
Chapter 575 Can You Blame Me?

As Heiwuchang, his special magic weapon, in addition to the soul-hunting chain, also has a seal representing Heiwuchang's identity.

This talisman is the size of a palm, shiny black, and there is a blood-red tick under the seal.

The seal of impermanence can communicate with its subordinate ghosts at any time, and can also control these ghosts through the seal.

Of course, it also includes the role of the ecstasy token, which is extremely important.

The more I tried to brand my spiritual consciousness in this talisman, I saw that it was empty inside, and there was not a single ghost of a subordinate.

He looked at Pei Xin in surprise.

But seeing him slap his forehead, he suddenly said: "Now the transfer in the hall has just started, and the office has not vacated space, and naturally no ghost messenger has been assigned to you."

"Didn't you have a wish unfulfilled? Take this opportunity and hurry up!"

Pei Xin winked at him and reminded.

Yue Hui's eyes lit up, and he immediately grinned.

He adjusted the tall cap of impermanence on his head, carried the chain of ecstasy, and walked out of the hall of impermanence amidst the astonished eyes of many impermanences in the hall.

"Is that kid Yuehui?"

someone asked in surprise.

"It's him. It's good to have a background. He can use resources as he pleases, and he can be promoted as he pleases. It's only been a while, and he's actually on an equal footing with me."

There are also people who are unbalanced and say two sour words.

At that moment, someone joked: "Don't be angry, you will look better in the next life, maybe you can be liked by the princess, and then the person I envy will become you."

The person who said this just now blushed in embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, I'll get to work soon, be careful that Mr. Hei Wuchang heard it, you guys will feel better!"

Someone stood up to smooth things over, and the impermanent crowd dispersed immediately, and went back to work honestly.

Outside the Hall of Impermanence, Yuehui rolled his eyes and muttered: "Bah, my young master is obviously relying on his own strength to make a living, so you deserve to be ugly!"

He muttered a few words, straightened his black impermanent clothes, and swaggered out of hell.

As for why Yuehui chose the Heiwuchang faction, the reason is also very simple.

Naturally, Heiwuchang is aggressive and powerful, and often roams the heavens and worlds to calm chaos and eliminate evil.

Hei Wuchang was regarded as his goal in life earlier.

As for a higher position, he has not considered it for the time being.

For example, the Palace of Judges and the Palace of Hades are extremely unfree, and the more they return, the more they don't want to be trapped in this underworld.

Outside the gate of hell, the bull-headed horse stared blankly at Yue Hui, who took out the seal of impermanence, opened the Nether Passage, and stepped in.

"Hey, Brother Ma, am I right? How did this kid advance so quickly? It's only been a while, and he's going to be a ghost general!"

Niutou's eyes widened, and he rubbed his eyes a few times in disbelief before confirming that he was right.

Ma Mian also had an unbelievable look on his face, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

But he managed to stabilize himself, coughed lightly, and said: "I don't even look at his background. Isn't it a matter of time before he becomes a ghost general? He's just faster, nothing unusual."

The bull's head hummed twice, and the bull's eyes like copper bells looked at the horse's face for a while, and his horse's face was stretched out.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go on duty, be careful and someone will accuse you of playing the crime of neglecting duty!"

Ma Mian urged uncomfortably.

"No, brother Ma, you said how many years you have been guarding this ghost gate, and the treatment is not bad, why are you still a late ghost general?"

Niutou didn't seem to see the horse's face that instantly darkened, and still muttered to himself: "I'm about to advance to Guishuai, when will you advance?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Ma Mian was heartbroken, stretched out his big hand, and slapped him into the gate of hell, humming: "Old Xie is here, why don't you go back soon!"

Niutou became honest in an instant, and there was no more sound.

But he said that Yue Hui opened the Nether Passage, leading directly to the Qingwei Great World.

After a burst of dark and profound teleportation, "pata", the more it landed on a deserted hill.

This is the place he randomly selected by marking the Great Zhou Dynasty on the talisman. At this moment, it seems that it is not close to the emperor.

At this time, it was late at night, and the sky was pitch black, which was when the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Yue Hui shook the hook chain and walked towards the imperial city.

However, just after taking two steps, he stopped again.

Not far away, two thin voices were speaking.

One of them said: "Hey brother, did you hear a strange sound? It seems to be the sound of chains dragging the floor!"

"What's the matter, here in the wilderness, there are ghosts haunting from time to time, it's normal!"

Another voice said indifferently.

"Brother, you are clean and comfortable here. Brother, I really can't get along in the imperial city, so I have to go to you."

At first the voice sighed.

"Hey, my place is very remote, I don't have anything good to eat, I just want to be safe."

Another voice asked a little strangely: "I heard that the people in the imperial city live and work in peace and contentment, and there are officers and soldiers patrolling from time to time, but is it true?"

"That's true, otherwise, brother, I wouldn't be able to get along! There are strange beasts in those patrols, and their noses are extremely sensitive, and they specialize in catching spies."

"Several times, I was almost caught as a spy. I was so frightened that I had to escape outside the city to make a living."

The voice that claimed to be the elder brother said with lingering fear.

"What are you afraid of? Although the Great Zhou Dynasty has not been established for a long time, the emperor is very talented, wise and powerful. How could he wrong a good person?"

Another voice snorted: "Furthermore, the empress misses her son very much, and she must accumulate merits for the eldest prince so that she will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. You must have done something wrong, so hurry up and tell the truth!"

The old man groaned for a long time, then said with a sneer: "Hey, I'm not afraid of brother's jokes, I didn't do anything, I just accidentally saw a little daughter-in-law taking a bath."

"That white flower, scared me so much that I was stunned, and then I was accidentally seen, thinking that I was peeking on purpose, and I was kicked out of ten streets!"


Another voice laughed uncontrollably.

"Can you blame me for this? Even if I see it, I can't do anything. It's too much!"

The old man was still indignant: "Another time, a chick fell into the water, and I just passed there and rescued it."

"I don't know, people thought I was going to steal a chicken, and kicked me out of eighteen streets!"

"Tell me, can this be my fault?"

"Once again, a little kid got lost, and I kindly sent him back, but in the end, someone thought he was stealing food from a child, and was almost caught and beaten to death!"

"Tell me, can this be my fault?"

This old man was so desperate that he wanted to avenge his grievances, he really shed tears when he saw it, and was sad when he heard it!

"hee hee ha ha"

Another voice couldn't help laughing wildly.

Its voice was shrill, and in the middle of the night in the wilderness, it kept reverberating, it was creepy to hear, and it made people get goosebumps.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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