
Chapter 814

Kong Yu left the spiritual fire Chiyue Xuanyan to Yue Xin, and Yue Chen and others of course agreed.

Any treasure in the hands of the right person will have the greatest effect.

As the body of Taiyin, Yue Xin and the Chiyue Xuanyan just complement each other, and the effect produced is not just that one plus one equals two.

Although the remaining treasures are relatively common things, they are better than nothing, especially when Kong Yu took out the mountain-like fairy crystal.

After all, the Chiming Great World has only been promoted, and the number of immortal crystals generated is relatively small. No one has ever seen so many immortal crystals.

As for Mumba, he fought against people in the chaos until his body fell asleep, his soul was almost wiped out, and he naturally had nothing on him.

Therefore, everyone did not dislike sharing the spoils, oh, sitting in rows and sharing the fruit.

Even Ling Xiao, who has been driving the treasure ship, has been allocated a lot of fairy crystals.

Kong Yu said with some regret: "It's a pity that I can't beat up that kid Kong Lan again. This emperor is always a little upset."

"For the sake of the Peacock King, we have accepted his favor after all, so it's not easy to turn our face against him."

Yuechen sighed slightly.

If it wasn't for Ao Lin's sudden advancement, he would have asked Kong Lan to see who was the bumpkin.

"It seems that the relationship between the dragon and the phoenix is ​​not as turbulent as it appears on the surface. Otherwise, the Peacock King will definitely make trouble this time, and why would he protect us?"

Ao Lin also spoke out.

As a Dragon Clan, she is sensitive to the aura of the Phoenix Clan, and the Phoenix Clan must be the same in turn.

This time she was advancing in the Peacock Palace, if the Peacock King hadn't suppressed her, the dragon aura would have spread far away, attracting many phoenix birds.

At that time, I don't know how much trouble will be caused.

Yuechen nodded thoughtfully and said, "When you go to the real dragon world, you will be able to ask clearly."

Ao Lin nodded and remained silent.

When everyone was sharing the treasures, Tianfeng opened his phoenix eyes in Tianfeng's ancestral land, looked around in a little confusion, and jumped up immediately.

"Oops, I don't know how long it took to retreat this time, and I don't know where the master and the others are now."

Tianfeng muttered in his mouth, and rushed out of the ancestral land in a hurry.

Wait for him to take out the disciple token.When trying to contact Yuechen, he found that he couldn't get in touch.

He couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Could it be that it has been too long, and they have already left?

Tianfeng felt a little depressed, and suddenly remembered Kong Yu again.

"This guy just met his mother, should he still be there?"

Feeling unsure, he contacted Kong Yu again, but found that he still couldn't get in touch.

Then he unbelievingly contacted Jinling Gourd Baby and others one by one, but there was still no news.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was probably left here alone by the crowd.

"Too much!"

Tianfeng gritted his teeth authentically.

After he was sad, he cheered up again, and said bitterly: "When I become a big Luo, you must go back and ask why you left me, and do you want me?"

His eyes were red, and he was extremely unwilling.

After a long time, he stomped his feet fiercely and rushed back to Tianfeng Ancestral Land.

In the depths of the ancestral land, the ancestor Tianfeng withdrew his attention, hooked the corners of his mouth, and closed his eyes again.

Chaos is like chicken eggs. If there is no positioning and navigation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to distinguish up, down, left, and right.

There is no concept of time in the chaos, and the Lingxiao treasure ship does not know how long it has been traveling before a little light appeared in front of it.

As soon as this light appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The treasure ship of Lingxiao split through the hazy atmosphere of chaos and sailed towards the bright light.

When they got closer, everyone realized that it was also a treasure ship.

This treasure ship is not moving fast, it is slow and leisurely, as if it is playing.

It's just that I don't know what material this treasure ship is made of, and it's bright all over, which is extremely conspicuous in this chaos.

At this time, the treasure ship of Lingxiao had already approached, and everyone looked at the treasure ship curiously.

Maybe he sensed everyone's peeping, and a clear voice came from inside the treasure ship: "Friends, please stay!"

Yue Chen and the others suddenly felt an invisible force falling on them, and stopped involuntarily.

Everyone looked at each other, their hearts trembled.

Especially Yuechen, who had a bad premonition in his heart, always felt that those words were a bit ominous.

However, when others say hello, it's better not to lose face, otherwise it will be a feud.

He waved his hand, and the Lingxiao treasure ship immediately slowed down, paralleling that treasure ship.

"This fellow daoist invites you. The fellow daoist is very happy in this chaos. I don't know your name, where did you come from, and where did you go?"

Yuechen made a bow and asked casually.

Immediately, there was a laughing sound from inside the treasure ship, the original voice laughed and said: "Poverty Taoist fellow Taoist is also very pleasing to the eye, I just want to be friends with Taoist fellow."

Yuechen raised his eyebrows, this person is so good at climbing, and he is too familiar with himself.

Then I heard the person continue: "The poor Taoist name is Shen Gongbao, and he is an unknown soldier in the Great Desolate World. It is normal for fellow Taoists not to know him."

Shen Gongbao!

Yue Chen's eyes widened suddenly, feeling a little dizzy.


He said why he had an ominous premonition, and it turned out that he was waiting here.

For those who are familiar with Fengshen's semi-time traveler, Shen Gongbao is a scammer who specializes in cheating his teammates.

One sentence, fellow Taoist, please stay, it is more cruel than Jiang Ziya's whipping of the gods. I don't know how many Jiejiao immortals have been deceived, and a true spirit has been listed on the list. He is still trapped in the list of gods and cannot escape.

This kind of person actually wants to be friends with him?

He is thinking about farting!

Without saying a word, Yuechen slapped the treasure ship of Lingxiao with his palm.

In an instant, the treasure ship was like a runaway wild horse, and it rushed far away in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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