
Chapter 815

The Lingxiao treasure ship was extremely fast, and soon disappeared.

It wasn't until this moment that the people on the treasure ship came back to their senses and laughed out loud.

"The prestige of fellow daoist is really extraordinary, it has spread all over the heavens and myriad worlds, and even the monks who come across on the road will run away when they hear fellow daoist's voice, hahaha..."

Another voice came from inside the treasure ship, listening to his voice, it was closely related to Shen Gongbao.

At this time, inside the treasure ship, there were two Taoists with towering crowns sitting opposite each other.

One of the Taoist priests in red with a fair face was looking at the Taoist priest in blue with three beautiful beards and laughed.

This Taoist in blue is none other than Shen Gongbao who is known as the disaster star.

And the red-clothed Taoist opposite him is the helper he invited, a ferocious beast in the God Emperor's Great World, known as the Holy and True Demon Monarch.

Ferocious, its cry is as loud as a boulder cracking in the mountain, its fur is crimson, its appearance is the same as that of a leopard, it has five tails, and a single horn grows on its head, it eats meat and is extremely ferocious, it is one of the ancient beasts .

As for how Shen Gongbao knew him, just look at their real identities, they both look like leopards, so they got close.

The Divine Emperor's Great World is full of ferocious beasts, Shen Gongbao also entered this world by chance, and almost lost his life.

Later, he showed his original shape, just in time to be seen by Hide who was passing by, and saved him.

Of course, this was what happened before Shen Gongbao became the Great Luo Jinxian.

Now that he has achieved the realm of Taoist monarch, when he thinks back on his past life, he still feels sorry for many fellow Taoists.

However, at this moment, Shen Gongbao smiled bitterly after hearing the words of the Holy Demon Monarch: "The poor Taoist would rather not have these vain reputations than many fellow Taoists be implicated by me."

Hearing this, Shengzhen Yaojun suppressed his smile and sighed: "Fellow Daoist, don't be depressed. The world is not benevolent and treats all things as dogs, and all living beings are on the chessboard. I am not a saint, how can I play chess?"

"Besides, everyone has their own fate. When the catastrophe comes, the energy of the catastrophe will be lost in the heart, so there will be all kinds of regrets."

Shengzhen Yaojun paused for a moment, and continued: "It's been a few yuanhuis since the conferment of the gods, you just need to be patient, and the next calamity will be the time for your fellow Taoists to get out of trouble."


Shen Gongbao suddenly raised his head and looked at him with burning eyes.

The Holy Demon Monarch nodded, squinted at him, and said, "How can the Emperor's words be false?"

God Emperor Di Cang, that is the god of fierce beasts comparable to Hongjun Daozu, and the real emperor of the God Emperor World.

Of course what he said is not false!

After receiving the approval letter for the first time, Shen Gongbao heaved a sigh of relief, as if expelling all the depression accumulated in his heart for these years.

Thinking back when he was kicked out of Yuxu Palace by his teacher, he was sympathetic to his uncle, who didn't reject him from Biyou Palace, and turned a blind eye to his interactions with the disciples of the Interceptor, and gave him A lot of invisible blessings.

This allowed him to survive the most difficult period, and he was infinitely grateful.

You must know that if he fell from the saint's disciple to the altar like him, without the protection of the saint, some people in the heavens and myriad worlds will fall into trouble, and even come to take his life and seek benefits.

But with the blessing of the Lord Tongtian, he can continue to enjoy himself in the prehistoric world in peace.

However, in the end it was he who felt dissatisfied and made a wrong step, which dragged all the Jiejiao disciples into the abyss, and the huge Jiejiao also fell apart, leaving only two or three kittens.

Over the years, remorse has been buried deep in his heart like a gangrene, and he can't get rid of it all the time.

Up to now, he can no longer tell whether the teacher deliberately expelled him from Yuxu Palace, so that he could harm the interception teacher, or whether he was robbed and confused, and a catastrophe was imminent.

He only knew that he was sorry for Uncle Tongtian, and for the brothers who trusted him.

This regret supported him to become a Taoist monarch, and also imprisoned him to go further. It was his greatest obsession.

Over the years, his real body has suppressed Beihai Haiyan, and he can only send one of the three corpses, the good corpse, to make friends in various worlds and ask for help when necessary.

In his heart, his reputation as a disaster star must not be a disaster to other great worlds, right?

All in all, all in all, Shen Gongbao was suffering in his heart, and he would cry if he said too much.

The next calamity!

Just wait, wait, and he and those fellow Taoists can escape. This time, he set his sights on Buddhism!

He used to be a disciple of Yuxu Palace, even if the teacher doesn't want him anymore, he still has the grace of preaching, so he can't be ungrateful.

It seems that only Buddhism is the stick that stirs shit.

At the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, if the Buddhist sages hadn't kidnapped three thousand disciples, the situation would have been different.

Shen Gongbao sharpened his knife, his eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Shengzhen Yaojun smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

"Next stop, where are you going?"

he asked casually.

Shen Gongbao pondered for a moment, and then said: "I heard that in the Qingwei Great World, the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Great Cang Empire have reached the critical moment of the final decisive battle."

"Oh? Could it be that you are going to use your old skills again?"

Shengzhen Yaojun laughed.

The old god Shen Gongbao is here: "Why not? If Pindao goes to help Da Zhou at this time, then Pindao will not only have an ally, but also gain some merits. It can kill two birds with one stone, why not do it?"

Shengzhen Yaojun raised his eyebrows: "Then why didn't you choose the Great Cang Empire? After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse."


Shen Gongbao sneered, and said, "How do you think Da Cang compares to Da Shang?"

Shengzhen Yaojun hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly: "The difference is not much?"


Shen Gongbao suddenly turned his head and looked at him like a fool.

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