
Chapter 593

The one who left was Yuehui, completely unaware of the person he saved, who would later become a famous prime minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He returned to Yulan Town at this time, secretly planning to do something.

At this time, it was late at night, and it was time for him to be dispatched by impermanence.

Seeing that all the people in the town have fallen asleep, Yuehui resorted to the best tricks of ghosts, entrusting dreams!

As impermanence, he is the righteous god of heaven and earth, and those who have enshrined some talismans and immortals in their homes can't stop him.

Therefore, the people in the entire Yulan Town all dreamed of a handsome Mr. Wuchang who entrusted them with dreams this night.

In the dream, the impermanent man lamented and looked at them with pity.

Just when they thought it was a false image, the Master Wuchang spoke up, and what he said scared them out of three souls!

"Yan Jun ordered me to come to Gou Er to wait for the soul, but the population of this town is too large, I can't bear it, and I'm here to give you a piece of advice."

The handsome Mr. Wuchang, his voice was full of pity: "I just went to the Chen Family Manor to seduce the soul, and all the people in the village have died, and there is no one left alive."

"If you live in Yulan Town, you will naturally be implicated and blamed by the demon concubine. The consequences can be imagined."

Looking at the dazed people in the dream, Yue Hui said indifferently: "This is the end of my words, whether you will be slaughtered or rise up to resist, it is up to you to decide, three days later, I will come back to seduce the soul! "

After saying that, there was a sound of iron chains, and the figure of Mr. Wuchang gradually disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, the whole Yulan Town woke up!

The town is brightly lit, and it is located in the government office in the middle of the street, where the rich and powerful gentry gather here and look at each other.

"You guys, did you dream?"

"Dream, how about you?"

"Dream, hiss, it seems to be true!"

In the government office, such discussions are endless.

Until the guards who went to check the situation in Chen's Manor came back and sparked a fierce quarrel.

"Everyone, we are all powerless mortals, how can we go against monks, let me tell you, let's run away!"

A rich gentleman suggested.


A guard shook his head, denying his proposal.

"As mortals, how far can we run? If you ask me, this demon concubine is in power, and your majesty is incompetent. It's better to rise up, Qingjun!"

These words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, shocking everyone so that they didn't know what to do.

"What? Reverse?"

"We mortals, if we meet monks, we will die!"

Some people shook their heads hastily, not daring to take the road of rebellion.

"Everyone, you don't know, that monk can't kill mortals indiscriminately, otherwise, he won't be able to survive the thunder robbery."

The previous guard explained to everyone: "Furthermore, if we have spare money, we can also hire some desperate monks. If the two sides cooperate, someone will definitely vote!"

A well-informed rich man nodded: "Yes, there is a lot to do in this matter, but we can't do it alone, we have to contact the county and surrounding towns."

"Yes, yes, this matter is very involved. I'm afraid the whole family will be blamed."

"However, before that, please don't make any noise. Let's deal with the county magistrate first."

"That's right, I'm almost confused. The county magistrate is the son-in-law of the Chen family, so he must be on the side of the concubine Yao."

Soon, everyone settled the matter.

In the darkness, Yuehui nodded slightly, disappeared, and went to the county again.

Three days later, the entire Yulan Town rose up, together with more than a dozen surrounding towns, and Baorong County, which belonged to it, rebelled against Dacang.

This is the cause of the demise of the Great Cang Empire, the famous Yulan uprising against the Great Cang in history.

Maybe it's because the demon concubine harmed too many people, causing everyone to feel insecure, or maybe someone saw an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Anyway, the whole Great Cang became chaotic.

No one knows, a little Hei Wuchang clapped his hands and stepped into the Nether Passage, hiding merit and fame.

The more he returned to stir up the situation in the yang world, the more he returned to the nether world, and he was naturally picked up by a certain king of Hades, who gave him a good reprimand.

However, Yue Hui was not guilty, he said eloquently: "I have enemies in this world, and I am not allowed to take revenge? This is not a good benefit for impermanence!"

These words made the King of Hades choke and rolled his eyes, but he was concerned about the face of the old Dragon King, so he didn't want to get angry.

Therefore, he specially issued instructions to the Hall of Wuchang, and assigned many tasks to Yuehui.

For a while, under the gloating eyes of his colleagues in the Hall of Impermanence, Yue Hui became a spinning top, but he couldn't care less about looking for Yue Chen.

But it is said that the dark guard Yue Yin carried out Yue Mu's order and went to the ancient imperial world to look for the eldest prince.

Hiding in the dark, he already knew about Yue Hui's life experience.

Now, Yue Yin is somewhat curious about the real eldest prince in Yang Shijian.

As a Daluo Jinxian, he traveled all over the heavens and worlds, and he found the ancient emperor's realm easily.

Looking at the two connected worlds in front of him, Yue Yin was also a little curious.

Of the two worlds, one is full of catastrophe, and the heavenly secrets are confused.

One side has a clear secret, it is clearly a new world.

In this situation, it seems that Tiandao deliberately gave the other world a backhand.

Yue Yin was startled by his own thoughts.

In an instant, he shook his head again, throwing out this unreliable idea.

Immediately, he took a step and fell into the ancient emperor's realm.

In the ancient imperial world at this time, Yuechen was teaching his disciples.

In just this short amount of effort, more than ten years have passed in the ancient imperial world.

During this period, Kong Yu released the three-legged flying crow that he had put into the five-element space.

After all, they belonged to the same family of birds, and Kong Yu felt a little bit of incense when he saw him.

Therefore, he took this three-legged flying crow as his disciple, and he was regarded as his first disciple.

The Three-legged Flying Crow was flattered and couldn't believe that he had such a good deed.

Under the pursuit of the golden-winged roc, he not only survived, but also worshiped the demon emperor as his teacher!

However, the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Therefore, the three-legged flying crow was respectful to Kong Yu, without any resistance.

Those who are proud of Kong Yu often show off in front of Yuechen how obedient and filial his disciple is.

These words did not offend Yuechen, but offended Huluwa.

"Bah! Look how proud you are. My master has eight disciples, all of whom are filial, and you only have one. Why are you so proud!"

Not to be outdone, Gourd Baby put one hand on her hips and waved a red silk with the other, which frightened Kong Yu so much that she didn't want to come forward and teach him a lesson.

"Hmph! I don't even look at your own appearance, the more you live, the younger you are, you're ashamed to death!"

Kong Yu's words hit Calabash Baby's pain point.

He yelled loudly and hit Kong Yu after chasing him.

All of a sudden, the whole Shangyang Mountain was buzzing with excitement.

As for the creatures of Shangyang Mountain, they were used to this scene, and they were no longer as shocked as before.

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