
Chapter 579

The more I watched from the sidelines, I just felt amazed.

It turns out that not only the little demon can act, but the acting skills of these two thugs are also not bad.

At this moment, he only felt that the water in the Great Thousand World was so deep, and he really wanted to go back to the underworld.

Compared with them, his colleagues are simply too simple.

General Luo sized them up a few times, shook his head slowly, and said: "No, this is the carriage frame of Princess Jinyang. I want to see the queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Idlers are not allowed to collide with them. You wait to move away quickly, otherwise, don't worry about it." Blame this general for being hot!"

Fifth Brother Qingpao secretly twitched the corners of his mouth, hurriedly took out a bag of fairy stones from the storage space, and walked forward.

Wu Jinhu's head gun pulled out the gun flower, and shot out a burst of spiritual light, which was drawn on the open space in front of him.


General Luo's eyes showed coldness, and he pointed his gun at Fifth Brother in Qingpao.

"Hey, hey, this bag of fairy spirit stones is the cost of protecting my brothers. Please accept it with a smile, and give it to the brothers."

Fifth Brother Qingpao had a flattering smile on his face, making his simple and honest face extremely weird.

General Luo stared fixedly at Fifth Brother Qingpao for a long time, when he picked up the tip of his spear, the bag of fairy stones fell into his palm.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, this general will allow you!"

The two thugs in green robes and yellow robes just showed happy smiles, so General Luo might as well say: "However, you two are familiar with Da Zhou, so you should lead the way ahead."

The fifth brother in Qingpao moved his five fingers, scolding his mother in his heart.

This little boy is not easy to deceive, if he knew that he would just go forward and do it, but now he has lost a bag of fairy stones, what a bad luck!

The man in yellow robe moved his lips. Just as he was about to speak, he was pinched by the fifth elder brother in green robe, causing his face to contort for a moment in pain.

"Why, this brother is seriously injured? How about I return the fairy stone to you, so that he will not fall here and be tainted with bad luck."

General Luo made a gesture to throw out the bag of fairy stones.

Fifth Brother Qingpao hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, he just suffered some internal injuries, he will be healed soon, he will be healed soon!"

"Oh? If that's the case, let's go!"

General Luo pulled the reins and ordered.

"Hey, hey! Our brothers are leading the way right now."

The fifth elder brother in green robe bowed his head, supported the man in yellow robe and swayed forward.

General Luo bent his mouth and rode his horse to follow.

Yuehui watched a good show in the back, laughed silently, and deeply felt that General Luo was also a wonderful person.

He firmly grasped the order of the Emperor of the Underworld, and silently followed the frame of Princess Jinyang, raised his mind, and floated towards the Skull Mountain together.

The more I observed carefully, I found that the team was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and every soldier was holding his spear tightly, changing the formation unconsciously.

The guards were chatting and laughing, but the sabers in their waists had been quietly unsheathed.

This is a team of elite soldiers and strong generals!

More back to the conclusion.


Suddenly, the sound of the piano sounded, and the aura of immortality flowed, spreading from the gorgeous fragrant car.

There are few fairy sounds, and the sound waves flow, echoing under the Skull Mountain.

The fifth elder brother in green robe who was walking in the front had a more genuine smile on his face.

This noble princess, who is really inexperienced, dares to have fun at the foot of our Skull Mountain.

I'm afraid I don't know how to write the word dead!

The two real immortal bandits were sure of winning, as if they had seen countless resources, which made people feel weak after counting.

Unknowingly, the sound of the piano turned into trickles and floated into the air.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yuehui followed beside the chariot, his eyes fell on Princess Jinyang through the gauze curtain.

Her green waist is unbearable to hold, her temples are drooping, jasper and phoenix hairpins are inserted obliquely, and her jade fingers are caressing the strings of the piano. Her posture is enchanting, and there is a kind of luxurious charm, which is soul-stirring.

Before he knew it, he was stunned.

Princess Jinyang, who was playing the piano, frowned slightly. She always felt that someone was peeping beside her, but besides her confidant maid, there was only a little demon white-haired weasel beside her.

Obviously, it is impossible for these few to escape her true immortal's eyes and spy on her.

Princess Jinyang attributed this feeling to the bandits on Skull Mountain, gritted his teeth, and the rhythm in his hands changed unconsciously.


A strange buzzing sound resounded from high above the sky, awakening Yue Hui who was in a daze.

He looked up, his expression suddenly changed.

At a height of hundreds of feet, a large net shining with five colors of light was falling rapidly, and it was about to cover it.


As soon as the fairy voice changed, it turned into the momentum of a sword, soaring into the sky, and slashed towards the big net.

"Five Poison Long Smoke Basket!"

Princess Jinyang's almond eyes narrowed, obviously recognizing this strange treasure.

The voice fell into Yuehui's ears, and with a twitch of his heart, he guessed that it must be a highly poisonous thing, ordinary people, etc., must not touch it directly with body.

However, as an impermanent ghost, he can change invisibly, but he is not afraid.

Immortal sound becomes invisible, and cuts towards the five poisonous smoke baskets.

In an instant, this rare treasure was chopped until it made a golden sound.

"It's actually made of black gold and real iron. It's a shame, what a pity!"

Princess Jinyang shook his head, and with a movement of his fingertips, his fingers seemed to be piercing flowers, and the fairy voice changed again.

Heavenly voices came down, like the roar of the avenue, and turned into a god of thunder beating drums, and the hammer of the mother of lightning slammed on the five poisonous smoke baskets!

In an instant, this strange treasure burst into celestial light, and the ideas were scattered, and black smoke rose directly.

Bursts of scorched smell floated from the colorful net and fell with the wind, making the soldiers below almost want to vomit.

Fortunately, the poisonous smoke was blown away by Tianyin, and the poison was much weaker. Otherwise, these soldiers would be tricked at once.

"What a heavenly piano!"

A broken gong-like voice, full of endless killing intent, came from the air with gnashing of teeth.

It's not hard to imagine how angry its owner would be if the spirit treasure was broken.

However, Princess Jinyang didn't even lift her eyelids, and her cherry lips parted slightly: "Flying camp dogs, people who hide their heads and tails, are not worthy of talking to this palace."

Yue Hui almost burst out laughing when he heard it.

Now, the person whose spirit treasure has been broken is afraid that his nose will be crooked.

Sure enough, the aura surged on the Skull Mountain, and several extremely powerful fairy lights shot up into the sky, dispelling the dark wind and black mist on the Skull Mountain, revealing a hideous strange rock.

At this moment, General Luo in front moved.

Wu Jinhu's spear turned into shadows of spears, and swung towards the two thugs in green robes and yellow robes in front of him.

It all happened between lightning and flint.

The two thugs were about to find an opportunity to make a sneak attack, but General Luo preempted them and fell into the shadow of the guns.

"Array! Kill!"

The soldiers guarding the frame of the county master joined together, twisted into one strand, turned into a ferocious spear dragon, and charged towards the Skull Mountain with the momentum of thunder.

The scene became chaotic in an instant.

Inside the incense car, Princess Jinyang's fingertips did not stop, and the sound of killing and cutting rushed out from the Tianyinqin, cutting straight for nine days.

Around her, the maids were all armed with magic weapons and looked around vigilantly.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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