giant about a thousand feet tall, walking towards everyone step by step, as if wading through mountains and rivers.

The giant strides forward with great speed.

And at the giant's feet, countless heavenly demons couldn't even resist, and were instantly wiped out.

However, although this giant is strong, the demon is not a vegetarian.

Relying on the power of Mordor, they obeyed the orders of the Garuda Demon King, and attacked the giant without fear of life and death, intending to keep it here.

At this time, the giant's body was already covered with scars, its muscles were faintly blackened, and its breath gradually became disordered.

[Author's digression]: Where are your gold and silver tickets?Honestly, who did you give it to?

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