
Chapter 588

"Mother, as soon as I landed in the netherworld, I happened to see you on the Sansheng Stone. It can be seen that your son will always be your son, no matter what, you can't escape!"

These words made the queen laugh.

Yue Mu also nodded and smiled: "That's natural, my son, Yue Mu, can't miss any of them!"

The more I think about it, it seems that this old man is also a domineering master.

He thought about it, and told Yuechen's current situation, hoping that his parents could help him.

"You mean, he wants to open up the passage between the two worlds and leave a way out for the Chiming world?"

Yue Mu pondered and said: "That's right, Zhongqian World is in the period of world war. This idea is not bad, but since they only have the realm of harmony, even if they gather the power of a world, it is still relatively reluctant."

"Since the father knows about it, he will naturally help you, but this matter must be done in secret, and Da Cang cannot be known."

The more you listen, the more you understand.

If the Great Cang Empire knew about it, then Yaofei would definitely send people to do things wrong, maybe even send people to intervene in the world war. For the Chiming Realm, it would be a catastrophe.

But now that he has come to recognize his relatives, what if it spreads and affects the Chiming Realm?

Yue Hui felt a little panic in his heart, and looked at his father as if asking for help.

Upon receiving his son's gaze, Yue Mu couldn't help puffing out his chest, and shouted, "Where is the dark guard?"

As soon as the words fell, a ghostly figure appeared in the hall without a sound, and said respectfully to Yue Mu: "This subordinate is here!"

Yue Mu turned his head to Yue Yue and replied: "This is the leader of the secret guards beside my father. Yue Yin is in the realm of the Golden Immortal. If he takes action, he must be safe."


The more he returned to his heart, the Da Luo Jinxian made a move, not to mention opening up the world channel, and the Chiming Realm would also benefit infinitely.

He nodded repeatedly, stood up, bowed to Yueyin and said: "Please take care of me, senior!"


Yue Yin raised his eyes, and the divine light burst out, instantly covering Yue Hui's body.


A black spiritual light suddenly appeared, and it would be more protective in it.

"Huh? The power of the netherworld!"

Yue Yin showed surprise in his eyes, and then covered up the divine light in his eyes.

He nodded towards Yuehui, which was his approval.

"Huh! The coercion of this Great Golden Immortal Realm is terrifying!"

Yue Hui squeezed his palms secretly, feeling a little lingering.

At that moment, it seemed as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood descended on his head, but fortunately, the Emperor of the Underworld ordered him to block the coercion in time.

But Yue Mu laughed loudly: "Don't be afraid, my son, this is the leader of Yin who is tempting you, and now he recognizes you."

Immediately, he said sternly: "Commander Yin, I ordered you to go to the ancient imperial realm to find my eldest son, Yuechen. If necessary, you should help him. Remember, everything depends on his life!"

Yue Yin bowed and cupped his fists: "This subordinate obeys!"

After saying that, his figure gradually disappeared into the space.

The more he looked back, he was shocked again. This leader of the hidden guards seemed to have practiced the way of space, no wonder he became a hidden guard.

"elder brother!"

The sound of immature milk sounded, and she turned her head more and more abruptly, looking at the little one.

Seeing his curious eyes but secretly looking at his father, Yue Hui couldn't help laughing.

He took the little one from the Queen's hand, squeezed his tender little hand, and said with emotion: "Human cubs grow fast, and when your brother's daughter is born, you will be very old!"

"What! You already have a wife!"

The queen looked at him in shock and exclaimed.

Princess Jinyang, who had been sitting by the side as an invisible person, suddenly raised her head when she heard the words, looked at Yuehui in shock, and bit her lip.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The more he blinked, he didn't understand why his mother had such a big reaction.

However, he still shook his head and explained: "It's not me, it's Yuechen. Didn't I just say that?"

Seeing several people shaking their heads, Yue returned with a smile and said: "Yuechen's Taoist partner is the fourth princess of the East Sea Dragon Palace in the Chiming Realm. She is a silver dragon. She has been pregnant for more than ten years now. I don't know when the dragon egg in her belly will be born." Birth."

"After the child entered the Netherworld, he got in touch with the West Sea Dragon Palace in the underworld. The ancestors of the West Sea valued the four princesses very much, and had already reported the existence of the mother to the True Dragon World."

Speaking of Ao Lin, Yue Hui couldn't help showing a touch of tenderness.

"True Dragon World!"

The light in Yue Mu's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but start to think.

It would be a great help if they could take this opportunity to become in-laws with the Xihai Dragon Palace of the True Dragon World.

Of course, this matter has to be done in secret.

The queen looked at Yuehui's expression, her heart moved, and she couldn't help asking: "What about you? Do you have someone you like?"

Yue Hui blushed slightly, shook his head and said, "Nothing! The child only wants to practice, and has no other ideas."

Although the son said that he didn't want to find a Taoist companion, the queen was relieved.

However, she still pointed at Yuehui and said with a smile: "Don't talk too much, if the marriage comes, you can't hide it."

After all, she looked at Princess Jinyang who had been silent all this time, and beckoned, "Come to Auntie!"

Princess Jinyang hurriedly got up, walked in front of the queen, bowed her head and bowed down: "Jinyang pays tribute to my aunt, my aunt has a long life!"

Immediately, she turned sideways again, and bowed to Yue Mu: "Jinyang pays homage to uncle, uncle's life is boundless!"

She is smart, and she does not come to see her by the title of the royal family, but her nephew in the next life, and the distance between the two has been shortened in an instant.

Yue Mu nodded slightly, motioning for her to get up.

Seeing her smart and beautiful appearance, the queen was also quite satisfied.

She beckoned and signaled Princess Jinyang to sit down beside her.

"Tell me, how did you two meet?"

The queen smiled.

Princess Jinyang didn't dare to hide anything, so she told her experiences of this trip one by one, and especially thanked Yuehui.

"If there is no cousin to make a move, Jinyang may be in trouble, thank you cousin!"

She stood up again, facing Yue Weiwei.

"It doesn't have to be like this. They are all relatives of my own family. Naturally, I won't stand by and watch."

The more he waved his hands, he didn't even say anything.

Yue Mu was amazed when he heard it.

His son is only in the realm of a ghost general, so he dares to attack a real fairy, he is quite courageous.

He has a bit of demeanor of Yue Mu!

However, he still asked in amazement: "Why does my son have the Emperor's Token in his hand?"

Facing his father's question, Yue Yue scratched his head and said with a pun, "Master didn't ask me to say that!"


Yue Mu was startled, and looked at his son in disbelief.

"Yes, Master said not to ask me to tell his origin for the time being."

The more he blinked back.

"Well, since this is the case, my son should keep his promise and stop asking for his father."

Yue Mu understood the way.

At this time, the thought of Emperor Hades possessed Yuehui, he dared not move, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

What difference does it make if you say that or not?

With the wisdom of the Great Zhou emperor, how can he not know the relationship between them.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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