
Chapter 594 The Tragedy in Xiaojietian

The creatures of Shangyang Mountain watched the excitement with great interest, but Yuechen shook his head helplessly.

He looked at the other six disciples under his seat, and said: "You have to be more cautious, don't learn from the two of them, practice hard, as a teacher, I still count on you!"

Taiyi and the others nodded quickly, and replied: "Yes, Master, I'll go back to practice after this!"

Yuechen nodded and watched the disciples leave.

But he didn't know that everything about Shangyang Mountain fell into Yue Yin's eyes.

Seeing the eldest prince suddenly, Yue Yin was shocked.

Such strong luck!

This is clearly the child of luck in the first world, and only then will he have shocking luck.

No wonder the First Prince would fall into this newborn world. Presumably, the consciousness of heaven in the Chiming Realm also exerted a lot of strength.

Seeing this situation, Yue Yin did not act rashly.

He thought about it for a while, the eldest prince's luck is extremely strong and his future is limitless, if he interferes, it will not be beautiful.

How about he hide behind and be the Daoist protector of the eldest prince, and only act when he is in danger, so as not to delay his training.

Thinking of this, Yue Yin hid his figure again, came outside the ancient emperor's realm, in the starry sky, closed his eyes, and wandered into the void.

Time flies, and more than thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past 30 years, Chi Xingxing has frantically arranged various means, vowing to build the entire Chi Xingxing into an impregnable wall.

The Hedao ancestors of many sects also traveled far into the starry sky to find a planet suitable for human habitation.

Of course, in this Chiming Realm, it is almost impossible to find a big planet that is as big as a Chixing star.

Generally, this kind of aura-rich planet has long been prosperous and prosperous, and there are a lot of local practitioners.

Therefore, these Hedao ancestors only found some small planets for shelter.

However, Chi Xingxing's movement finally alarmed Lu Ranxing.

The other party dispatched the ancestors of Hedao to jointly calculate the secret of the two stars colliding, and immediately moved continuously.

The most intuitive reaction is that in Xiaojietian, the fighting among the disciples became more intense.

Although Xiaojietian is a battleground in the realm arranged by Heavenly Dao in order to raise Gu, there is no need for the real body to enter.

However, even if the soul enters, there are conditions.

If the monk's soul is consumed in it, it will sleep forever, that is, the living dead.

Therefore, when the two sides fought fiercely, there were many disciples who left their spirits in Xiaojietian forever.

For this reason, Master Miaoran issued an order to teach, that no disciple should consume all his soul.

Otherwise, they should be expelled from the sect and never return to the sect.

This kind of punishment is much more serious than punishing him to re-cultivate.

Therefore, the disciples were obedient and no longer fought desperately.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you want to change.

In order to gain the upper hand on Luran in the war between the two planets, the disciples in Xiaojie Tiannei used all their eighteen martial arts skills.

In the end, it was the disciples of Zhenfeng who had the upper hand.

They formed a battle formation one by one, invincible, and the monks who killed Luran star retreated steadily.

Gradually, Chi Xingxing grasped more and more origins of the planet, and Lvran Xing seemed to be in danger.

At this moment, in Luran Planet, a poison sage was born and developed soul poison.

The result after that can be imagined.

In Xiaojietian, during the battle between the two sides, the monks of the Green Star suddenly used soul poison, and the monks of the Red Star were caught off guard, and many monks were poisoned by the soul.

After they tried their best to return to their bodies, they never woke up.

There are quite a few monks who have been poisoned by the soul, and the heads of various sects are busy detoxifying, but no one has developed an antidote for a while.

Seeing that these monks were about to lose their minds and souls, they just disappeared.

At the critical moment, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea took action and dispatched the True Dragon Ancestor who was in the Dao stage to use the purification power of the Dragon Ball to purify the souls of these monks.

Although these monks are no longer in serious trouble, after the Luran star has the soul poison, it will be able to rely on it, and the monks on this planet will be greatly constrained.

For a while, the situation of the two sides was reversed.

During this period, the monks of Chixingxing had an extremely difficult life in Xiaojietian.

If it weren't for the help of the various sects on Changling Planet, they would have been defeated long ago.

In the end, after more than ten years of uninterrupted refining of elixir, Master Miaojing of the Alchemy Peak broke through himself and achieved Hedao.

On the day he attained the Dao, he used the gifts from the heavens to capture that bit of spiritual light and refine the antidote for the soul poison.

Although this soul poison is extremely tricky, the materials used for its antidote are very ordinary.

Therefore, Chixingxing finally ushered in the day of counterattack.

In the next few years, the battle in Xiaojietian tends to be fierce.

From time to time, some disciples didn't react, and their souls were severely injured, and when they returned to their physical bodies, their realms fell violently, and they couldn't afford to be seriously injured.

On the Shenlei Peak, Wang Ming looked at the sleepy Yue Jian with a heavy expression, full of guilt.

"I didn't take good care of Junior Brother Yue."

He was full of remorse.

If he was stronger, Junior Brother Yue wouldn't be seriously injured, and Master wouldn't be in such a difficult situation.

Master Tai Lin withdrew his finger on Yue Jian's forehead, and looked up at the second apprentice.

"During the war, life and death matter, and no one can blame anyone."

He frowned slightly, only feeling that since the eldest apprentice disappeared, the second apprentice was under a little too much pressure.

He wholeheartedly regards these junior brothers and sisters as his own responsibility.

However, Master Tailin didn't say anything, he just wanted to think of a way.

Yue Jian's situation is extremely difficult.

Although he was in a deep sleep, his spirit was still shrinking, even if he took the Yunshen Pill, it could not stop the decline of his spirit.

In this case, it seems that the speed of making up is not as fast as the speed of consumption.

Even Master Tai Lin was helpless, and Master Miao Zhu was not in the sect, so Wang Ming felt a little helpless for a while.

Later, Yun Qiang made a move, using the ability of the Good Fortune Body to heal Yue Jian.

However, Yunqiang's realm is not high, and he has not yet advanced to the primordial spirit, and the body of creation cannot play a real role.

In the end, Yue Jian's injury was only slightly recovered.

However, the degree of decline of his mind and soul is a bit deep, if he can't think of a cure, Yue Jian will be in danger.

Just when Wang Ming was panicking, Ao Lin appeared, and with the Ice Soul Divine Light, he froze Yue Jian's body including his soul, so as to delay his decline.

"If you really can't find a way, you can only wait for your senior brother to come back."

After leaving these words, Ao Lin went back to the Xianyu Tower, unable to retreat.

Now Ao Lin's belly is already very pregnant.

The dragon egg in its belly is like a glutton in a bottomless pit, absorbing spiritual energy wantonly.

Upstairs in Xianyu Tower, spiritual vortices often appear, stirring up the sky and clouds.

Under such circumstances, Ao Lin could only retreat in the Xianyu Tower, and could not go anywhere.

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