
Chapter 847

Many saints and saints pay attention to the two princes of Dazhou and inquire about their movements.

Now the great world of Qingwei is in the midst of a calamity, and it is the Great Cang Empire and the Great Zhou Dynasty that should be calamity.

As one of the top empires in the Qingwei Great World, Da Cang is now in decline.

In the country, the demon concubine is in power, the treacherous officials are in power, the people are in dire straits, and the society will collapse at any time.

Many hidden sects are extremely optimistic about Da Zhou, so they pay more attention to their two princes.

The heir is the cornerstone of the stability of the dynasty. If these two princes are idiots, they will have to take a hard look at the future of the Great Zhou.

If this is the case, they will withdraw the helpers sent to Da Zhou, so as not to lose the merits and lose disciples instead, the gains outweigh the losses.

There are those who are optimistic about Da Zhou, and naturally there are those who are not against Da Zhou.

The first to bear the brunt is the Great Cang Empire.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and even if the Great Cang Empire is about to collapse, its resources are extremely rich, so it has attracted some sect disciples and casual cultivators.

Among them, the disciples of the Hehuan Sect were the most active.

Back then, the Youhuan Tianzong and the Hehuanzong jointly cultivated Empress Chen, and sent her to the dragon couch of Emperor Dacang, which harmed Dacang Sheji for thousands of years.

Now the old emperor is dead, and the new emperor is the son of Chen Houer, whose name is Yuechang.

It's a pity that it is not prosperous in Dacang!

The national power has been ravaged by the evil concubine and treacherous officials for thousands of years, and it has long been unable to recover.

Even if the new Emperor Cang wants to restore the country's prestige, but he is helpless if the government is controlled by the empress dowager and treacherous ministers.

On the contrary, some monks urged the Cang Emperor to kill his mother to prove the Tao. Unfortunately, this guy grew up in the hands of the demon concubine since he was a child, and he has no courage to resist when he grows up.

Most of the monks who support Da Cang now want to take advantage of the opportunity to earn a fortune, so how can they spare no effort to help Da Cang.

However, other sects or casual cultivators can get away, and the Hehuan Sect is now tied to Da Cang, so they can only bite the bullet.

The Hehuan Sect is now one of the top ten newly promoted Heavenly Sects, and its crowds are not small.

Therefore, the Holy Maiden of Acacia Sect who came this time met Zishuang Tiannv and choked directly: "I heard that the two princes of Dazhou, the first prince already has a concubine, Zishuang Tiannv will never want Do you want to be a concubine?"

"Could it be that people fell in love with the little prince of the Great Zhou? I heard that the little prince didn't go out and was raised in a deep boudoir. Hehe, the hobbies of Zishuang Tiannv are really different."

The malicious remarks of the Holy Maiden of Love quickly spread across the battlefield outside the territory.

Some people sneered when they heard it, while others were happy to watch the show.

As the only sect that is full of female cultivators and does not have a Taoist priest, the prestige of the Tiannv Shengzong is not as good as the other four holy sects.

Therefore, the Acacia Sect, which is also mostly female cultivators, often competes with it.

In the final analysis, it was the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect who insisted on their own beauty to trample the goddesses under their feet.

"The celestial girl doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as her. In front of the celestial girl, she is just a pheasant, so why get angry about it."

There are flattering smiles from the followers of Zishuang Tiannv.

"It's still a pheasant that is in heat everywhere."

"Ha ha……"

Many male cultivators winked and laughed tacitly.

"Presumptuous! Don't pollute the ears of the goddess!"

A maid scolded extremely displeased.

The Zishuang celestial girl did not show any dissatisfaction, and she still looked pure and noble, aloof and superior.

"Yulian, don't get angry, the eyes of the world are clear, and those who are clear will clear themselves."

Zishuang Celestial Lady fluttered her wristband, and said coldly.


The maid named Yulian pouted her lips, and answered unwillingly.

Her goddess is good at everything, but she is too cold-hearted, making her hold back all day long, not knowing where to start.

As the contemporary goddess of the Holy Sect, Zishuang naturally has no shortage of suitors.

The Son of Lei Mie of the Purple Thunder Sacred Sect was gearing up to find trouble with the Holy Maiden of Huanqing.

"Brother, don't go, what if the lesson goes to the bed of the Holy Maiden of Love?"

Qing Lei, the younger brother of Shengzi Lei Mie, persuaded him.

"I beat you so you can't speak!"

Shengzi Lei Mie's beard was all over his face, and the roots of his ears were red.

He slapped his younger brother on the forehead: "Only the Zishuang celestial girl can be worthy of me, so what kind of holy girl of joy is just a fox, and the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon?"

These words also quickly spread across the battlefield outside the territory.

When the Holy Maiden of Love found out, she was so angry that she clenched her teeth and cursed secretly: "Well, you Lei Mie, this Holy Maiden is not against you, but you are bullying me, and this Holy Maiden will not kidnap you as a servant , doesn't it seem too incompetent?"

She didn't dare to speak harsh words to Lei Mie openly, because the Purple Lei Sacred Sect was all Lei Xiu, and it was a group of grumpy and completely unreasonable Lei Xiu!

What is even more frightening is that there is a Daoist Good Fortune sitting in the gate, how dare ordinary people touch their brows.

Now, the original argument against the two princes of Da Zhou suddenly turned into a farce for Shengzi Lei Mie to vent his anger on his sweetheart.

Everyone watched the show with relish while killing the devil.

There were also people who secretly bet on whether the Holy Son Lei Mie would be able to pass the beauty test, whether he would mercilessly behead the Holy Maiden of Love, or die in her belly.

Needless to say, this gamble has attracted some monks to place bets.

Of course, the majority of bets on Lei Mie Shengzi Hero Sad Beauty Pass.

"Goddess! Are you not in a hurry?"

Maid Yulian stomped her feet anxiously.

Shengzi Lei Mie is such an infatuated person, there is no one else in his eyes except his own goddess.

What if she was really seduced by the Holy Maiden of Love and became her guest of honor, would her heavenly daughter die?

[Author's digression]: Where's your tip?

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