
Chapter 587 From now on, it is the second generation of immortals!

"My son, you mean, you, have been reincarnated?"

the queen asked in surprise.

The more he nodded.


The Queen suddenly burst into tears.

"It's all my fault, I didn't protect you well, my son, my poor son"

The queen was distraught, crying and beating her chest, as if ten thousand arrows pierced her heart, crying unbearably.

"Mother, mother, don't cry, look, am I fine now?"

Yue Hui hurriedly stepped forward to grab her hand, comforting her softly.

After a long while, the queen stopped crying, raised her tearful eyes, and looked at Yue Hui.

"Then why are you still in the netherworld? Could it be that again..."

The queen trembled her lips, unwilling to say the words that made her heartbroken.

Looking at the Queen's expression, the more I knew she had misunderstood.

He slapped his forehead and said embarrassedly: "Hey, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear. Don't worry, mother, just listen to me."

Facing the empress, he unconsciously acted coquettishly.

This is two completely different feelings from being in front of Li Shi.

As a mortal, Mrs. Li doesn't know the way of cultivation at all. She can live to be more than sixty years old and still be in good spirits. She is supported by the panacea brought back by her children, and she will die at some point.

But the empress is different. As a Daluo Jinxian, she has already jumped out of the five elements, is not in reincarnation, and exists forever in the world.

She has a profound realm, and can protect and return countless times, making him unconsciously dependent on her.

Not to mention, in the practice world, it is really good to have the feeling of having parents to rely on.

From now on, he can call himself the second generation of immortals!

Thinking more and more flatteredly.

"Okay, okay, tell me, mother, listen."

The queen looked at him lovingly, her eyes full of pity.

At this moment, she was no longer the aloof Queen of the Great Zhou, nor was she the world-shattering Da Luo Jinxian.

It's just, a mother who has been looking for her son for many years and reunited with her son today.

The more he was touched by her, he couldn't help telling Yuechen's things in a gentle tone.

Until, his consciousness fell into the nether world.

Yue Hui raised his head, glanced at his parents who were listening intently, and paused slightly.

He was a little worried, if his parents knew that he was just an incarnation of divine consciousness, would they not accept him?

However, when he met Yue Mu's clear gaze, he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Both father and mother are Da Luo Jinxian's Daoist. Now, how can they not know his origin? It's really unfounded to worry about.

Besides, the facts are the facts, and there is no use in hiding them.

Therefore, Yue Hui nodded and said: "Father and mother must know that I am Yuechen's divine consciousness incarnate."

"However, I have a separate consciousness, and my relationship with him is more complicated."

After talking back, he fell into a long silence.

Suddenly, a soft and delicate hand pinched his palm.

Yue Hui was slightly shocked, and looked up.

Seeing the queen looking at him with a smile, she said softly, "My son is suffering."

With just this sentence, Yue Hui's eyes suddenly became sour.

He stared blankly at the queen in front of him, in her radiant and moist eyes, there was only love and affection, without any alienation or separation.

"Whether you are an avatar or not, you are the same heir to us."

Yue Mu's voice suddenly sounded, with affirmation and force in his tone.


Yue Hui cried out involuntarily.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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For the strong, the weak always have a natural fear.

Facing Yue Mu, Yue Hui is no exception.

He longed to be close to his father, but was a little afraid, which was a completely different mood from when he was facing the queen.

Now that Yue Mu affirmed him, he was instantly excited.

Yue Mu smiled and nodded, looking at Yue Hui with gentle eyes.

This family is happy and happy, and there is a small child who is not happy.


The cry of the baby suddenly sounded, shaking the teapot on the table and waking up the three people who were talking.

"Little Prince, don't cry"

The maid frantically coaxed him, but to no avail.

The queen stretched out her hand helplessly, "Hold me here."

Once in the arms of the queen, the little one stopped crying.

However, his big black eyes stared back and forth, without blinking, full of curiosity.

Yue Hui smiled at him, and he became happy too. His two little paws kept slapping, and there were gusts of wind and waves in the air.

This kid was born a fairy!

The more she stared at him incredulously, is this little guy going against the sky?


Yue Mu frowned and shouted.

The little boy immediately retracted his hands, and sat obediently in the empress' arms.

Yue Hui couldn't help snickering, this kid is only two years old and avoids disadvantages so much, he will definitely be a fine person when he grows up.

Yue Mu looked at his younger son, pondered for a while, and took the opportunity to suggest: "Danyang, in my opinion, it's better to seal off Heng'er's realm and tell him to practice from the beginning step by step."

Yue Mu has mentioned this suggestion before.

It's just that the queen has only one son around her, and she has never agreed because she was afraid that he would be banned from cultivation and would be unable to save himself in case of danger, thus following in the footsteps of her elder brother.

Now, the eldest son came back, and the younger son stood aside for the time being. The queen was silent for a moment and agreed.

Strike while the iron is hot, Yue Mu made a sudden move without delay, pointing his fingers together, and struck out a mysterious formula, which instantly submerged into the little boy's body.

Visible to the naked eye, the little boy's face suddenly turned pale for a moment, and tears quickly gathered in his eyes, but he didn't dare to cry out.

The empress hugged her young son distressedly, comforting her silently.

The more I look back, the more silent I am.

It can be seen from a young age that parents love their children but don't drown them. If he grew up beside his parents since he was a child, he doesn't know what it would be like now.

However, God's will tricks people, the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to think about it.

It's just that the more I get curious, he has already been reincarnated, why does he still look like his parents in the previous life?

As he thought about it, he asked the question, instantly diverting the Queen's attention.

"When a monk reaches the realm of Daluo, his bloodline will undergo earth-shaking changes. It will be the most noble and noble, which will affect the descendants."

The queen looked at him, her beautiful cheeks were full of tenderness and sadness.

"After your father and I escaped from danger, we searched all over the heavens but couldn't find you. In order to avoid seeing each other in the future but not getting to know each other, mother deliberately adjusted the bloodline, thereby affecting the soul."

"Even if you reincarnate forever, as long as your true spirit remains unchanged, you will always be my son!"

The domineering side of the Queen's words leaked, but the more she heard it, the more she felt sour and speechless.

How lucky he is to have such loving parents.

In a sense, Yue Mu and his wife are his Yue Hui's parents.

Li Shi and Yue Lin didn't even know of his existence.

The more I can't see the queen sad, I picked up an interesting story about him in the nether world.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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