
Chapter 589 Princess Jinyang

However, this guy's power is extraordinary, and it's not impossible to be his apprentice's father.

Hades Emperor's thoughts were only muttering in his heart, but he didn't dare to make any changes, for fear that Yue Mu would find him, and it would be embarrassing.

The Queen smiled and said, "It's fate that you two have such a chance encounter."

This made Princess Jinyang smile shyly.

Yue Hui was ignorant, not knowing why she was shy.

The queen smiled secretly, looked at Yue Mu again and said: "These bandits are so rampant, it seems that there is no Haiqing He Yan in our Dazhou territory, and we still need to suppress the bandits."

When the queen spoke, Yue Mu nodded naturally, and immediately ordered the military department to suppress the bandits.

However, he thought for a while, and said to the queen: "Chen'er's situation is a bit special now, why don't I just announce Hui'er's existence."

Seeing the Queen's sudden change of color, he hurriedly said: "After the World War is over and Chen'er returns, I'll announce his existence later, how about it?"

Only then did the queen calm down, and sighed: "My poor son, I can't see you now, you hateful man!"

Her pretty face was full of evil, and her voice was as cold as ice: "Within a hundred years, I will definitely make Da Cang pay the price!"

Seeing his mother's murderous look, Yue Hui hurriedly said: "Mother, don't forget, there is also the demon concubine and Youhuan Tianzong!"

"Don't worry, mother will never forget all the enemies!"

The queen nodded, and then looked at the princess of Jinyang, her eyes slightly closed: "Since you are here, you must know that from now on, no matter whether you are the daughter of the palace or the daughter-in-law, from now on, you should regard Dazhou as your priority." Lord, is it possible?"

Princess Jinyang's heart was shocked, and she quickly knelt down and said respectfully: "Jinyang knows, so he must not dare to have two hearts!"

The queen nodded in satisfaction, and said in a loud voice: "Jinyang Princess has been promoted to Princess Jinyang, and she will live in Fangfei Garden. All supplies will be provided according to the princess's rank."

Princess Jinyang's almond eyes widened suddenly, and her breathing became short of breath.

She couldn't believe that she would be treated like this when she was dependent on others. This was something she had never enjoyed in Daqing.

She leaned down, choked with sobs and said: "Jin Yang thanks Auntie!"

The queen waved her hand slightly, and a gentle force helped her up.

"I know your situation in Daqing. Everything in the past is like a passing cloud. Don't take it to heart."

The queen looked at her and said softly: "When you come to this palace, you don't have to be restrained. As long as you are a good child, this palace will like you."

There was a pun in this remark, and Princess Jinyang's heart trembled when she heard it, and she nodded hurriedly: "Jinyang will not disappoint my aunt's expectations."

For her, she doesn't mind being an obedient and good child as long as she lives with more freedom and dignity.

The more he didn't know about the lawsuit, he stepped forward to make fun of it: "Congratulations to my mother for getting another daughter. From now on, you will have both sons and daughters!"

The queen looked at him miraculously, seeing him in a daze.

This silly boy is still not enlightened, this is the daughter-in-law prepared for you by your mother!

The queen cursed in her heart.

The corners of Yue Mu's eyes twitched, he stood up and said, "You guys talk, I'll deal with things."

Afterwards, he strode out of Qianqiu Palace.

After a while, the entire imperial city knew that their eldest prince, who had been missing for many years, had returned to court now!

Of course, what Yue Mu announced was that Princess Jinyang made a contribution to retrieving the eldest prince, and was promoted to Princess Jinyang to enjoy the treatment of a princess.

The public was in an uproar, but the courtiers knew in their hearts that Princess Jinyang would never return to Daqing if she died, and she would either be a consort or marry the prince.

Anyway, no matter which one it is, it is not easy to offend her.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Therefore, Princess Jinyang's life in Dazhou was much better than in Daqing.

The main reason is that the heirs of the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty are weak, and apart from the two princes, there is no princess to mock and bully her.

She lived comfortably and became more and more loyal to Da Zhou.

Of course, this is something.

Today's subjects of Great Zhou are all looking forward to seeing the First Prince.

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was wise and powerful, and he was arbitrary in the universe, but none of his subjects opposed the return of the eldest prince.

It's just that, when this person comes back, he should show up and ask his subjects to pay his respects, so as not to cause jokes when the flood floods the Dragon King Temple in the future.

Inside the Qianqiu Palace, the queen persuaded: "My son, don't be restrained, you just need to stand on the tower and ask the subjects to take a look. You are so shy!"

Princess Jinyang on the side burst out laughing with a "puchi", and stepped forward to persuade her, "Why doesn't my cousin show up? Tell me the reason, everyone should think of a way."

Yuehui felt helpless, he tugged at the impermanent clothes on his body, and said: "Your child is not shy, it's just that the clothes are not easy to take off!"

It happened that Yue Mu entered the palace, and after hearing this, he smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a finger and pointed it at Yuehui's body.

In an instant, the impermanent suit turned into a regular suit with black background and gold patterns under the more surprised eyes.

And his realm has also changed from a ghost general to a realm of emptiness.

"Father is really powerful!"

The more he praised.

This impermanent suit is a rare treasure in the underworld, and ordinary Da Luo Jinxians can't take it off unless you remove the impermanent post.

And Yue Mu can change the appearance of the impermanent clothes with just one click, this kind of practice is really terrifying!

His son adores himself, and Yue Mu naturally takes advantage of it. With a big wave of his hand, a group of palace people stepped forward, caught Yue Mu and began to dress up.

These palace people are agile in their hands and feet, and all of them have unique skills.

After a long while, the eldest prince who had a completely new look, was handsome in description, like the bright moon in the sky, and had a cold and noble temperament, was freshly released.

The queen looked at him, couldn't stop the smile in her eyes, and praised repeatedly: "My son is so handsome!"

Princess Jinyang also pursed her lips and said with a smile: "My cousin is unparalleled in beauty, I don't know how many women he will charm in the future."

The more he looked up at her, the more unhappy he felt for some reason.

Princess Jinyang blinked, not knowing why he was suddenly unhappy.

Don't ordinary men like to be hugged left and right?Did she say something wrong?

Therefore, until Yuehui boarded the tower and met his subjects, his face was as cold as frost.

All the ministers said straightly: "The Eldest Prince is extraordinary and has the demeanor of my emperor. He is worthy of being the heir of the emperor. Even if he has been away for many years, he is still extraordinary!"

As for the realm where there is only a void in Yuehui, they have ignored it.

The eldest prince has been missing for many years, so it's good to be alive, the realm is nothing, as long as the person is there.

Even a pig, with the ability of the Great Zhou Dynasty, can also make it a golden fairy!

Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty has two princes, the subjects have more confidence in their hearts.

Obviously, if there is only one prince, if another accident happens, Da Zhou will have no successors.

Seeing that the subjects were convinced of the eldest prince, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Longyan Joy, directly announced that he would be exempted from tax for three years!

All the subjects knelt down one after another, shouting the holy longevity!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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