
Chapter 841

There was an accident in Heishui Lake, and the three of Cucurbita were so shocked that they were too stiff to move.

There was silence on the dark lake.

The black dragon loaches that were rolling all over the lake were also pretending to be dead at this time, their bodies stiffened as if they had become dead loaches.

At this moment, in the sky and on the earth, only this desperate coercion is looking down on everyone.

Calabash Baby's thoughts changed sharply, and she was still thinking about deserting.

No wonder this black water lake still exists when the Heavenly Demon Race is so rampant, and it has not been uprooted by the Heavenly Demon King.

But it turns out that there is also a Daoist in this black water lake.

That's right, this vast coercion is just a ray of breath emanating from a Taoist priest.

Dao Zun, on the avenue he walks, is extremely good fortune, the world is destroyed but Dao Zun is immortal.

There is a famous saying in the Great Desolate World, if you are not a saint, you will be an ant!

Every Dao Zun has incredible power, and even a ray of breath emitted by it cannot be resisted by immature ants like them.

Of the few of them, the only one with the highest realm is Mumba, who has just entered the realm of Taoist monarchs. I am afraid that they can be crushed to death with a single finger.

Even his only reliance, Tushi Shenyan, is afraid that he can't even get close to Dao Zun, so how can he talk about fighting the enemy?

A sense of despair filled her heart, and for the first time Calabash Baby really panicked.

Just then, there was a sound of running.

"Dong dong dong..."

The earth was shaking, and within a few steps, Mumba came to the front of the three.

He came retrograde under infinite pressure, and his thick and tall body gave the three of Cucurbita a great sense of security.

But the gourd baby didn't appreciate it, and cursed in a low voice with a dark face: "You idiot, see that the situation is not good, why don't you run away, what are you doing here, you can't beat it!"

He was really angry. In this situation, it is only one person who can run away. If you get together, don't you want to die?

"we are brothers!"

Mumba said with a silly smile.

The gourd baby's eyes instantly became hot.

It wasn't until this moment that he had a deep understanding of the Tiehanhans of the giant race.

It turned out that those rumors were not false. They treated their recognized friends with sincerity and sincerity!

Ling Ce at the side took a deep look at Mumba, then suddenly moved and stood in front of several people.


Ling Ce clasped his fists and bowed to Heishui Lake.

The owner of this breath didn't know if he didn't want to hurt others, or he was observing, but he didn't act immediately, which gave a few people great hope of survival.

Ling Ce saluted, and seeing that there was still no movement in the black water lake, he clasped his fists again and said, "Your junior and others are reckless, senior, don't blame me!"


A gust of wind blew up on the surface of the lake, making several people almost unable to stand still.

"Senior, the grandfather of this junior is Daoist Yuheng, so I must have heard of it."

Ling Ce's complexion changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "This junior and others came here to collect some magic dragon loach to save people. The junior's companion was poisoned by the blood of the demon..."

Before he could finish his words, the gust of wind stopped suddenly, and the lake calmed down instantly.

In an instant, the four of them clearly felt a cold and bloodthirsty gaze passing over them, focusing on Calabash Baby for a moment.

At this moment, several people felt cold all over their bodies!

Cucurbit Baby's whole body tightened even more, as if all flesh and blood would be swallowed up by that salivating gaze.

It took a lot of effort before they suppressed the fear rising in their hearts and fled without running away.

I don't know if he listened to Ling Ce's words, but his eyes looked at the few people quietly as if he was discerning delicious food.

Ling Ce didn't know what to do, as he was also a Daoist, this guy was obviously a different kind, and he might not take his grandfather seriously.

I just don't know what kind of enlightenment this Daoist is.


Several people kept swallowing their saliva, and big beads of sweat fell on the black and red ground, making shallow pits one after another.

Mumba gritted his teeth loudly, clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his arms were bulging, and he looked like he was going to rush out to do a big fight at any moment.

Gourd Baby quickly pinned him down: "Don't be impulsive, don't look at your size, if you rush out, I'm afraid it will only be enough for him to squeeze between his teeth."

After a long suffocation, the palpitation disappeared, and the cold gaze above his head finally disappeared.

"Finally gone!"

Li Mingyu exhaled heavily, the atmosphere just now almost frightened him into a fool.

"Do you see what that one is?"

Ling Ce asked in a low voice.

"It should be the ancestor of those things."

The gourd baby pursed her mouth towards the black water lake, and said in a secretive way.

Ling Ce's eyes widened instantly, and Li Mingyu and Mumba opened their mouths in disbelief.

There is nothing in that lake except the magic dragon loach.

But, that's the magic dragon loach!

This kind of low-level ignorance, who only knows how to devour the flesh and blood of heavenly demons, can give birth to a Dao Zun, which smashed the three views and cognitions of several people!

"You read that right?"

After a long while, Li Mingyu asked stupidly.

Cucurbit Baby snorted coldly and ignored him!

Who is he?

He is an innate demon god who is born with the avenue of space. If he can't even capture this bit of information, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the innate demon god!

"Okay, he has already left, it is not easy to stay here for a long time, I will leave soon!"

After all, Mumba has a high level and is older and more stable. At this time, he opened his mouth to urge him.

"Extremely! Mistress is still waiting for help, we are afraid to leave!"

Calabash Baby was the first to react, and fled back while pulling Ling Ce.

Mumba held Li Mingyu in his palm with a big hand. Holding him, he strode along behind Calabash Baby and ran wildly all the way!

After they left, the calm black water lake churned again.

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