
Chapter 837

At the same time, within the encirclement.

Inside a rare hill, Yuechen's ears twitched, and he asked with some doubts, "Have you heard any movement outside?"

"What's the matter? People don't run away after seeing so many demons, who would be so overwhelmed and come this way?"

Kong Yu wiped the blood on his face, and washed it with water several times in disgust, and asked back.

"It seems that someone is calling Dad?"

Yue Yin is somewhat uncertain.

There are too many heavenly demons outside, even if he is Da Luo Daojun who is proficient in the way of space, he can't hear clearly.

"Could it be Qianmiao?"

In an instant, Yuechen's eyes lit up, he stood up hastily, and rushed out of the cave.

He opened his delusion-breaking eyes, passed through numerous heavenly demons, and crossed the distance of space, and saw the purple-blue sword light.

Along with the sword light, there is also a mountain-like stick pressing down!

It's Qianmiao and Niu Kui!

At this moment, Yuechen's anxious heart finally saw the light, and one of the two big rocks in his heart fell to the ground!

"Qian Miao, dad is here!"

Yuechen shouted loudly, Qingyue's voice passed through the barriers of countless heavenly demons through mana, and fell into Ao Qianmiao's ears.

"It's really daddy inside, junior brother, let's hurry up!"

Ao Qianmiao became anxious immediately, and the Zidian Qingshuang Sword in her hand slashed down continuously, the light of the sword tore apart the sky and the earth, and countless demons annihilated.

Seeing this, Niu Kui jumped up, and the mixed iron rod pressed all directions, smashing down a large number of demons.


The nine-color cauldron suddenly appeared, and the energy of chaos exploded, falling like a waterfall, assimilating countless heavenly demons into chaos.

At the same time, there is also a myriad of tribulations gushing out from the cauldron, smashing the surrounding demons into pieces.

In the rear, there is a multicolored divine light all over the sky, and the demons are rolled up and disappear without a trace. Occasionally, thunderbolts are thrown out, and a loud noise erupts.

The golden sword light is like brilliant fireworks, illuminating the black and red space, under the ultimate beauty, it is the ultimate death.

Not long after, the sky was full of catastrophe outside the belly of the mountain, the five-color divine light was flying across the sky, the sword glow split the sky and the earth, and large pieces of heavenly demons fell.

However, there were too many heavenly demons, and they rushed up one after another as if they were not afraid of death at all.

Yuechen rushed out while looking for his daughter.

All of a sudden, the crisp screeching sound from afar came into his ears clearly.

Yue Chen was overjoyed, and charged even harder.

Finally, after a burst of violent attacks, the heavenly demons blocking the front suddenly disappeared, and two figures rushed in quickly.


Ao Qianmiao raised her voice and shouted, her voice was full of joy.

"Boy, why are you trapped here, why don't you rush back?"

Niu Kui rushed in, panting heavily.

"It's a long story, let's go in and talk about it first."

Several people gathered quickly and retreated into the mountainside.

After they all went in, there was a silver light flashing at the entrance of the cave in the mountain belly, and a restriction was placed again to prevent the demon from breaking in.

As soon as she entered, Ao Qianmiao was startled by the giant dragon lying on the ground.


She hissed in surprise, and hurried to the dragon.

The giant dragon's eyes were closed tightly, and half of the scales that were originally shining with silver light were now shiny black.

"Mother, mother, wake up, what happened to my mother?"

Ao Qianmiao asked Yuechen with tears in her eyes after calling her mother for a long time.

"Your mother is poisoned."

Yue Chen sighed.

"What poison? Is the antidote useless?"

Yue Chen shook his head slowly, "It's a long story..."

It turned out that when Ao Qianmiao and Mo Kun were fighting, Yue Chen and the others were also attacked by the Great Heavenly Demon.

At the time when they were in the midst of a battle with the Heavenly Demon, a big Heavenly Demon appeared and attracted the attention of Yueyin and Mumba, another big Heavenly Demon suddenly attacked secretly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ao Lin showed her body as a real dragon and blocked the blow of the big demon for everyone. At that time, she was seriously injured.

If it's just like this, it's fine, but after she was seriously injured, she couldn't maintain her human body, and her body was huge. After the big demon was beheaded by Yuechen and others, the blood sprayed on Ao Lin's dragon body, and she was poisoned immediately. deep.

After all, it is a great heavenly demon comparable to the quasi-sage king, and its blood is extremely poisonous.

That is to say, as a real dragon, Ao Lin has a strong physical body, and she took the pill of invincibility before, so she was not poisoned to death immediately.

If it were any Daluo cultivator, who was poisoned by the flesh and blood of the Great Heavenly Demon, he might not be able to survive for a while, and his soul would return to the underworld.

Fortunately, Calabash Baby had a lot of detoxification pills in his hands, and after stuffing a few handfuls, the toxicity was temporarily suppressed.

However, this is all a palliative, not a permanent cure.

No matter how good it is, it is only for the monks under Daluo.

After Da Luo, the lives of monks are completely different, and the elixirs they need are naturally of different grades.

At that time, Yuechen was in a hurry, and hurriedly asked Luo Tian to find a solution.

However, Luo Tian, ​​who is usually omnipotent, also got stuck at this time, helpless.

Under Yuechen's repeated questioning, he finally told the truth.

In this extraterritorial battlefield, not only is Dao Zun guarding, but there is also Heavenly Demon King on the opposite side, and there are more than one of them.

If he tried to steal, cough, snatch it, no, anyway, if he wanted to find a way to get the antidote, he might be noticed by the Demon King once he made a move.

At that time, not only will he not be in a good position, but Yue Chen and the others will probably only suffer from Chi Yu.

Therefore, after several deliberations, Calabash Baby volunteered to collect herbs and make alchemy.

At that time, Yuechen refused to allow him, and wanted to find the medicine by himself, after all, his realm was higher, so it was not a problem to charge back and forth from the demon alone.

But the gourd baby also had plausible arguments. There must be something detoxifying in the place where the blood of the demons gathered. No one has seen this thing before, and only he can distinguish it.

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