
Chapter 592 The King of Hades Tells You to Die 3rd!

"Who is pretending to be a ghost outside my Chen family's door? Are you afraid that my Chen family will destroy your entire family?"

Chen Lier scolded loudly, full of threats.

The monks who were retreating wanted to gag her mouth.

Now that the situation is not right, she still speaks out loud, she really wants to die.

Sure enough, there was a chuckle from outside the door.

"Since you like destroying people so much, if I don't destroy you, I will be sorry for you."

The mysterious voices come and go, containing terrifying coercion, amplifying the fear in people's hearts infinitely.

Chen Lier, however, was full of resentment, commanding the monks in the arena, shouting angrily: "You guys, go and smash that tunnel to pieces!"


Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

At such a time, instead of thinking about begging for mercy quickly, but actually confronting him, how hard is it to think about it?

But Chen Lier relied on her sister's power and was used to being arrogant and indulgent. She just felt that no one in Dacang would dare to offend the two sisters, and would not take this mysterious person seriously.

However, when her eyes touched the body of her son, she suddenly reacted.

"Did you kill my son? Ah, I want you to die!"

Chen Lier howled hoarsely, like a madman.

She only has this one son, and it really hurts to the bone.

If he wants the stars but not the moon, he must beg his sister to send someone to bring down a lunar star.


Suddenly, there was a sound of iron chains outside the door, accompanied by an ethereal and cold voice, reaching everyone's ears.

"Yan Wang wants you to die at the third watch, and will never leave anyone until the fifth watch!"

The eerie aura burst out from the dark and deep passage, scaring all the monks in the courtyard back again and again.

In the final analysis, none of the people in the courtyard were of high cultivation.

I don't know if the enchanting concubine was too confident, or if she was just trying to save her sister, and sent a whole yard of crooked melons and cracked dates, none of them were useful.

When Yuehui appeared in front of everyone in black clothes and a high hat, the people in the yard gasped.

To deal with people in the Yang world, he can still use the prestige of the Great Cang to threaten him.

However, facing the ecstasy and impermanence of the underworld, who is not panicked?

But Chen Li'er threw herself on her son's corpse and said sharply: "You are not allowed to take away my son's soul!"

The more she looked at her with a strange expression, she deeply felt that this woman was so stupid that Yaofei left her here and let her fend for herself.

He shook his head, and under Chen Lier's delighted gaze, he said softly, "Your son has already lost his soul, and I am here to seduce your soul."

What he said was gentle and gentle, but Chen Lier's complexion changed wildly when she heard it, and she was instantly filled with fear.

Only then did she realize that this black impermanence from the underworld was actually the murderer who killed her son, and now he is even coming to destroy her Chen family!

Chen Lier gritted her teeth, but she still insisted on cursing: "You are impermanent, and you meddle in the affairs of the world. Aren't you afraid that the King of Hades will blame you? I will definitely sue the King of Hades and ask you to pay for my son's life!"

"Hehe, who said that impermanence has no enemies?"

The more he looked back at the people in the courtyard with playful eyes.

There was a divine light in his eyes, and he looked over one by one, only to feel that there was blood all over the courtyard, and no one had clean hands.

He shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, the reincarnation clock suddenly rang.

"Clang clang clang!"

The bell rang rapidly, and the reincarnation clock magnified infinitely, covering the entire manor in it.

"Ah... my ears!"

"I can't see!"


Noisy calls for help and prayers echoed in the bell.

Yue Hui looked cold and stern, unmoved at all.

"If you are let go, those mortals who died unjustly in your hands, who should they turn to to complain?"

It wasn't until then that Chen Lier was truly afraid.

She shouted loudly, promising many benefits, hoping to let her go more and more.

"If you let me go, my sister will promise you countless treasures of heaven and earth, and enshrine a god's throne for you. Please, let me go!"

She shouted hoarsely, but the more she heard it, the more she laughed.

"Don't worry, there is a grievance and a debt. In the future, I will kill myself in the Great Cang Palace and seek revenge on that demon concubine."

Yue smiled lightly: "You, it's just the interest of the first!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Lier's eyes were full of despair, her sister had hurt so many people that she couldn't remember who this person was at all.

"Forget it, let me just let you know. Do you still remember the former prince? That's my father!"

The more he sneered, he told his story.

"Prince Mu!"

Inside the reincarnation clock, everyone was in despair.

The two sides are sworn enemies, and there is no hope of escape this time!

Their lives were about to die, and all the monks couldn't care less about the methods of fearing Chen Lier, and they all tore Chen Lier alive under the pain of backlash!

The more he looked at all this with cold eyes.

After Chen Lier's soul was revealed, he lightly rang the reincarnation bell.

In an instant, the bell rang repeatedly, shaking the souls of all the people inside the bell, and their souls flew away!

Yue Hui lightly shook the reincarnation clock, and a large handful of ashes fell from it.

Afterwards, he scanned the manor again and collected some spoils before putting away the reincarnation clock.

In Yulan Town, Yingniang is struggling to drag Ji Sheng out of the town.

Suddenly, a gust of dark wind hit, the sky and the earth spun, and the stars moved, and it was already a hundred miles away.

"I have already killed everyone in the Chen Family Manor. You have no place to stand in this big sky. If you don't want to die, go and join Dazhou."

A mysterious voice sounded, paused, and said again: "If you can reach the Great Zhou Imperial City, please report my name, Yue Hui, and it will help you and others!"

"Escape to Dazhou? Even if this place borders Dazhou, there is still a distance of tens of thousands of miles. As mortals, I am afraid that we will not be able to get there in our lifetime!"

Yingniang's father was a farmer, surnamed Zhou, who was simple and honest but also quite courageous.

At this moment, he knelt down abruptly and kowtowed to Yue Hui again and again.

The more he grinded his teeth, the distance of tens of thousands of miles, even with his ghost general realm, he still had to walk a lot.

He doesn't have that much time to send people off.

However, since he has already taken care of sending people to the west, he doesn't want to give up halfway.

He groped in the storage space for a while, took out a spiritual weapon, and threw it to Zhou Yingniang.

"This is a spirit weapon carriage. You recognize its owner and fill it with spirit stones to drive."

He dug out some spirit stones from the storage ring, put them in the storage bag, and threw them to Zhou Yingniang.

After that, he didn't care about the thank you kowtowed by the Zhou family members and Ji Sheng, and disappeared in place with a flash of his figure.

As soon as he left, he didn't know that these people went to Dazhou, they went through thousands of dangers along the way, and each had his own destiny.

During the process between Zhou Yingniang and Ji Sheng, a Celestial Sacred Sect, one of the five great Sacred Sects, accepted him as an inner disciple.

One is the inheritance of ancient Confucianism and Taoism, and since then entered the Great Zhou Dynasty, creating a series of legendary deeds.

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