
Chapter 578 Stunning Beauty

Fortunately, Yuehui is impermanent, possesses a yin spirit body, can switch between yin and yang, and floats similar to the mid-thousand world, without effort.

Perhaps, this is the special feature of people in the underworld.

The white-haired weasel ran for more than [-] miles before barely stopping.

Then, I saw it lying on the ground, kicking all four limbs together, finally kicking all four legs sharply, it stood up again, did not adjust its breath, but looked straight ahead.

Seeing this, the more I realized, it should be the frame of Princess Jinyang, and it had arrived.

Sure enough, banners fluttered in the distance, and a large group of soldiers guarded a very luxurious chariot, which seemed to be driving towards this side slowly but really fast.

At the very front of the chariot, a group of well-equipped guards who were in the realm of cultivating the virtual and the Dao were looking around and walking cautiously.

In front of this team of guards, a young general dressed in golden armor and holding a Wujin Tiger Head Spear was riding forward.

The more I looked back, I realized that I couldn't see through his realm.

It seems that this guy is at least in the late stage of the True Immortal, known as the True Monarch.

In just this moment, the team of guards had already come to the front.


The young general frowned, and suddenly stopped his horse.

He looked at the weasel standing upright in front of him, Wujin Hu pointed his spear forward, and shouted: "You little monster, why are you blocking the way here? If you don't tell me how ugly you are, you won't be polite! "

Yue Hui stood on the spot, waiting for the action of the white-haired weasel.

We've come to this point, we've passed the most dangerous section of the road, there's no reason to fall here.

The white-haired weasel flinched, put his hands together, and knelt down with a "plop".

"General Qi, the little demon has something important to report. There are bandits on the Skull Mountain in front of him who want to kidnap the princess. After learning about it, the little demon rushed to remind the princess. I hope the general will make preparations early!"

After all, the white-haired weasel kowtowed to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.


The young general let out a loud shout, and with a sudden move, he captured the white-haired weasel in his hands.

The momentum on his body soared to the sky, and the violent murderous aura poured out, which shocked Baimao to the point of death.

Yuehui was also taken aback suddenly, and he held onto Hades Emperor Ling's palm, unconsciously tightening it.

This man is so murderous!

It seems that his position in the Daqing Dynasty is not unusual.

The purpose of the Princess Jinyang's trip is intriguing.

"You will be recruited from the truth, otherwise, no wonder this general will beat you to the bone without mercy!"

The young general said in a serious tone.

The white-haired weasel was so horrified that he couldn't say a word, so he nodded repeatedly, fearing that if he was too slow, his neck would be broken.

"General Luo, let go of it and let it talk."

Suddenly, a clear and beautiful female voice came from behind.

General Luo's hand loosened unconsciously.

The white-haired weasel fell to the ground and coughed a few times before straightening out.

The more he raised his head and looked back, his chest stood up unconsciously.

I saw the enchanting figure of Ping Ting standing quietly on the chariot of the gorgeous and dancing chariot.

Her lips are red without spots, her eyebrows are green without painting, her face is like a lotus, she is astonishingly beautiful, her eyes are like water apricots, with misty waves flowing, she looks straight to this side.

He wears a golden phoenix hairpin on his head, emerald jade on his waist, a skirt pressed by spirit beads, emerald green smoked gauze, fluttering robes, and a light train.

With this attire, it seems that she is the Princess of Jinyang.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Yuehui never expected that the Princess Jinyang, who had something to do with him, was actually a stunning beauty.

However, he quickly came back to his senses, and his eyes fell on the realm of Princess Jinyang.

This princess doesn't seem to be very old, but he actually has the early stage of a true immortal, and it seems that his talent must be extremely terrifying.

At this time, the white-haired weasel had recovered, and hastily kowtowed to Princess Jinyang: "Thank you Princess for your kindness, and the little demon will make a long story short."

Afterwards, the white-haired weasel told the story of how it learned the news from the black-haired weasel and the hardships of the journey.

After finishing speaking, it lowered its head deeply, waiting for Princess Jinyang to make a decision.

After a long time, Princess Jinyang sighed and said with emotion: "I came here from a long distance, and I thought I would be alone from now on, and I would never have a home to return to."

"But I didn't expect that there is such a warm heart as you, and you are not afraid of hardships and dangers to inform me. I am really moved."

"Princess, it's just coming to join you and want some benefits!"

General Luo frowned and reminded.

Princess Jinyang tilted his head and asked back: "So what? I'm afraid many people have heard the news, why haven't others come to inform me without fear of danger?"

General Luo choked, and simply shouted at the white-haired weasel: "If you have half a lie, don't blame this general for being rude!"

Bai Mao shook his head again and again: "Don't dare, dare not, how dare the little monster talk nonsense, the general will know after walking a few hundred miles."

General Luo nodded, and snorted: "What a Skull Mountain, it really has the guts of a bear, and even my princess in Daqing dares to make a decision, it really deserves to die!"

He was full of murderous aura, and shouted to the rear: "Everyone is on alert, if the princess loses a hair, this general will ask for you!"

His might was so powerful that the entire convoy suddenly responded.

The sound made the white-haired weasel flinch again. Princess Jinyang beckoned and called it up: "Come up for a rest, don't be afraid."

Perhaps it was the gentle voice of Princess Jinyang, the white-haired weasel really stood up and walked towards the chariot.

General Luo was so angry that he snorted coldly, and he didn't care about what was going on behind him, so he beat his horse and ran forward.

The convoy behind followed immediately, but the atmosphere in the team became more serious.

The white-haired weasel ran for an entire afternoon, and only ran [-] miles.

And the convoy only drove for an hour, and saw the Skull Mountain from a distance.

General Luo lifted the reins and reined in the horse.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards Skull Mountain.

Naturally, I saw the two real immortal bandits guarding in front of the Skull Mountain.

"Heh, it seems that Skull Mountain's handwriting is not small."

Even the watchers have the period of true immortality, this Skull Mountain, I am afraid it will be difficult.

General Luo muttered in his heart, but he didn't say anything to hurt morale.

He tightened the Wujin Tiger Head Spear in his hand, and led the team forward slowly.

The two true immortal thugs who were waiting at the border of Skull Mountain had long been impatient.

At this time, seeing the convoy of Princess Jinyang finally arrived, I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The two exchanged glances, and the fifth elder brother in green robe quickly crushed the jade talisman in his hand, and walked up while supporting the man in yellow robe.

"Fellow daoists, my brother was accidentally injured, and I can't speak. The Skull Mountain ahead is too dangerous. Can you give us a break?"

The fifth elder brother in Qingpao made a bow, and with a look of anxiety on his simple and honest face, he begged.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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