
Chapter 839 Black Water Lake

As Da Luo Daojun, Mumba's spirit is weak, but his eyesight is still there.

Under his careful observation, his hair stood on end for an instant.

"This, what is this?"

Mumba's goosebumps were about to rise, and he stammered and asked while pointing ahead.

"Look again!"

The gourd baby picked up a big right on the ground and threw it out.


The big rock smashed into the dark place, splashing a large amount of black water.

And in those black waters, there are monsters about a foot long, shaped like loaches, and with dragon beards.

If there were just a few of them, it wouldn't make Mumba get goosebumps.

What is intrusive is that this vast land is a large lake full of black water, and in this lake, it is densely packed with such monsters.

Just looking at it makes me panic!

"What is this?"

Mumba rubbed his thick arms and asked without being able to look directly.

"This is the Demon Dragon Loach."

Li Mingyu took a step forward, looked at the large expanse of black water in front of her, and said in a deep voice.

"There are too many of these things, don't they have any natural enemies?"

Momba asked strangely.

Li Mingyu shook his head: "I don't know! According to legend, this black water lake is actually formed by the blood of the demon clan."

"According to ancient records, this place was originally a patch of sticky black blood. At some point, this kind of dragon loach was born."

"They feed on these black blood exclusively, and their ability to reproduce is extremely strong. I heard that even the Heavenly Demons don't dare to approach this land of black water."

Li Mingyu fully told what she knew.

"In the extraterritorial battlefield of Weilan Great World, there are also these devil dragon loaches."

Ling Ce also spoke.

Mumba turned his big head and looked around.

Sure enough, the closer they got to the black water, the fewer demons there were.

Now beside them, the Heavenly Demon has disappeared without a trace.

"Demon Dragon Loach..."

The gourd baby murmured, looking for the record of the dragon loach in her memory.

When he was first refined by the real immortal Yuqing, he stuffed a lot of alchemy knowledge and records of various strange medicines.

If this magic dragon loach is also a miracle medicine, there must be a record in his mind.

After all, as the son of Dao Zun, True Immortal Yuqing can be said to know everything and know everything.

Sure enough, after searching carefully, he finally discovered the function of this magic dragon loach.

The so-called extremes must be reversed, this big lake was originally filled with the blood of the sky demon, and at some point a strange thing like the dragon loach was born from it.

The blood of the demon is highly poisonous, and this thing feeds on the blood of the demon, but it is not poisonous itself.

What's even more strange is that the devil dragon loach is not interested in all kinds of creatures, and only likes to devour the flesh and blood of the demon clan.

All the heavenly demons who approached this place in the past were devoured by the dragon loach, not even a bone was left.

Over time, this place has become a forbidden place for demons.

Regarding this, Calabash Baby had various guesses in her mind.

You know, if the blood of these heavenly demons gathers together for a long time, it will definitely give birth to a big demon again.

The hobby of this magic dragon loach is also too special, it may be the handwriting of some daoist.

But no one will make a fuss about such things without evidence.

Anyway, the monks raised their hands to welcome anything that was not good to the Heavenly Demons.

It was also because of this that Li Mingyu understood these situations, and this time it was of great help!

Gourd Baby clapped her palms and laughed loudly: "It's easy to get here, what we're looking for is this magic dragon loach!"


Mumba's eyes widened, and he accidentally glanced at the densely packed dragon loach, and shivered instantly.

The gourd baby looked amused.

Unexpectedly, this giant warrior, who claims to be fearless, would be so terrified when he saw these dragon loaches.

This is Yuechen's absence, if he knew, he would definitely say "Target phobia!"

"Yes, I want to arrest you, I'll give you a lookout!"

Mumba scratched his head, groaned a few times, and squeaked.

"Then you have to stay away, and watch out for these magic dragons to jump on you."

Cucurbit Baby urged the chivalrous way.


As soon as his words fell, Mumba jumped up in an instant, and with a flexible force far exceeding his huge body, he was far away from hundreds of miles away!

Calabash Baby and Ling Ce burst out laughing.

Li Mingyu also twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked amusedly, "How do we catch these dragon loaches?"

Calabash Baby pondered for a while, her eyes lit up, "I have my own plan!"

After finishing speaking, he shouted to Mumba from a distance: "Fellow Daoist Meng, come and kill a demon, you must have all the tails!"

What responded to him was the sound of Mumba slapping his chest fiercely.

Li Mingyu blinked, and said curiously: "You want to..."

"Fishing loach!"

Cucurbit Baby said proudly.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Li Mingyu almost choked on her own saliva, coughed a few times, and gave the gourd baby a thumbs up.

After he finished coughing, he couldn't help feeling a little itchy when he thought about the spectacle of using the corpse of the demon to catch the dragon loach.

As a dude, one must have a thick-skinned self-consciousness!

"Anyway, one is fishing, and the other is also fishing. How about I go fishing with you?"

He ignored Calabash Baby's white eyes and said with a shy face.


Calabash Baby sternly refused: "I don't know how many dragon loaches can be caught by one demon corpse. I will try it first. If it is too slow, you can fish together again!"

"All right!"

Li Mingyu touched his nose, and had no choice but to temporarily dismiss the idea.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The ground shook like a drum, and Mumba's tall figure appeared from afar.

"Give you!"

He didn't get close, but stretched out his arm and swung it violently. A corpse of a demon fell to the ground and fell in front of Cucurbit Baby!

Afterwards, his figure retreated quickly, running faster than a rabbit.

Calabash Baby curled her lips, and took out the fishing rod that had been prepared from the Jiuzhuan Qiankun Pot.

A fishing rod made of starry sky meteorite is wrapped with a fishing line made of sky gold cloud silk, and a hook made of void soul iron is tied at the end!

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