
Chapter 838

Cucurbit Baby's words are well-founded, and he still has the protection of Tushi Shenyan, so Yuechen had no choice but to follow his wishes.

Yueyin was worried that his eldest prince would stay by Yuechen's side, so Mumba, Ling Ce and Li Mingyu went with him.

Fortunately, Yue Yin did not leave this place.

I don't know if it was attracted by the breath of the real dragon or driven, these heavenly demons seemed to smell the smell, and kept surrounding this place.

Yuechen and the others attacked quickly and ruthlessly, but these heavenly demons didn't know how to be afraid, and they were not afraid of death. They rushed up wave after wave, almost breaking down the mountainside.

Fortunately, the mountains in this extraterritorial battlefield are not ordinary mountains, they are very strong, so they were not broken by the demons.

Fortunately, Yue Yinzai, who imposed restrictions based on the cultivation of the Taoist Lord, managed to keep this rare place of shelter.

Knowing the whole story, Ao Qianmiao felt very guilty.

If it wasn't for looking for her, father and mother should be reunited with their grandparents in the Great Zhou Palace now, where would they be in such a dangerous situation.

Ao Qianmiao blamed herself in her heart, the bloodline that had just been broken through was not yet stable, and now it surged again.


Seeing that it was not good, Niu Kui yelled loudly, and it exploded like spring thunder, shaking Ao Qianmiao's mind to return to his place quickly, narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

"Qian Miao, you go to practice to stabilize your mind. Your mother has me here, so nothing will happen for the time being."

Seeing his daughter's unsteady mind, Yuechen ordered directly.

"But, mother..."

"Don't you even listen to me?"

Yuechen frowned and scolded.

Ao Qianmiao was stunned for a moment, and then felt aggrieved.

Thinking that since she was born, her parents have always loved her and never said harsh words to her. Her temperament has also become less upright and more graceful than in her previous life.

Therefore, I can't help thinking more.

In Dad's eyes, only Mother is the most important!

She pouted, feeling very wronged.

Yuechen's brows were tightly frowned, and he felt that his daughter's personality had changed a lot after she came out, which was quite different from her before.

It was also because he was anxious about Ao Lin's injury that he didn't expect that Ao Qianmiao's promotion to Da Luo would definitely restore her previous life's memories and her personality would change.

Seeing that the situation of the father and daughter was not right, Niu Kui hurriedly smoothed things over and said: "Senior sister, it is useless for you to watch here, it is better to stabilize the blood, and then use your eight-clawed dragon ball to purify your mother , it may play some role is unknown."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Ling and the others who were meditating instantly opened their eyes and looked at Ao Qianmiao.

She stood up with a jerk, her eyes were bright, and she couldn't wait to practice.

"Hey, wait!"

Yue Chen hurriedly called her to stop.

"A true eight-clawed dragon? Have you broken through your bloodline?"

he asked.


Ao Qianmiao held her head high, looking at the sky and the earth but not at her father.

"Yo, the little girl is still angry! Haha..."

Kong Yu laughed.

Ao Qianmiao squinted her eyes and thought, thinking that the Virgin Mary is the little girl from before.

But she didn't say this, and she was born when she said it.

She coughed lightly, glanced at her father, and said proudly, "I just broke through not long ago."


Yuechen said hello repeatedly, not only happy for his daughter, but also happy that Taoist couple's injury is expected to improve.

"My son gave birth to octopus at a very young age. In the future, he is expected to break through the limit of the true dragon family and become a chaotic dragon!"

Ao Qianmiao was very pleased with the unsparing praise in his mouth, and he didn't know where to throw the grievances in his heart.

"Father, I'm going to practice and try to save my mother as soon as possible."

Clenching her fists tightly, Ao Qianmiao rushed into the mountainside, looking for a place to practice.

After she left, Kong Yu snorted and said, "This girl is still so easy to coax."

Yuechen shook his head and sighed: "The girl has grown up, her temperament has changed."

Jin Ling, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "She has already remembered her previous life."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Yuechen and Kong Yu to look at each other dumbfounded.

In a hurry, neither of them thought about this.

"No wonder Qianmiao's temperament is a little different."

After a long time, Yuechen said with great melancholy: "I don't know if she is the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit or my little princess now!"

"Don't worry, Senior Sister didn't say she was going back to Biyou Palace. In her heart, she is still your daughter."

Niu Kui rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Haha, you are indeed my Yuechen's daughter."

Yuechen laughed loudly, and said to Ao Lin who was in a coma, "Ma'am, did you hear that our daughter has already given birth to her eighth claw, which is a credit to you."

The dragon's toes moved, but the eyelids still couldn't open.

"Come and open your mouth, take the medicine, when Gan Kong comes back, you will be saved, I will always be with you, don't be afraid."

Like coaxing a child, Yuechen stroked the dragon body and chattered, which made Kong Yu roll his eyes.

While Yuechen and the others were waiting, the three Huluwa finally found their destination.

"Boy, did you find the wrong place?"

Mumba trampled to death a sneak attacking demon, looked at Li Mingyu and asked.

It's really no wonder that he was puzzled, the area in front of him didn't grow any grass, only a piece of black and bright color, it looked extremely ordinary.

He stepped out with a careless step, and his huge feet were about to fall.

Steeply heard the gourd baby roar: "Stop!"

At the very moment, Mumba's big feet like a grinding disc stopped urgently, and barely stopped on the black and bright color.

"Come back soon!"

Cucurbit Baby yelled anxiously.


Mumba claims to be the smartest warrior of the giant clan, and he needs to be persuaded.

Therefore, he quickly retracted his right leg, widened his eyes like lanterns, and looked at the black and bright color.

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