
Chapter 813

When the Peacock King took Jin Teng away, in the Peacock Clan, Kong Xin and Kong Lan looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

Fortunately, the two of them moved slowly, and the golden-winged roc took the lead.

Otherwise, it would be the two of them who were brushed away by the king now!

The two of them didn't expect that the king would protect them so far, which made them feel that Kong Yu was a threat even more.

But now that Kong Yu had left, the two of them could only resentfully put away all kinds of thoughts and let it go for now.

But Yuechen and others took the treasure ship of Lingxiao and continued to move forward in the chaos.

This piece of chaos is close to the Great World of the True Phoenix, and many monks always come here.

They either drive magic weapons, fly with swords, or ride mounts.


Yuechen stood up abruptly and looked behind.

"Forget about Tianfeng!"

Kong Yu also came back to his senses, slapped his forehead, and shouted.

"How about we go back and find him?"

Calabash Baby also stood up and looked towards Zhenhuang Great World.

The Lingxiao treasure ship paused for a moment, waiting for the master's order.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuechen shook his head and said, "Forget it, the chick will always leave home, Tianfeng is already grown up, now that he has found a relative, we should be happy for him."

"Besides, following the ancestor of Tianfeng, he needs to rely on mountains and resources, and needs resources. Isn't it much better than following us?"

He pretended to smile enviously, but was extremely melancholy in his heart.

At any rate, he was the one who rescued it from a kindling through untold hardships. He said it was used as a pet mount, but it was just like his relatives.

Now that he has grown up to such a big age, he is about to become a big Luo, and he just leaves, how can he feel better?


Kong Yu was also extremely reluctant, anyway Tianfeng was brought up by him.

"Okay, after all, it's a group of true cultivators who have achieved the Dao. What's the point of melancholy, if Tianfeng really wants to come back, after he becomes Daluo, he can find it by himself, and it's not like he won't see him again."

Although Ao Lin was also a little bit reluctant, she was confused by them.

"Madam said, Ling Xiao, look at the star map, which world is the closest to the next stop."

Yue Chen raised his voice and ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

Ling Xiao quickly opened the star map.

Not long after, he grinned and said, "Master, the next stop is the closest to Qingwei Great World, and we will see Princess Qianmiao soon."

Ao Lin was overjoyed instantly.

She hadn't seen her daughter for so many years, she was thinking hard.

Prince Qianluo pursed his lips, thinking about his sister whom he had never met, he was both expectant and nervous.

For him, growing up listening to Princess Qianmiao's deeds is like a child belonging to someone else's family.

When he first learned that Princess Qianmiao was his own sister, he was really surprised and mixed in his heart.

Yue Chen didn't show any emotion on his face, he just tilted his head to look at Mumba, and said with a smile: "Brother Meng, what do you mean?"

Mumba blinked, and smiled naively: "Follow Brother Xuanxiao's wishes, I'm not in a hurry, just go and see my niece and daughter."

The corner of Yuechen's mouth twitched, as if he hadn't heard his implication, he just nodded and said: "Okay, according to brother Yimeng's intention, Lingxiao, go to Qingwei Great World!"

"Yes, sir!"

Ling Xiao happily replied.

After going to the Qingwei Great World, not only can I meet Princess Qianmiao, the most important thing is that the master can recognize his relatives, and they can be regarded as people with backers in the future!

Ling Xiao thought happily, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

Mumba opened his mouth, sighed silently, and sat down again.

The Lingxiao treasure ship travels through the chaos, breathing in and out all the energy of chaos, and the quality of the treasure ship is also steadily increasing.

Just as Yuechen and the others sat down and were about to practice, Kong Yu said proudly, "Come on, come and share the treasures!"

Calabash Baby's eyes lit up instantly, and she immediately moved over, looking at him eagerly.


Kong Yu patted the treasure pouch on his waist, and he packed all the treasures he took.

He untied the treasure bag, and with a flick of his hand, the contents fell to the ground with a crackling sound.


Calabash Baby scolded angrily: "Violence, violence!"

Kong Yu rolled his eyes and said, "You can take whatever you want, don't be polite."

The gourd baby picked up the sycamore seedlings and carefully held them in her hands for inspection.

Seeing that the seedlings were still green and undamaged, they breathed a sigh of relief.

He hugged the sycamore seedlings without letting go, and said directly: "This thing belongs to me, and it is a waste to put it in your hands!"

After all, he didn't care whether Kong Yu agreed or not, as soon as he moved his body, it turned into a crimson light, got into the nine-turn Qiankun pot, and left a huge yellow leather gourd in place.

Kong Yu stared fiercely at the Nine Turns Qiankun Pot, and put away the sycamore fruit that was going to be given to Calabash Baby.

In the future, if this kid doesn't say good things to him, he won't take out the sycamore fruit.

The gourd baby missed the extremely rare sycamore fruit before she knew that she was in a moment of impatience.

If he knew it, he would definitely bear it for a while, and get the sycamore fruit first.

This sycamore tree is not an ordinary tree, but an innate spiritual root. Only the True Phoenix World has such a single seedling in the entire heavens and myriad worlds, so it is naturally extremely rare.

The one-yuan heavy water obtained by Kong Yu has long been given to Kong Yi, and the rare one in his hand is the Chiyue Xuanyan.

Of course, the Nether Ghost Lotus doesn't count.

No one can use this thing except Yuehui.

When he is going to meet Yuehui, he will give him this ghost lotus as a gift.

As for the Chiyue Profound Flame, Kong Yu pondered for a moment, then put it away again.

"This Chiyue Xuanyan is reserved for Third Sister. As the Taiyin Star Monarch, she just complements each other with this Chiyue Xuanyan, like a tiger with wings added."

He looked at Yue Chen and the others and said.

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