
Chapter 849 Despair

Shengzi Yuanba was dumbfounded in shock, he never expected that someone would go deep into the Heavenly Demon Tide and be able to withdraw.

"No, it's not just this giant!"

As he got closer, he realized that behind the giant, a group of monks followed Yiran, each using their own means to kill the demon.

However, these people were also wounded, and their aura gradually declined.

Yuanba Shengzi's heart was shaken, and he was shocked by the perseverance of this group of people.

Seeing that there are still a few hundred miles left, they can rush out of the demon tide, but they don't want to be surrounded by more and more demons, and the giant's legs are completely black.

The Son of Yuanba knew that this was due to being poisoned by the blood of the Heavenly Demon.


The giant's body staggered for a moment, then immediately stood firm again, stepped out, and trampled to death countless heavenly demons blocking the way.

Shengzi Yuanba's blood was boiling with excitement, and his eyes were faintly hot.

The warriors of the giant clan are his idols, but he has never been able to see them.

Today a living giant is about to fall in front of him, how can he bear it!

Shengzi Yuanba tightly held the eight-edged black gold hammer, slammed the ground violently, and roared angrily: "Follow me and kill people, save people!"

After that, he flew his hammers and took the lead in rushing into the demon tide.

"Holy Son! Don't be reckless! What if..."

The subordinate from before screamed in alarm, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

Before he finished speaking, Yuanba Shengzi's furious voice came: "Go away! The mother-in-law looks like a woman, do you still have balls?"

The subordinate was gasping for breath, but had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

As the guardian of the Holy Son, it is his duty to protect the Holy Son, how could he just watch the Holy Son take risks.

At this time, Yuechen and the others really couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if they are all arrogance, powerful mana, and endless tricks, they can't stand such crowd tactics.

In the battle of more than ten thousand miles, everyone's mana was exhausted, their tendons were aching, and there were scars all over their bodies. The blood of the demon had already soaked into their bodies.

Fortunately, there is a gourd baby in the team, and the pills don't need money, and they seem to have to be stuffed into everyone's mouths, so that they can sustain the consumption of everyone.

But it takes time for pills to transform mana, so gradually everyone can't make ends meet, and the battle becomes more and more difficult.

Fortunately, all three members of Yuechen's family have practiced the Hunyuan Immortal Scripture, and their magic power is extremely profound, and they lasted for a long time after taking turns to rest.

"There are only the last [-] miles left, we must go out, we must not fall here!"

Yue Chen gritted his steel teeth tightly, and from the gaps between the teeth, a voice came out word by word.

His face was covered with blood, and the fairy robe had long been torn, only a pair of star eyes, as bright as stars.

As soon as the words fell, several heavenly demons rushed into the team and launched a suicide attack.

That's right, seeing everyone getting closer and closer to the Boundary Gate, Jialou issued a death order, beheading Yuechen and the others regardless of cost or life or death.

For Jialou Heavenly Demon King, the game was originally a cat-and-mouse game, but after seeing the performance of Yuechen and others, he couldn't help but become more serious.

Ordinary monks have long been torn to pieces in the tide of heavenly demons, and their souls have been scattered.

And these people were only injured, and none of them died.

It can be seen from this that these monks must be the peerless arrogance of the heavens and the world!

If they don't leave people here while they are weak, they will be the ones who will suffer in the future.

Up to now, the Jialou Heavenly Demon King no longer cares about whether the Daoist in the boundary wall pass will make a move.

He has only one purpose, which is to leave Yue Chen and others behind.

Therefore, Yue Chen and the others fought extremely hard and almost fell several times.



Yuechen threw a thunderbolt, killing many demons.

He touched the empty storage ring and sighed.

Zhenleizi has also been used up, what other means can save lives?

Is it really necessary to expose the good and evil list of the heavens in front of several Taoist priests?

Yuechen racked his brains and sweated profusely.

He turned his head to look at Yue Heng, Li Mingyu and the others. These are young masters who haven't experienced many storms. It's lucky that they didn't fall behind at this time.

It's just that they are inexperienced and have received a lot of blood from the Heavenly Demon. At this time, black air has appeared on their faces, and time is running out.

Demon blood!

Yuechen's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out a treasure box and opened the lid.

In an instant, the breath of the magic dragon loach rushed out of the treasure box.

At this moment, the heavenly demons who were besieging Yuechen stopped for a moment.

However, their faces were ferocious, and after a fierce ideological struggle, these heavenly demons rushed up again.

Yue Chen swung his Chaos God Fist and wiped out these heavenly demons one by one.

Afterwards, his Wugou Immortal Physique spontaneously absorbed spiritual energy to replenish itself.

Even so, Yuechen's heart brightened a lot.

With these magic dragon loaches, they can always get a moment of respite.

Before he could explain, Yue Heng and Li Mingyu, who couldn't hold on first, quickly took out the same treasure box and opened the lid.

Kong Yu and others reacted, and also took out the dragon loach, facing the group of demons.

In an instant, the heavenly demons who had been attacking frantically stopped still with horror on their faces.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone quickly swallowed the elixir to transform their spiritual energy.

However, this situation only persisted for ten breaths, and the demons, under the coercion of the demon king Jialou, overcame the fear in their hearts and rushed towards them again.

The dense celestial demons stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed towards them like a tide, and Yue Heng couldn't help feeling a surge of despair.

He didn't regret following his elder brother to practice, but he couldn't see his father, queen and mother again, and said sorry to them!

I'm sorry, Erchen didn't grow up as you hoped.

I'm sorry, my son's ability is limited, maybe he has to stay on this black and red land and never go back.

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