
Chapter 840 Fishing for Loach

In order to catch the magic dragon loach, Huluwa took out the fishing rod that he treasured.

This fishing rod is called the Void Soul Hook, and it was found in a thatched hut by a large lake when he and Ling Ce were traveling through Chiming Great World.

I don't know which old senior fell behind. After the transformation during the world promotion, he was able to fish in the void.

Back then, the two of them often stood inside the boundary membrane, fishing outside the boundary.

There is also no less hiding in the void, fishing at the treasure house of other people's sects...

Now this fishing rod has been kept by the gourd baby for thousands of years, so it is not a problem to catch a big Luo Jinxian!

As soon as the Void Soul Hook appeared, Ling Ce also remembered the past, and his palms were itchy.

He also wanted to fish for loach, but unfortunately there was only one fishing rod, so he could only watch the gourd baby's movements, and moved back silently.

Ever since the Void Soul Hook appeared, Li Mingyu stared at this extravagant fishing rod in astonishment, and didn't recover for a while.

It wasn't until he felt Ling Ce's movement that he took his eyes off the Void Soul Hook, stepped back a little, and looked at the surface of the black water lake vigilantly.

After both of them backed away, Cucurbita flicked the fishing rod, and the void soul hook suddenly extended forward infinitely, hooking the corpse of the demon on the ground.

Afterwards, the fishing rod was swung again, hooking the demon's body and hanging down on the surface of the black water lake.

In an instant, ripples appeared on the originally calm and dark lake like raindrops falling.

Li Mingyu and Ling Ce felt their scalps go numb, and quickly backed away again.

Gourd Baby's eyes lit up, she straightened the fishing rod, and carefully lured the magic dragon loach to take the bait.

But he was too careful, these demon dragon loaches were not smart, as early as when the corpse of the demon fell to the ground, they were a little ready to move.

It's just that they were a little farther away, so they didn't break out of the water.

Now that the delicacy is right in front of your eyes, these demon dragon loaches couldn't bear it any longer, they jumped out of the water one after another, rushing towards the corpse of the demon dragon.


The surface of the water exploded, and countless demon dragon loaches rose into the air. Before they got close to the corpse of the demon, they opened their big mouth full of jagged teeth and bit fiercely.

Seeing this, Huluwa quickly pulled the fishing rod, and the corpse of the demon quickly evacuated to the shore.

The delicious food in his mouth flew away, how could the magic dragon loach let it go.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The densely packed demon dragon loach leaped onto the shore, as if claws had sprouted from its belly, and rushed towards the corpse of the demon dragon.

The gourd baby was pulling the fishing rod, and when the magic dragon loach came close, he pulled it back violently.

Just like that, the deliciousness can be seen but not eaten, and the devil dragon loaches chase after it violently, with jagged sharp saliva flowing.

Seeing such a scene, Ling Ce and Li Mingyu couldn't help getting goosebumps all over their bodies.

Mumba, who is hundreds of miles away, has already changed his face greatly, retreating again and again.

In fact, these magic dragon loaches did not pose any threat to them, they just watched infiltrating people densely.

"Hey, tell me, after catching these devil dragons and going back, how are you going to treat the injuries of the eldest princess?"

Li Mingyu tilted her head and asked.

Ling Ce gave him a sideways glance, and said quietly, "What do you mean?"

Thinking of certain scenes, Li Mingyu shuddered for no reason, looked at Ling Ce, and looked away resentfully.

"Quickly open!"

When the two of them were running away, Cucurbit Baby yelled loudly, waking them up.

Like a conditioned reflex, the two bodies moved faster than their brains, and they moved away from this place in an instant.

Afterwards, after a closer look, it turned out that the gourd baby had already led the magic dragon loach three miles away, and it was at the position where they stood just now.

At this time, if you catch loach again, they will not be able to escape even if they want to run away.

"Use the magic weapon of space to install it!"

Cucurbit Baby explained.

Li Mingyu and the two of them hastily made a move, each took out a magic weapon of space, opened the space of the magic weapon, and lowered their heads!

In an instant, feeling cheated, the dragon loaches who were fleeing to the great lake were quickly pretended to be clean by the two of them.

Seeing that the work was done, Calabash Baby laughed proudly.

The two made a rough count, and together they caught more than a thousand dragon loaches.

"The original form of the first princess is huge, are these magic dragons enough?"

Li Mingyu asked hesitantly.

"It's not easy to come here, let's catch more, what if there are other uses?"

Ling Ce also spoke.

Calabash Baby nodded, only thought for a moment, and said: "This thing is the nemesis of demons from outside the territory, we can raise more, and it will come in handy at some point."

After that, he flicked the fishing rod again, the void soul hook hooked the body of the demon, and submerged into the void again, hanging down on the pitch-black lake.

Li Mingyu and Li Mingyu didn't feel that they were infiltrating anymore, they each held their magic weapons and were eager to try.

Just waiting for the magic dragon loach to come ashore, the magic weapon will come under the hood and catch as many as possible.

So, after several times of taking pictures of gourds and scoops in a row, the dragon loach in the lake remained silent.

"It seems that this thing is not stupid!"

Li Mingyu said with unfinished thoughts.

Cucurbit Baby rolled her eyes towards the sky.

At any rate, they are creatures with a little bit of cultivation and wisdom. Even if they are stupid, after losing so many companions in a row, they should have a longer memory.

"How about, let's change the direction and lend me your fishing rod for fun."

Li Mingyu giggled, and rubbed her hands at Calabash Baby in the slightest.

As soon as he finished his words, before the gourd baby could react, the pitch-black lake began to churn.


The lake water splashed ten thousand feet high, and a strong and suffocating breath rushed out of the black water lake suddenly, looking down at Cucurbita and the others from a height.

This sudden change stunned several people.

Stared at by this vast coercion, Calabash Baby's back was instantly wet.

He swallowed hard, moved his body slowly, and stood with Ling Ce and the others, secretly holding the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot, ready to sacrifice the Tushi Shenyan at any time!

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