
Chapter 586 Meeting Parents

The director of Jiantiansi pinched his fingers sorely, but he didn't realize why the luck golden dragon was abnormal.

However, he can't smash his own signboard.

Therefore, he twisted a strand of beard with his hand, pretending to be deep and authentic: "The Golden Dragon of Luck is extremely happy, it can be seen that a happy event is coming soon, and my emperor is waiting for it."

It was as if he hadn't said this, the person who asked the question rolled his eyes and raised his head to look carefully at the emperor.

At this time, Yue Mu, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was a little absent-minded.

He always felt restless, looking for the secret everywhere, but there was no trace to be found.

Therefore, he didn't take the maneuvers among the courtiers to heart.

Just when he was upset, the exclamation of Chief Anfu suddenly sounded from a distance.

"My lord, go and see the empress, it's terrible!"

Yue Mu was startled, stared with tiger eyes, looked at the teleported Manager Anfu and shouted angrily: "What's wrong with the queen?"

Chief Anfu didn't answer, but said: "The emperor will find out after going to see it!"

Yue Mu gave Director An Fu a hard look, and disappeared without a trace.

Manager Anfu was about to follow, but Master Li quickly stopped him.

"Director Anfu, how is the queen? But is she ill?"

Lord Li asked hurriedly.

"No, no, it's a happy event!"

Manager Anfu grinned, with an unconcealable joy on his face.

"Happy event? Hahaha, what's the matter, isn't the poor man wrong?"

Master Li was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.


Someone snorted secretly, and asked curiously: "Director Anfu, what is the happy event, tell us."

Don't look at An Fu as just a manager, these civil and military officials don't dare to neglect him at all.

Not for anything else, but for the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, the head of Anfu.

Daluo Jinxian cannot be bullied, every Daluo has embarked on his own unique path, jumped out of the five elements, and is no longer in reincarnation.

Chief Anfu shook his head, and said mysteriously: "Everyone will find out soon, I will leave you poorly!"

After all, Chief Anfu patted his ass and left, leaving behind a group of civil and military officials who were scratching their heads.

But Yue Mu just teleported to Qianqiu Palace, and was shocked by the situation in front of him.

His wife, who was graceful and noble in the past, but with a strong wrist, was now hugging a man in black with her head bowed, crying bitterly.

Although he didn't see the man's face clearly, Yue Mu's heart still beat uncontrollably.

Unknowingly, he took steps and walked over.


Yue Mu called softly.

The Empress Empress, who was crying bitterly, shivered suddenly, raised her tearful eyes, and looked at Yue Mu.

"Mu Lang, Mu Lang, our son, our son, is back!"

The empress was filled with grief and joy, and her mind was agitated. She was overwhelmed with joy and sorrow, and the shock almost caused her to go mad.

"Danyang, relax."

Yue Mu's palm was attached to the queen's vest, gently comforting her.

However, the queen straightened up, revealing Yuehui who was kneeling on the ground.

With just one glance, Yue Mu knew that the boy in black who was weeping silently in front of him was his eldest son who had been missing for many years.

However, his gaze was like a torch, but he could see the difference between Yue Hui.

He took a deep breath, blinked vigorously, suppressed the churning thoughts in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Get up, help your mother, and go to the hall."

Yue Hui raised his head and looked at the heroic and strong Great Zhou Emperor in front of him.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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This is his father, the father who would rather be seriously injured than protect their mother and child.

Looking back at him more and more, unconsciously, there was a little admiration.

"Yes, father."

He stood up, supported the queen's other arm, and the family of three walked towards the main hall of Qianqiu Palace.

Princess Jinyang, who had been watching from the sidelines, wiped away tears at this moment, hesitated for a moment, and followed.

The maid standing in front of the palace and holding the little prince was already stunned by everything in front of her eyes.


The voice of the little prince looking for his mother suddenly woke her up.

Holding the little prince in her arms, she quickly stepped aside, waiting for the emperor and queen to enter the palace.

When everyone approached, the maid looked at the black-clothed and high-hatted Yue Hui, and immediately gasped.


The little prince in his arms suddenly stretched out his hands, tugged at Yuehui's sleeves, and cried softly.

The more he looked back, the little guy was so familiar. Could it be the fate between brothers?

He frowned, let go of the big hand supporting the queen, and pulled the little prince out of the maid's arms.

The little prince nestled in his arms, licking his fingers, grinning his small mouth with small teeth, watching him drooling.

A group of people entered the hall, Yue Hui handed the little prince to the maid, and knelt down with a "plop" to the Great Zhou Emperor and Empress who were sitting side by side, and kowtowed heavily.

"The more unfilial children come back, see their parents!"

"More back, back"

The Queen's tears flowed down again.

Yue Hui had the order of the Emperor of the Underworld with him to cover up the secrets, but in the realm of the Queen's Golden Immortal, he did not see any abnormalities.

However, as Daoist Daoist, Yue Mu is now face to face with Yuehui, and he can see something unusual.

He patted the back of the queen's hand and comforted him: "Now that my son has returned, it should be a celebration of the whole world, don't cry."

Hearing what he said, the queen finally held back her tears and pulled Yue Hui back up.

Seeing that she was getting back into the black and impermanent attire, she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"My son, why, why are you in the nether world?"

The Queen's lips trembled, her heart was sad, but she still asked.

"Who made my son fall into the netherworld, tell mother, mother will avenge you!"

When it came to the end, the queen was already gnashing her teeth, the hatred in her eyes wanted to burn Jiuchongtian down.

In an instant, the entire imperial city was overwhelmed by dark clouds, thunder was bursting, and the wind and rain were about to come.

Yue Hui was startled, and quickly shook his head: "Mother, I'm fine, there are some twists and turns in this matter, just listen to me."

The empress frowned lightly and nodded slightly.

Yue Mu also nodded slightly, and motioned: "Sit down first, and speak slowly."

At this time, Princess Jinyang also found a place to sit down by herself, ready to listen to the story.

"It all started when my mother opened a rift in space and threw me in."

The more he sorted out his thoughts, he told the beginning of everything.

When she heard that her son was in the orphanage when he was a child, he was lonely and suffered a lot, the queen's tears flowed silently again.

Yue Mu secretly sighed, and gently wiped away her tears.

He thought to himself, he should be happy that his son is back.

Fortunately, she shed more tears today than she shed all these years combined.

When she later heard that her son was hit by a car, his soul traveled through space, and was reincarnated, the empress was stunned.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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