
Chapter 581

General Luo wanted to turn back to the ground to rescue Princess Jinyang, but was held back by three real immortals, wanting to go mad.


A violent murderous aura rushed out of his body, wrapped in the Wujin Tiger Head Spear, and pierced one of the real immortals in an instant.


Wu Jinhu's spear tip suddenly burst into a strange light, and the real immortal disappeared without a word.

However, the two sides fought each other, and there were still two true immortals attacking with the Houtian Lingbao.

General Luo had no choice but to stand up and fight the enemy, hoping that the princess could hold on for a while, and he would come to rescue him after a quick battle.

Inside the chariot, Princess Jinyang didn't care to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, pulled out the Jasper-chan phoenix hairpin from his head, and swiped it into the air!

In an instant, blue waves surged into the sky, and the Milky Way suddenly appeared.

It seemed that a galaxy formed between the two, and the big palm slapped in the green waves, splashing thousands of feet of waves.

At this time, Princess Jinyang had already recovered, leaned on the Tianyinqin, and played the Dao Tianyin.

In an instant, the road roared again, the war song restarted, turned into thousands of weapons, and bombarded towards the big palm.

Beside the chariot, Yuehui breathed a sigh of relief, and gently put down the reincarnation clock he had lifted.

However, before he could truly relax, above the nine heavens, a flying sword exuding a killing intent suddenly broke through the space and slashed towards him.

The flying sword disappeared like a ghost, directly crossed the distance of space, and appeared on the chariot in an instant.

At this moment, don't say that General Luo, who is above the nine heavens, can't react in time.

Even Princess Jinyang, who was playing the piano in the chariot, couldn't handle it.

Princess Jinyang only had time to divert the sound of the piano, intending to resist the attack of the flying sword.

However, this flying sword was extremely fierce, completely unusual.

Wherever it passed, any weapons and magic weapons transformed by the war song collapsed one after another, and they were powerless to resist.

In the pupils of Princess Jinyang, a look of fear finally appeared.

It's too late, it's too soon.

God, it suddenly got dark!

"Clang, clang, clang"

Strange and deep bells rang continuously, shaking the world.

Princess Jinyang was startled, and quickly looked intently.

But on the chariot, a huge silver bell was buckled on the chariot, protecting it firmly.

The flying sword slashed on the big clock continuously, only making the body of the clock shake non-stop, but it didn't force it back half a step.

Princess Jinyang was startled, and stood up instantly in shock, searching around with a pair of almond eyes, intending to find the owner of the big clock.


In a trance, there seemed to be the sound of an iron chain echoing.

The pitch-black iron chain stretched out from the side of the chariot, and quickly twisted towards the flying sword!

Princess Jinyang hurriedly came to the side of the chariot and looked at where the iron chain came from.

However, even if she opened a hole nearby, she didn't see half a person.

She couldn't help being a little frustrated, so she picked up the Tianyinqin again and started to play it with a flick of her fingers.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The flying sword slashed sharply, creating cracks in the void, and bombarded the big clock continuously.

Above the nine heavens, the big palm struck again, swiftly slapping on the iron chain!

The iron chain trembled for a while, and shot backwards.

Yuehui's body involuntarily retreated hundreds of feet along with the ecstasy chain.

"The soul-hooking chain! Where is the ghost, dare to interfere in the affairs of the world, aren't you afraid of being blamed by the king of Hades?"

On the Skull Mountain, there was a burst of shouting.

"Bah! The young master is afraid of you!"

Yuehui wiped the silver blood on his mouth, flew up, and slapped the reincarnation clock with his palm.


Hong Zhong Da Lu, the brilliant voice resounded through the world in an instant.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The flying sword was blasted back by the force of the counter-shock, and the terrifying big hand gradually became loose.

"Hmph! Since you don't follow the rules, don't blame me for keeping you here!"


The flying sword skyrocketed, slashing again at a faster and fiercer speed.

The sky was split, and the space was cut into cracks, like a series of hideous wounds, covering this area.

Above the nine heavens, the big palm came again, and wherever it passed, there was a continuous roar, and its power was unparalleled.


Princess Jinyang's eyes widened, Bi Yuzan's phoenix hairpin was drawn out again, and a blue wave was drawn between the big bell and the giant palm.

However, it was a bit difficult for her to cope with a peak true immortal.

Now that the two Peak True Immortals shot at the same time, the Galaxy Ariel only lasted for a breath before dissipating into the air.

However, this breath time also gave Yuehui a chance to react.

He grabbed the reincarnation clock with one hand, lifted it, and swung it towards the flying sword and giant palm.

Inside the chariot, Princess Jinyang stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the person who suddenly appeared in the sky, and even forgot to play the piano.

The cultivator, who was tall and tall and had an exceptionally handsome face, had star-like eyes emitting a piercing cold light at this moment.

However, he was wearing black clothes and a tall hat, which was clearly black impermanence!

"How could it be Heiwuchang? I have never seen this lord before?"

Princess Jinyang was a little puzzled.

However, after taking a closer look at Yue, she frowned slightly: "This lord, why does he look familiar?"

She also thought about it for a moment, then dropped the idea.

The current situation is difficult and dangerous, and she dare not be distracted.

However, when she played again and attacked back with the help of Dao Tianyin, she realized that this Lord Wuchang was only in the realm of a ghost general.

"How can this be good?"

This Master Wuchang was in a lower realm than hers, and he dared to come forward to save her, which made her stunned for a moment.

After all, Yue Hui's realm was too low, and he was powerless to deal with the two peak true immortals.

Therefore, he couldn't do anything when he saw something happening, he turned his eyes and stared at the Underworld Emperor's Token in his hand.

"Master, Master, this disciple has nothing else to do now. If you don't use this treasure, you may lose your life. Please forgive me!"

He muttered a sentence, seeing Feijian slashing again, he didn't care about waiting for the Emperor of the Underworld's response, and directly raised his hand.

The pitch-black token, with its small side, floats in the void like black charcoal.

When the flying sword and giant palm struck, Yuehui stood on the reincarnation clock, motionless.

"Hmph! The kid wants to die!"

"Destroy me!"

On the Skull Mountain, there were two violent shouts in succession.

"Be careful, get out of the way!"

Princess Jinyang was so anxious that she wished to tear him down.

Yue Hui was unmoved, he didn't even lift his eyelids, and let the flying sword slash sharply.


The flying sword slashed on the token, making a crisp impact sound.

But, soon, under the amazed eyes of everyone, the whole flying sword was broken inch by inch, and turned into dust in the blink of an eye.

The owner of the giant palm who followed behind was shocked immediately, but it was too late to reverse the trend, so he could only watch helplessly as the giant palm bombarded the token.


There was a light slapping sound, the token did not move at all, but the giant palm disappeared into the air without a sound.

"This, this is the Order of the Underworld Emperor!"

The screams of fear sounded from the Skull Mountain, resounding through the world.

In the nine heavens, General Luo had just killed two enemies when he heard the terrified screams.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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